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A multipronged approach to innovation: The Mauritius Case Study

Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy / Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, (P)2287-1608; (E)2287-1616
2022, v.11 no.1, pp.50-68
Madhvee Madhou (Mauritius Research and Innovation Council)
Salma Bibi Moosun (Mauritius Research and Innovation Council)
Divya Naginlal Modi-Nagowah (Mauritius Research and Innovation Council)
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Innovation is broadly defined as the creation or adoption of new ideas and technologies, which has become an instrumental tool to determine the success and development level of a country as it leads to competitiveness and productivity of companies. Innovation is influenced by many factors including geographic and socio-economic factors as well as a political framework. In fact, innovation is systemic in nature, and it focuses on interactions amongst a nexus of processes such as Research and Development (R&D), production, business, and education, amongst other factors. However, not all innovation ecosystems have the same architectural models or internal collaboration. This paper aims to review the structure of the National Innovation Ecosystem by highlighting the different actions taken by the Government of Mauritius over the years. The multipronged approach of the government will be demonstrated through the different lines of actions to boost the innovation culture and offers a foundation for other small island developing state to follow to be at par with other innovative economies

Systemic innovation, Research and Development, Funding, Education, Technologies, National innovation Ecosystem



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Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy