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Characterization of Bacillus anthracis proteases through protein-protein interaction: an in silico study of anthrax pathogenicity

CELLMED / CELLMED, (P)3022-6805; (E)3022-6791
2014, v.4 no.1, pp.6-6
Amrita Banerjee (Vidyasagar University)
Pradeep Kumar Das Mohapatra (Vidyasagar University)
Shilpee Pal (Vidyasagar University)
Keshab Chandra Mondal (Vidyasagar University)
Bikash Ranjan Pati (Vidyasagar University)
Arnab Sen (University of North Bengal)
Tanmay Paul (Vidyasagar University)
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Anthrax is the deadly disease for human being caused by Bacillus anthracis. Instantaneous research work on the mode of infection of the organism revealed that different proteases are involved in different steps of pathogenesis. Present study reports the in silico characterization and the detection of pathogenic proteases involved in anthrax infection through protein-protein interaction. A total of 13 acid, 9 neutral, and 1 alkaline protease of Bacillus anthracis were selected for analysing the physicochemical parameter, the protein superfamily and family search, multiple sequence alignment, phylogenetic tree construction, protein-protein interactions and motif finding. Among the 13 acid proteases, 10 were found as extracellular enzymes that interact with immune inhibitor A (InhA) and help the organism to cross the blood brain barrier during the process of infection. Multiple sequence alignment of above acid proteases revealed the position 368, 489, and 498-contained 100% conserved amino acids which could be used to deactivate the protease. Among the groups analyzed, only acid protease were found to interact with InhA, which indicated that metalloproteases of acid protease group have the capability to develop pathogenesis during B. anthracis infection. Deactivation of conserved amino acid position of germination protease can stop the sporulation and germination of B anthracis cell. The detailed interaction study of neutral and alkaline proteases could also be helpful to design the interaction network for the better understanding of anthrax disease.

Anthrax, Bacillus anthracis, protease, superfamily and family, phylogenetic tree, motif, protein-protein interaction



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