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Vol.1 No.1

Seung-Hun Cho(Department of Neuropsychiatry, Hospital of Korean Medicine, Kyung-Hee University Medical Center, Kyu) ; Young-Sick Kim(Kyung Hee University) ; Hyun-Ja Jeong ; Hyung Min KIM(Kyung Hee University) pp.1-1

Medicine has a past, a present, and will have a future; the same can be said for many diseases. Even with the surprising development of modern medicine, traditional medicine, especially eastern Asian traditional medicines still exist and are widely used in those regions. But modern medicine and western pacific traditional medicines have different theories and applications for the same disease. In this review, traditional medical theory, used together with modern medicine, can be combined to shed light on the area of neuronal death.

Vikas Kumar(Banaras Hindu University) ; Ajit Kumar Thakur(Banaras Hindu University) ; Narottam Dev Barothia(Banaras Hindu University) ; Shyam Sunder Chatterjee(Stettiner Straße 1, 76139, Karlsruhe, Ge) pp.2-2

Diverse medicinal uses of different types of products obtainable from Brassica juncea have been known for centuries. Most such traditionally known uses of the plant have been centered on its seeds and oils obtainable from them. During more recent decades diverse bio-active molecules and their therapeutically interesting pharmacological properties of its green edible leaves have also been described, and they are now often considered to be effective substitutes for other so called “healthy” Brassica vegetables. However, little concentrated effort has yet been made to obtain a pharmacologically better defined phyto-pharmaceutical from this easily cultivable plant of commercial interest in many underdeveloped and developing countries. The main aim of this overview is to point out some possibilities for designing and developing such products from the plant for combating the rapidly spreading obesity epidemic in the developed countries and some other countries. Efforts to achieve such goals could as well be an economically more feasible, and culturally more acceptable, starting point for better understanding the potential health benefits of other vegetarian foods.

Viroj Wiwanitkit(Hainan Medical University) pp.3-3

Emerging infectious diseases are usually a public concern. The presence of new emerging infectious diseases is a topic to be reported on and discussed about in medicine. Several new emerging infectious diseases have occurred within the present decade. In this specific review, the author briefly reviews the important new emerging human viral infections that first appeared in Asia during the present decade, 2001 – 2010.

Tikhe Sham Ganpat(Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana Univ) ; Nagendra Hongasandra Ramarao(Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana Unive) pp.4-4

Excessive stress is harmful to academic performance in children and may lead to dropping out of school. To meet the demands of a modern life-style which is full of speed, stress and tension, an all-round child health program is crucial. The use of yoga for children has diverse applications in maintaining and developing their physical, mental, intellectual, emotional and spiritual levels. Yoga, through its physical postures (asana), breathing practices (pranayama), cleansing techniques (kriya), meditation therapies (dhyana) and relaxation training (yoga nidra) yields a positive effect in the management of stress in children. Yoga practice benefited children by improving their eye-hand coordination, attention span, levels of concentration, competitive performance and relaxation. Visually impaired children showed a significant decrease in their abnormal anxiety levels when they practiced yoga for three weeks, while a program of physical activity had no such effect. Socially disadvantaged children in a remand home showed significant improvements in sleep, appetite and general well being, as well as a decrease in physiological arousal after yoga. In one study, it is found that a 4-week program of asana and meditation lowers the aggressive behavior of children. Meditation helped to reduce problems related to maladaptive behavior, increase emotional and physical health and psychological well-being in children. Finally, the possible role of yoga in improving the mental state and general well-being of children with cancer is being explored.

Isolde Riede(Im Amann 7, Ueberlingen D-88662, Germany) pp.5-5

Molecular events that cause tumor formation enhance a number of HOX genes, called switch genes, coding for RNApolymeraseII transcription factors. Thus, in tumor cells, RNApolymeraseII is more active than in other somatic cells. Amanita phalloides contains amanitin which inhibits RNApolymeraseII. Partial inhibition with amanitin influences tumor cell - but not normal cell - activity. To widen the treatment spectrum, dilutions of Amanita phalloides, containing amanitin, are applied to a patient with mammary duct cancer. For monitoring tumormarkers, different doses of amanitin are applied. The former duplication time of tumor growth represented three months; however within a period of 18 months the patient can be stabilized without further growth of the tumor. There are also no severe symptoms, no liver damage and no continuous erythrocyte deprivation. This new principle of tumor therapy shows high potential to provide a medical treatment.

Auro del Giglio(Oncology Department ABC Foundation School of Medic) ; Ary Serpa(Oncology Department ABC Foundation School of Medic) ; Daniel Cubero(Oncology Department ABC Foundation Schoo) ; Rachel Riechelman(Oncology Department ABC Foundation Schoo) ; Maira Paschoin(Oncology Department ABC Foundation Schoo) pp.6-6

For cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy (RT) or systemic chemotherapy (CHT), cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is a common problem that can negatively impact their quality of life. Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is a plant native to the Amazon basin that has been used as a stimulant since pre-Columbian times. PURPOSE: To evaluate the effectiveness of guarana extract on fatigue in BC patients undergoing either CHT or RT. A total of 137 cancer patients (85% with Breast Cancer) undergoing either CHT (101) or RT (36) were randomized to receive either a placebo or guarana. In all 3 studies, the guarana was given as an unmanipulated dry extract at a dose of 75 mg PO QD in the first two studies or 50 mg PO BID in the third study. Patients were crossed over to the other experimental arm, and we evaluated fatigue with the Chalder Scale in all three studies. Guarana significantly improved the The Chalder Scale Global Scores (- 0.85; 95% CI:-1.31 to - 0.40; p = 0.0002); Physical Fatigue Scores (- 0.44; 95% CI: - 0.74 to -0.13; p = 0.005) and Mental Fatigue Scores (- 0.93; 95% CI: - 1.14 to - 0.72; p < 0.00001). Guarana did not produce any CTCAE grades 3 or 4 toxicities in any of the studies. Guarana is an effective, cheap and non-toxic alternative for the treatment of fatigue in cancer patients undergoing treatment.

Chi Eung Danforn Lim(University of New South Wales) ; Felix Wu Shun Wong(University of New South Wales) ; Warren Smith(University of New South Wales Australia) pp.7-7

Bioelectric impedance measurements have been reported to show significant variation between individuals. Different physiological conditions like thickened skin, obesity, and fluid retention can affect the impedance measurement. Therefore, it is important to learn what other factors can affect the measurements of impedance even in healthy individuals. Such information is a prerequisite for understanding the changes in impedance associated with acupuncture treatment. This study investigated the bio-impedance properties of tissue segments in the arms of a number of healthy subjects, so as to define the factors that might influence the variation of the bio-impedance data in acupuncture meridians studies. 51 healthy subjects were recruited through Liverpool Hospital, Sydney. Demographic data was collected from each subject including the age, sex, BMI, and time since most recent meal. Electrodes were applied to the forearms of each test subject. Measurements were done by a purpose-built Bio-Impedance Research Device (BIRD-I) which allowed the determination of core resistance (Rc) and core reactance (Xc) of each of the three meridian tissue segments on the anterior surface of the forearm. No significant difference was found in the core resistance attributable to age group, gender, BMI or meal intake. However, a statistically significant trend in increasing resistance from the radial to ulnar aspect of the forearm (p < 0.001) was found. No significant difference was found in the core resistance of test tissue segments among the 51 healthy subjects measured in this study. However, the trend of increasing core resistance from the radial to ulnar aspects of the arm deserves further investigation.

Daisy Volmer(University of Tartu) ; John Lilja(Åbo Akademi University) ; David Hamilton(University of Glasgow) pp.8-8

Medicinal plants and their products are popular in Estonia. There are two approaches to use of herbal products: first, that based on traditions and practical experience and, second, that supported by scientific evidence. It is important to marry these two approaches. One place where traditions and new knowledge could meet is the pharmacy. In this study we evaluated knowledge about the use and safety of herbal products of pharmacy customers in South-Estonia. A convenience sample of pharmacy customers in south Estonia (n = 196) participated in the study. Of the survey participants, 76% were frequent or occasional users of herbal products and considered these products safe (75%) and effective (73%). Herbal products were mostly (91%) consumed for prophylaxis or treatment of minor illnesses. Main information sources about herbal products were pharmacists (75%) and package information leaflets (65%). Mode of action (95%), administration (81%) and indication (77%) were the information details more frequently sought from the pharmacy about herbal products. Of the survey participants, 22% described some problems connected with the use of herbal products. Herbal products are popular in Estonia and pharmacists have an important role in counselling on these products. Despite knowledgeable use of herbal products and infrequent experience of side effects with these products, safety issues should be more stressed in the providing of information details to pharmacy customers.