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Vol.10 No.1

Salma(Department of Moalajat, SUMER, Jamia Hamdard) ; Yasmeen Shamsi(Department of Moalajat, SUMER, Jamia Hamdard) ; Saba Ansari(Department of Moalajat, SUMER, Jamia Hamdard) ; Sadia Nikhat(SUMER) pp.1-1 https://doi.org/10.5667/tang.2020.0001

Since times immemorial, people have been dependant on plants for the various nutritional and pharamacological properties. Folk and traditional medicine recognizes thousands of plant species having miraculous benefits. Fig (Ficus carica Linn.) has been part of folk-lore since centuries. Ficus carica Linn. (Moraceae) is a huge deciduous tree, with more than 800 species. Different parts of Ficus carica like bark, root, leaves, fruit and latex have their own valuable importance and are frequently used for the treatment of various illnesses. Fruit of Ficus carica is commonly called as fig (anjeer) has various medicinal properties used in Unani, Ayurvedic and Chinese traditional system of medicines. Fig fruit is mostly used in gastro intestinal and respiratory disorders. In Unani medicine, fig is used as a diuretic, mild laxative and expectorant. Phytochemical studies on the leaves and fruits of the plant have shown that they are rich in Phenolics, Flavonoids, Vitamin C, Alkaloids, Saponins, Coumarins, tannins, organic acids, and volatile compounds due to which it is having great antioxidant property. Most interesting therapeutic effects include hypoglycemic, hepatoprotective, anticancer, antimicrobial and hypolipidemic activities.

Esther Wairimu Kinyua(Department of Biological Sciences, Egerton University) ; Charles Irungu Maina(Department of Biological Sciences, Egerton University) ; Catherine Kaluwa Kaingu(Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology, University of Nairobi) ; David Kayaja Wafula(Department of Medical Physiology, University of Nairobi) pp.2-2 https://doi.org/10.5667/tang.2020.0002

Uterotonics have the ability to contract uterus. Such plants might be useful in augmenting or inducing labour, expelling retained afterbirth and for abortifacient purposes. Limitations associated with conventional treatments have made herbal medicines a feasible alternative for the management of these conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the contractile effects of Uvariodendron kirkii extracts on isolated uterine strips of female Wistar rats. Isolated strips of Wistar rats’ uteri were treated with 20, 40, 80 and 160 mg/ml concentrations of Uvariodendron kirkii aqueous extract. The plant extract was also tested against prostaglandin and oxytocin induced uterine contractions. Uvariodendron kirkii extract concentrations (20, 40, 80 and 160 mg/ml) increased the frequency of uterine contraction (16.53, 25.12, 33.48 and 56.39 percentages respectively) compared to the control. The graded extract concentrations caused a significant increase in amplitude (force) of uterine contractions by 2.87, 9.22, 16.37 and 24.32 percentages respectively. The concentrations significantly increased the frequency of oxytocin induced uterine contractions by 6.92; 28.31; 47.06, 58.78 percentages respectively. The graded extract concentrations also significantly increased the amplitude of oxytocin induced uterine contractions by 6.07; 9.40; 15.19 and 23.56 percentages respectively. Uvariodendron kirkii extract concentrations significantly increased the frequency and amplitude of prostaglandin induced contractions. The percentage increase in frequency was 11.44, 8.92, 20.65 and 35.71 at 20, 40, 80 and 160 mg/ml respectively. The mean amplitude of prostaglandin induced uterine contractions also increased (4.75, 3.89, 8.29 and 15.91% at 20. 40, 80 and 160 mg/ml respectively). The extract caused a dose dependent increase in uterine frequency and amplitude of contraction. The findings of this study are useful in generating a novel uterotonic agent that will be useful in augmenting labour or in expelling retained after birth in cattle. More studies at molecular level will further elucidate the plant mechanism of action.

Pascal Papillon(Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana) ; Sasidharan K. Rajesh(Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana) pp.3-3 https://doi.org/10.5667/tang.2020.0003

Spirituality is the dynamic and inherent dimension of humanity. This study aims to evaluate the relationship between Spiritual Health, Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation among French Emerging Adults. An online cross-sectional survey design consisted of four hundred and twenty-one samples were recruited from different universities at Strasbourg, France. Participant’s age ranged from 18 to 28 years with a mean age of 20.77 years (SD=2.22). The results, highlights that Spiritual Health Measure was significant and positive association with Mindfulness (r=.45, p < .01) and Reappraisal (r=.22, p < .01). Further, the significant negative correlation observed with Spiritual Dissonance (r=.44, p < .01) and Suppression (r=.24, p < .01). These findings support emerging literature on Spiritual Health. Future studies should evolve an intervention model to promote Spiritual Health and Positive Health.

Vandana Verma(Institute of Medical Sciences) ; Sonam Agrawal(Institute of Medical Sciences) ; Sangeeta Gehlot(Institute of Medical Sciences) pp.4-4 https://doi.org/10.5667/tang.2020.0004

Ayurveda scholars have well described about the physio-anatomical aspect of mammary gland (Stana) , physiology of lactation, importance of breast milk (Stanya) in growth and development of baby, various factors affecting the lactation and causing changes in property of milk, Galactogouge (Stanyajanana), and drugs for purification of mother milk (Stanya Shodhana). The recent studies provide evidence for above descriptions of Ayurveda. Breast milk (Stanya) is the nearly complete sole source of nourishment for infants. It has been considered as subsidiary tissue (Upadhatu) of blood plasma (Rasa Dhatu) as it is formed out of Rasa Dhatu (Plasma) and its quality and quantity gets affected by quality of nutrient fraction of food formed after complete digestion (Aahar Rasa). It provides health (Aarogya), strength and immunity (Bala) to the feeding child and gives innumerable beneficial effects like protection against not only acute infections like URTI, diarrhoea but also on chronic illnesses like CVD, metabolic disorders too. The Ayurveda description related to Mammary gland and physiology of lactation still need a better understanding for its implementation on promotion of health. Thus an attempt has been made to compile and analyze the view of Ayurveda scholars on Breast (Stana), Breast milk (Stanya) and physiological aspect of lactation as well as to draw a possible scientific understanding for the relevance.

Vishal Gupta(IMS, BHU) ; Vandana Verma(Institute of Medical Sciences) pp.5-5 https://doi.org/10.5667/tang.2020.0005

In the present highly changing era, every dimension from Technology to Education, Environment to Sanitation and from Agriculture to our Food basket is getting changed. Our experiences say that the most affected ethnic group from this rapidly changing pattern of our food intake, lifestyle are our adolescent. This is also a fact that our adolescent passes their 2/3 of time of a day in their schools. In this regard our school system needs to formulate their comprehensive approach to Health for our adolescents. On other hand Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of Medicine had expressed views on a concept of Holistic Health thousand years ago. This research article is an attempt of borrowing this valuable concept from Ayurveda and suggesting to introduce them into our comprehensive school health programme such as concept of wellness, quality of life, Holistic Health and measures related to diet and lifestyle for preservation, promotion of health and prevention of disorders etc. This manuscript also evaluates the existing approaches of school health programmes towards current scenario. Now a day’s our food habits, dietary intake and the life style are not at the level of satisfactory condition this lead to early onset of metabolic chronic disorder especially in our adolescents because on the basis of age-immunity relationship they are easily targeted. The chronic metabolic disorders results into overweight, obesity, anxiety, mental trauma, distress, over- fatigued, incapable for physical work, getting tired soon. This article provides a space to rethink and reformulate our school health programmes in light of our ancient tradition of medicine.

Pandey Nitin(HAMC& H) ; Jain Nishant(HAMC& H) ; Rajvanshi Pankaj(HAMC& H) ; Maurya Shikha(HAMC& H) pp.6-6 https://doi.org/10.5667/tang.2020.0006

In Ayurveda the eye is clarified as the most essential among all the indriyas (sensory organs), however because of changed way of life and quick pacing time we are experiencing such huge numbers of scatters, among them eye issue is most imperative as eye is the window of wellbeing. Our old acharyas (ancient scholars) have clarified about the different every day routine to be pursued for keeping up eye wellbeing, Padabhyang (foot massage) is one of them referenced in Ayurvedic dincharya (daily routine) and it has been depicted as Chakshushya (eye sight promoter) implies it improves our vision. So thinking about it, Padabhyang (foot massage) with and without snehan (oleation) was chosen for the present clinical preliminary to discover its adequacy in Timira (refractive error), result were statistically significant in subjective parameters but no change was found in objective parameter. We know, this restricted investigation has not secured every one of the angles but rather clinical preliminaries show empowering results. More study is necessary on large sample to draw the final inferences.

Abrar Alam(National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders) ; Javed Inam Siddiqui(National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders) ; Mohammed Abdul Rasheed Naikodi(National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorder) ; Munawwar Husain Kazmi(National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders) pp.7-7 https://doi.org/10.5667/tang.2020.0007

Plants produce a wide range of active principles, making them a rich source of different types of medicines. Without any knowledge of the phytoconstituents or active principles the medicinal plants itself or in the form of polyherbal formulations, were used by all society of human being from ancient times for prevention and cure of disease, but most of the traditional formulations including the formulation of Ayurveda and Unani have not been scientifically validated in order to establish the pharmacopoeial standards to improve the efficacy. Globally, the people become conscious that uses of synthetic drugs for a long period is not safe; the trend of medical society at large is looking at alternatives from natural, safe sources to combat diseases. Due to this comprehension, it has been increased the demand for plant-derived medicine, and on the other side, it is extremely important to standardize the polyherbal formulations and validate them scientifically to improve their safety and efficacy. The polyherbal Unani formulation Safuf-e-Muallif is widely used and recommended in Unani system of medicine (USM) as a spermatogenic agent, semen thickening agent, etc. to treat sexual disorders viz. premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission, etc. The study mainly deals with phytochemical screening for the detection of nature of phytoconstituents and analytical technique like High-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) for developing fingerprint of Safuf-e-Muallif revealing specific identities of the drug. The phytochemical screening and HPTLC fingerprint profile for SM reported here may be used as a reference standard for quality control purpose in future. This article provides a space to rethink and reformulate our school health programmes in light of our ancient tradition of medicine.

Sazid Alam(Department of Moalajat (Medicine), Sufia Unani medical college hospital and research center) ; MD Anzar Alam(Department of Moalajat, National Institute of Unani medicine) ; Ghulamuddin Sofi(Department of Ilmul Advia, National Institute of Unani medicine) ; Mohd. Qudratullah Khan(Luqman Unani medical college hospital and research center) ; Shabnam Ansari(Jamia Millia Islamia) pp.8-8 https://doi.org/10.5667/tang.2020.0008

Aim:‘Itrifal-e-Sagheer’, a compound Unani formulation has been indicated in disease conditions simulating dyslipidemia. The present study was done to substantiate the efficacy of ‘Itrifal-e-Sagheer’ in dyslipidemia on scientific parameters. Materials and methods: A randomized, single blind, controlled, clinical trial was carried out on 30 patients of dyslipidemia who were randomly allocated into test (n = 15) or control (n = 15) groups. The test drug, Itrifal-e-Sagheer and control drug, Abana® were given to respective group for 45 days along with lifestyle modification. Results: The test drug significantly alleviated the symptoms of subjective parameters (palpitation, breathlessness and weight gain) (p<0.05). There was statistically significant reduction in lipid profile of the patients in test group (p<0.05) than control drug treatment. Conclusion: The study evidenced that Itrifal-e-Sagheer is potentially effective and safe in the treatment of dyslipidemia. However, a multicentric study with robust study design is required to generalize the results.