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Vol.5 No.3

Angkita Sharma(Rajiv Gandhi University) ; Pallabi Kalita(Rajiv Gandhi University) ; Hui Tag(Rajiv Gandhi University) pp.15-15 https://doi.org/10.5667/tang.2015.0001

Comparative studies have established that the North-Eastern (NE) region of India which is a part of the Eastern Himalayan region is affluent in both traditional knowledge based phytomedicine and biodiversity. About 1953 ethno-medicinal plants are detailed from the NE region of India out of which 1400 species are employed both as food and ethnopharmacological resources. Nearly 70% of species diversity has been reported from the two Indian biodiversity hotspots-The Western Ghats and the Eastern Himalayas and these hotspots are protected by tribal communities and their ancient traditional knowledge system. Paris polyphylla Smith belongs to the family Melanthiaceae and is a traditional medicinal herb which is known to cure some major ailments such as different types of Cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, abnormal uterine bleeding, leishmaniasis etc. The major phytoconstituents are dioscin, polyphyllin D, and balanitin 7. Phylogeny of Paris was inferred from nuclear ITS and plastid psbA-trnH and trnL-trnF DNA sequence data. Results indicated that Paris is monophyletic in all analyses. Rhizoma Paridis, which is the dried rhizome of Paris polyphylla is mainly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and its mode of action is known for only a few cancer cell lines. The current review determines to sketch an extensive picture of the potency, diversity, distribution and efficacy of Paris polyphylla from the Eastern Himalayan region and the future validation of its phytotherapeutical and molecular attributes by recognizing the Intellectual Property Rights of the Traditional Knowledge holders.

Debbie McMullen(Charles Sturt University) ; Rhett McClean(Charles Sturt University) ; Sok Cheon Pak(Charles Sturt University) pp.16-16 https://doi.org/10.5667/tang.2015.0008

Evidence based medicine involves using both the individual clinician’s expertise and the current best available external clinical evidence from systematic research in deciding on the appropriate care for individual patients. The current approach to evidence based practice in healthcare adds a third component which is patient values. Evidence based practice is thus a triad, in which the practitioner’s expertise, research evidence and the patient’s values are all given consideration. The balance to be struck between them depends on the individual case. The literature indicates that complementary medicine practitioners are moving away from traditional knowledge and towards the use of evidence based practice in their clinical discussions. In the context of the daily practice of complementary medicine practitioners and their continuing development of their knowledge base of evidence based practice, this short review discusses the good and bad of a review journal article.

Priyanka Saha(Assam University) ; Anupam Das Talukdar(Assam University) ; Sanjoy Singh Ningthoujam(Assam University) ; Manabendra Dutta Choudhury(Assam University) ; Deepa Nath(Assam University) ; Lutfun Nahar(Liverpool John Moores University) ; Satyajit Dey Sarker(Liverpool John Moores University) ; Norazah Basar(Liverpool John Moores University) pp.17-17 https://doi.org/10.5667/tang.2015.0010

Apart from being used as food, seed oils have also been used traditionally as medicinal products by several communities. However, the full medicinal potential of many seed oil plants is yet to be properly reviewed, particularly for their antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. North-East India has rich resources of seed oil plants. The availability of detailed information on these plants is quite limited. This review aims to explore and evaluate these seed oil plants of the North-East India with particular emphasis on their antimicrobial and antioxidant activities as well as chemical compositions. A comprehensive literature search on seed oil plants of this region has been performed. Seed oil yielding plants of this region can be categorized into two categories: plants that are used traditionally as sources of edible or medicinal oils and plants that are used for purposes other than as sources of oils. Many seed oil plants of this region have been reported to possess antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, and to produce various types of compounds. This review also highlights the importance of these plants in contributing to the local as well as the national economy of India.

Tabassum Kotagasti(National Institute of Unani Medicine) ; Nishad Rias(National Institute of Unani Medicine) pp.18-18 https://doi.org/10.5667/tang.2015.0003

Dysmenorrhea is the most common gynecological disorder in women of reproductive age. The prevalence of menstrual pain is relatively high and has been shown to be related to many factors like age, age at menarche, menstrual cycle regularity, parity, cigarette smoking, and dietary habits etc. This study was conducted to determine the possible link between dysmenorrhea and the factors related to it. We investigated the associated risk factors that could influence menstrual pain. This Cross Sectional Study was conducted at Dept. of OBG, NIUM, Bangalore. The study consisted of 230 women between the ages of 20 - 49 years. Included volunteers were newly married, nulliparious and parous women. The detailed reproductive history was recorded and was analyzed statistically. It was observed that there were only two factors that were influencing Dysmenorrhea namely the early age at menarche and increase parity. It was hypothesis that earlier start to reproductive life in some way decreases the sensitivity of the uterus to prostaglandin, whereas delayed menarche and postponing reproductive life increase sensitivity of the uterus to prostaglandins and cause severe menstrual pain. It is concluded that early age at menarche and high parity decrease menstrual pain.

Yiu Ming Wong(Hong Kong Physically Handicapped & Able Bodied Association) pp.19-19 https://doi.org/10.5667/tang.2015.0007

This is a case report involving a novel setting of sonographic scan for thickness of superficial abdominal fat and a non-invasive approach for reduction of the fat thickness. A 38-year-old woman complained of her abdominal contour asymmetry after the laser-assisted liposuction performed two years ago. Compression-free sonographic scanning confirmed that her superficial abdominal fat was thicker in left side than that of right side. After 9 sessions of 40KHz therapeutic ultrasound, the contour asymmetry was reduced.

Sanjeev Rastogi(Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth) pp.20-20 https://doi.org/10.5667/tang.2015.0013

Ayurveda is often criticized for having empirical and non-evidence based approach to treat the patients. At the same time, modern medicine is also being criticized for having a non-holistic, reductionist and mechanistic approach of treating the patients which do not help in many real clinical situations. An open minded deduction of treatment approaches in both of these systems for a common patient however makes us to rethink that ideally both systems are similar with a common objective of offering a cure although in a manner which is better understood through their own methods of learning. The differences therefore, are more superficial rather than being deeply rooted in the understanding. A more tolerant viewpoint towards the competitive medical systems may therefore be a better approach to offer optimal health care to our people through a genuine amalgamation of these two health care sciences through an integrated approach. Once this tolerance is developed , it will give us an opportunity to think for a focused selection of type of health care depending upon the type of the disease and strength of the particular system in that area.


The purpose of this article is to argue that the joy of musical experience through Samulnori with abdominal breathing plays significant role in improving liver cirrhosis. Samulnori is one of the most popular programs in music education in Korea. It helps fully express the player’s emotions. The data are based on interview and observation drawn from field experience. Interviewee has continued to practice in charity performances of Samulnori in nursing homes once a month since 2011. Through learning and practicing, musical experience of Samulnori produces a large measure of physical health and psychological satisfaction. This article concludes in-depth interview, a patient with liver cirrhosis that has shown gradual improvement through Samulnori with abdominal breathing from 2011 to 2014.