ISSN : 2287-1608
The aim of paper is to develop an alternative framework for the study of technological innovation systems. In contrast with conventional literature, this analytical framework is designed for entrepreneurs, i.e. actors, at the micro level rather than policy-makers at the meso or macro level. Herein, the entrepreneurial innovation system is conceptually refined by synthesizing knowledge regarding technological innovation and innovation systems. Drawing upon the intrinsic technological identity essential for innovation, the entrepreneurial innovation system is shown to involve three core changes in terms of technology, organization and market, and their couplings within its internal boundary over time. This analytical framework also takes into account the fact that the innovation system is influenced by and copes with the external environment during its evolution. Moreover, the framework of the entrepreneurial innovation system considers the recent trend of sustainable development. The technical and socio-economic characteristics of a nuclear power system are studied empirically to articulate an analytical framework that should be very useful for technological innovation in other energy systems by reflecting their unique features.
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