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Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) has become one of the major public health problems for both mothers and children globally. Internationally, the frequency of excess weight and obesity has risen dramatically in women of childbearing age. There seems to be a greater risk of having GDM in overweight or obese women, resulting in problems during pregnancy, birth and neonatal development. Hospital management is a problem for obese pregnant females with GDM and places extra burdens on the healthcare sector. GDM can result in possible risks to the wellbeing of the mother, fetus, and infant, as well as clinically significant negative effects on the mental health of the mother. For females and their developing babies, diabetes may cause problems during pregnancy. Unsatisfactory diabetes control enhances the risk of complications and other birth related issues during pregnancy. It may also cause a woman to suffer severe complications. Numerous maternal and fetal effects are associated with GDM and multiple detection and management methods are also pursued globally in order to reduce the burden of health. An overview of gestational diabetes treatment is given in this review.


Background and Objective: Nux-vomica based traditional Unani formulation, Habb-e-Azaraqi (HAZ) is an important drug used by Unani physicians since several decades. It possesses Muqawwi-i-A’sab (nervine tonic), Muharrik-i-A’sab (nervine stimulant) properties and is an effective treatment option for diseases like Laqwa (facial palsy), Falij (paralysis), Niqris (gout) and Waja’al-Mafasil (arthritis) etc. The aim of the study is to access and provide information of HAZ for its TLC, HPTLC Fingerprinting defining its clear qualitative perspective and acute oral toxicity evaluation for its safety assessment which was not done earlier, thus contributing in the field of research. Materials and Methods: The chief ingredient, nux-vomica was detoxified as per method mentioned in Unani Pharmacopeia before its use in formulation. TLC and HPTLC was developed under four detection system i.e., UV 366nm, UV 254nm, exposure to iodine vapours and after derivatization with anisaldehyde sulphuric acid. Acute toxicity studies were performed as per OECD Guidelines 425 at a limit dose of 2000 mg/kg. Observations were done for signs of toxicity, body weight, and feed consumption at regular intervals followed by haematological and biochemistry evaluation. Results: The generated data proved the authenticity and established the TLC and HPTLC profile of the formulation. Acute toxicity revealed no significant differences in HAZ-treated animals with respect to body weight gain, feed consumption, haematology, clinical biochemistry evaluation. No significant gross pathological observation was noticed in necropsy. Conclusion: Data of the present study is substantial and scientific proof of HAZ in terms of standardization and toxicity study that can be utilize in future research activities.


Background: Cuscuta reflexa Roxb is a member of the Cuscutaceae family, and in Unani medicine, it is known as Aftimoon. It is a parasitic plant that can be found growing abundantly on various host plants in India up to 3000 metres in altitude during the rainy season. Unani physicians have been using it for years to cure a variety of illnesses, including psychiatric illnesses like melancholia, schizophrenia, and epilepsy. It has been used to cure hepatitis, palpitations, and skin disorders, among other things. Objective of the study: To evaluate anti-anxiety effect of Cuscuta reflexa Roxb in Swiss Albino mice of either sex. Materials and Methods: A total of 24 Swiss Albino mice weighing 25-35 g were used in this study. Animals were chosen at random and held in their cages for at least 7 days in a standard setting. Group A was given regular saline as a vehicle, Group B was given a hydro alcoholic extract of the lower dose of the test drug, Group C was given a hydro alcoholic extract of the higher dose of the test drug, and Group D was given the standard drug Diazepam 5 mg/kg orally. Aftimoon as hydro alcoholic extract (200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg body wt.) was given in single and double doses and observed for 7 days. Results: For each parameter in each category, mean and standard deviations were computed. For multiple group comparisons, a one-way ANOVA was used, followed by Turkey's post hoc test. (p<0.05) was used as the significance standard. Conclusion: These results advocate that the Aftimoon as double dose (400 mg/kg body wt.) revealed anti-anxiety effect similar to standard drug.


The chemical constitution of a drug has been accepted as an important basis for pharmacological action in Unani medicine. Various dosage forms have been developed on this concept, such as decoctions (Joshanda), infusions (Khesanda), extract (Rub / Usara), and syrup. Zarawand Mudaharaj (ZM.) / Aristolochia rotunda L. root was subjected to extraction process using Soxhlet’s apparatus by using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to design the number of random runs of the extracts with variation in the factors of temperature, the concentration of ethanol in water, time for extraction, for optimizing and maximizing the yield concentration. The data obtained, was analyzed with regression equation and ANOVA two-way summary to interpret the interaction of the factors for yield maximization. Minitab version 18 was used to design and analyze data. Validation of the optimum conditions for maximum yield of the whole extract of ZM. Root was carried out by re-run of the extract using the optimized conditions. The maximum yield percentage thus obtained using RSM was 20.87% whereas using these optimum conditions 21.35 % yield was obtained thereby validating the method. The association between the response functions and the process variables was identified by a three-factor recorded Box-Behnken design. In the present study RSM is used because itis a cheap and affordable method to optimize maximum yield percentage which may be reliably used by researchers. The study set in the surface conditions for ZM. root extraction by the Soxhlet apparatus for maximizing the yield percentage.


Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells in body which leads to death. These cells are born due to imbalance in cell proliferation mechanism. In 2018, WHO released new statistics on cancer incidence, mortality, and prevalence worldwide i.e., GLOBOCAN 2018 estimates for 28 types of cancer in which more prevalence of cervix and breast cancer. According to survey, in India about 7.8 million cancer deaths and 11.5 million new cases arise in 2018, which will increase to 19.3 million new cases per year by 2025. Though breast cancer as such is not explained anywhere in Ayurvedic compendia, correlations can be done with the Stana Arbuda. Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine came into existence 1000's of years ago with an objective of maintaining the health of people and treating diseases. Many herbs used in Ayurveda have been screened for activity against cancer and in-vitro and in-vivo studies have given promising leads. The plant, called as “Mother of Medicine”, Haritaki has been extensively studied for its various ailments because of its extraordinary healing potency. Haritaki (Terminalia chebula Retz.), Family: Combretaceae have a great therapeutic value and is widely distributed in India. Dried fruit of Terminalia chebula contains high quantities phenolic compounds consist of ellagic acid, gallic acid and chebulic acid. The fruit extract of T. chebula is having different biological properties like anticancer, antioxidant, hepatic and renal protective activities etc. In this study, we focus on the use of CO2 extract of Terminalia chebula, on the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. All tests proved that CO2 extract of Terminalia chebula containing active chemical component, therefore our experiment showed the positive results for CO2 extract of Terminalia chebula against breast cancer cell line cancer MDA-MB-231. The MTT assay results were used to evaluate the anti-cancer activity of the extract. The percentage of cell growth and cell viability were calculated from tabulated result values of MTT assay. Cell viability MTT assay also showed significant growth inhibition, at the same time statistical analysis of MTT assay also proved significant results.
