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  • P-ISSN2287-1608
  • E-ISSN2287-1616
  • KCI

The Moderating Effect of Operations Efficiency on the Links between Environmental Performance and Financial Performance: The UK Evidence

Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy / Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, (P)2287-1608; (E)2287-1616
2015, v.4 no.1, pp.76-102
Ramakrishnan Ramanathan (University of Bedfordshire Business School)


Drawing upon the resource-based-view of a firm, we investigate the moderating role of operations efficiency on the link between environmental and financial performance. Extant literature has highlighted that operations efficiency is closely associated with the environmental/financial performance of firms, but no empirical study has investigated how operations efficiency affects the link between environmental and financial performance. We argue that operations efficiency could act as a moderator of this relationship. To test the hypothesized relationships, we have used available secondary quantitative UK data, namely data on the environmental/financial performance of Britain’s most admired companies. By employing moderated regression analysis, we have found strong evidence for the moderating impact of operations efficiency. Our results are useful to managers in that they show that improvements in operations efficiency in a company can also help improve environmental/financial performance and vice versa.

Environmental performance, financial performance, operations efficiency, resource-based-view



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Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy