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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

Study on the Treatment of Hydrogen Chlorde Gas used in Semiconductor Process by using Gas Adsorptioj Agents such as Zeolite Resins, AnO, and AgMnO3

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
2003, v.16 no.3, pp.218-225

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Hydrogen Chloride is among the most problematic gases used in semiconductor process. It raises serious environmental and health problems due to its extreme toxicity. This study is to develop a method to effectively remove hydrogen chloride gas during the process by using various types of inorganic gas adsorption agents, which have not been attempted in the conventional methods. The removal efficiency of the gas was both qualitatively and quantitatively measured by a FT-IR spectrophotometer. The whole device for the measurement has been designed and built in our lab. The removal efficiencies of hydrogen chloride gas were compared between those tested resins; zeolite A, modified AgA zeolite, ZnO, and <TEX>$AgMnO_3$</TEX>. The experimental result revealed that ZnO showed the best efficiency that had removed 0.067 g of HCl per 1 g of the resin used.

HCl gas treatment, Zeolite, <TEX>$AgMnO_3$</TEX>, ZnO, Semiconductor process

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Analytical Science and Technology