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Success and Failure Factors of Technology Commercialization: A Korean Case

Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy / Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, (P)2287-1608; (E)2287-1616
2014, v.3 no.1, pp.25-49

Chang-Ryong, Ko (Renovare Consulting)


We wanted to show the different group dynamics of factors for success and failure cases for technology commercialization in small technology-based firms. Existing studies are based on product level, project level, division level or firm level. We deal with technology level, and at small-technology-based firms. This is a longitudinal case study based on 8 cases from Korea. Our study on technology level is a first trial in success and failure studies unlike all existing studies. As a first step, we introduced new categories and factors such as technology attributes and CEO reflecting data, and especially a new concept of launch readiness level. Finally, we adopted correspondence analysis to show the group dynamics. The results are as follows; Technology factors are the most important factors. Second, resource-based factors are more critical in failure cases than success cases and technology factors are more critical to success.

Launch readiness level, technological attributes, commercialization of technology, success and failure factors, correspondence analysis, small technology-based firms



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Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy