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Lessons from Korea’s Response to COVID-19: Missing Factors of Sectoral Innovation System

Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy / Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, (P)2287-1608; (E)2287-1616
2020, v.9 no.2, pp.106-132
Sungsoo Seol
Chang-Ryong, Ko


This study intends to add a factor to the discussion on the sectoral systems of innovation through Korea’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Korean approach is summarized as follows: the first response centers on technology and innovation. These include the development of diagnostic test methods and accurate test kits, first in the world, the use of ICT technology in epidemiological investigations, the technical response in the field, and the competitive edge in the development of medicine and vaccines that were behind the developed countries. The second response is an aggressive effort implemented just after the Chinese announcement, before the domestic outbreak; the third response is the open policy that induces voluntary participation of all subjects and people by opening all information. More important is the leadership at the national level shown in the past Korean experience and most advanced countries. National leadership must be the missing factor

Korean response to COVID-19, test kits for coronavirus, medicine for coronavirus, vaccine for coronavirus, sectoral systems of innovation



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Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy