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Effect of Marham-i-Raal on Episiotomy Wound Healing: A Single-Arm pre-and post-treatment study

CELLMED / CELLMED, (P)3022-6805; (E)3022-6791
2021, v.11 no.4, pp.17-17
Arshiya Sultana (Department of Ilmul Qabalat wa Amraze Niswan (Obstetrics and Gynecology), National Institute of Unani Medicine)
Aynul Fazmiya Mohamed Joonus (Department of Ilmul Qabalat wa Amraze Niswan (Obstetrics and Gynecology), National Institute of Unani Medicine)
Khaleequr Rahman (Dept. of Ilmul Saidla, National Institute of Unani Medicine)
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Episiotomy is the commonest obstetrics intervention in the world to reduce severe perineal injuries. Its prevalence is 43% to 100% in primiparous women in Asia. Further, worldwide approximately 10-95% of pregnant women undergo episiotomy incision during birth. Delay in wound healing probably increases the risk of wound infection, changes the muscular structure, and ultimately causes muscle tone loss. So, wound care is of specific significance to postnatal maternal outcomes. Hence, this case study aimed to evaluate the effect of Marham-i-Raal in episiotomy wound healing and pain relief. The study was conducted in eleven postpartum primi or multipara pregnant women aged between group 19 and 35 years with term gestational age, singleton pregnancy in a cephalic presentation who had a normal vaginal delivery with mediolateral episiotomy, without a perineal tear, and perineal hematoma. Externally, application of Marham-i-Raal 2g on episiotomy incisional wound, twice a day for 10 days was advised. Wound healing of episiotomy and pain intensity was assessed with REEDA [“redness, oedema, ecchymosis, discharge and approximation of the edges”] scoring and VAS scoring for pain intensity respectively. At one hour (baseline), the REEDA mean score of eleven patients was 3.90±1.04 whereas on day 7-10 it was 0.18±0.40 with statistically significant difference (p<0.001). The VAS mean score at one hour was 6.90±1.22 whereas on day 7- 10 it was 0.72±0.78 with a statistically significant difference (p <0.001). Marham-i-Raal would be effective in episiotomy wound healing and reducing pain intensity. Further, randomized double-blind controlled trials in large sample size are recommended.

Episiotomy, Marham-i-Raal, REEDA score for wound healing, VAS score for pain intensity



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