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Vol.14 No.2

Nang Ye Kim(Kyung Hee University) pp.1-1 https://doi.org/10.5667/CellMed.2024.001

Food is a fundamental aspect of human life, encompassing the cultural essentials of clothing, shelter, and sustenance. Experiencing the culture of individuals who speak the language one is learning through food has proven to be an effective means of enhancing learners' motivation. It can be presumed that direct exposure to Korean cuisine, either through consumption or preparation, will exert a profoundly positive psychological impact on Korean learners, contributing to psychological healing, indirectly evidenced by stress reduction. Therefore, this study conducted a survey among Korean learners in Japan to investigate the potential for psychological healing through engagement with Korean food.

Mi-Hye Kim(Hoseo University) pp.2-2 https://doi.org/10.5667/CellMed.2024.002

Through big data analysis of the ‘Joseonwangjosilok’, this study examines the perception of ginseng among the ruling class and its utilization during the Joseon era. It aims to provide foundational data for the development of ginseng into a high-value cultural commodity. The focus of this research, the Joseonwangjosilok, comprises 1,968 volumes in 948 books, spanning a record of 518 years. Data was collected through web crawling on the website of the National Institute of Korean History, followed by frequency analysis of significant words. To assess the interest in ginseng across the reigns of 27 kings during the Joseon era, ginseng frequency records were adjusted based on years in power and the number of articles, creating an interest index for comparative rankings across reigns. Analysis revealed higher interest in ginseng during the reigns of King Jeongjo and King Yeongjo in the 18th century, King Sunjo in the 19th century, King Sejong in the 15th century, King Sukjong in the 17th century, and King Gojong in the 19th century. Examining the temporal emergence and changes in ginseng during the Joseon era, general ginseng types like insam and sansam had the highest frequency in the 15th century. It appears that Korea adeptly utilized ceremonial goods in diplomatic relations with China and Japan, meeting the demand for ginseng from their royal and aristocratic societies. Processed ginseng varieties such as hongsam and posam, along with traded and taxed ginseng, showed peak frequency in the 18th century. This coincided with increased cultivation, allowing a higher supply and fostering the development of ginseng processing technologies like hongsam.

Kyung Ja Ko(Kyung Hee University) ; Hyun-yong Cho(Kyung Hee University) pp.3-30 https://doi.org/10.5667/CellMed.2024.003

The purpose of this study is to consider the health and well-being of singing, an expression activity of language. There are also many studies in which singing activities have a positive effect on individual quality of life and social activities. Therefore, this study attempted to suggest that more effective singing is being performed by increasing empathy through various expressions of onomatopoeia and mimic words. Love Changbu Taryeong (愛倡夫打令) is Korea's traditional representative Gyeonggi folk song. It is a cheerful and lyrical folk song based on the five scale of Sol-ra-do-re-mi. It sings not only human joy, sorrow, and pleasure, but also natural phenomena and scenes. It is an exciting rhythm based mainly on the Gutgeori jangdan (rhythmic pattern, 12/8) but it is a rhythm that you can feel the sadness in it. In particular, various onomatopoeia and mimic words appear in this song, making you think about the fun of singing and the origin of the language. Therefore, this study attempted to examine that more effective singing is becoming more effective by increasing empathy through various expressions of onomatopoeia and mimic words. You can watch our singing activities on YouTube.

Berezutskyi Volodymyr(Dnipro State Medical University) pp.4-4 https://doi.org/10.5667/CellMed.2024.004

The development of clinical reasoning, which is the basis of medical education, is of great importance in medical universities. One of the founders of modern structural clinical reasoning, based on the knowledge of pathological physiology, is the inventor of the stethoscope Rene Laennec (1781–1826). He described the pioneering experience of clinical reasoning in the pages of his treatise A Treatise on the Diseases of the Chest and on Mediate Auscultation, which is of lasting value, since every rookie physicians in his professional development goes through the path of Laennec. Laennec's practice is of great importance for novice physicians since Laennec’s treatise contains a diagnostic analysis of the most common clinical cases. Each such analysis demonstrates the algorithm of clinical reasoning. The purpose of this study was to analyze the approaches of clinical reasoning by René Laennec, which made it possible to identify two basic principles. Laennec's diagnostic reasoning involved two principles: pathogenetic analysis of clinical manifestations and a syndrome-based approach to differential diagnosis. These principles help distinguish between diseases with similar symptoms and physical findings are used to demonstrate the practical application of syndrome-based differential diagnosis. These principles can be easily mastered by understanding the pathogenesis of clinical manifestations. Thanks to the pathogenetic basis, the principles of clinical reasoning of Rene Laennec are universal and applicable to the analysis of any signs of the disease: not only physical but also laboratory and instrumental.

Afifa Naaz(National institute of unani medicine) pp.5-5 https://doi.org/10.5667/CellMed.2024.005

PCOS is the most common endocrine pathology in females of reproductive worldwide. The prevalence ranges between 5% and 15% depending on the diagnostic criteria applied.Its etiology involves both genetic and environmental factors. Typically, women with PCOS show clinical and biochemical hyperandrogenism, oligoanovulation, and micropolycystic morphology of the ovaries. Unani formulation containing Nankhwah , Badiyan and Wajturki possessing the properties of Mudirr-i-Bawl-o- Hayd, mujaff –i- Balgham ,Munaffis-i- balgham , Muhallil, Muqawwi-i-Jigar were used in the form of Joshanda 6gm BD Starting from 5 days prior to expected period date to 5 days during menses for 3 cycles, which led to regain regularity of menses, correcting the amount of flow and reducing the ovarian volume on US. Thus unani medications have the potential to treat ths symtoms of PCOS and improve the quality of life of women.