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Herbal pathies (Unani, Ayurveda) need to review their way of research

CELLMED / CELLMED, (P)3022-6805; (E)3022-6791
2017, v.7 no.1, pp.2-2
Shabir ahmad Parray (Mohammadia Tibbia College)
Zahoor ahmad Parray (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research i)
Sharique Zohaib (Mohammadia Tibbia College)
Syed mohd faisal Iqbal (Dept. of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology),MUM)
Suhail Ahmad (Dept. of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology),SHU)
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World health organization has recently published a strategic plan for the development and promotion of traditional system of medicine. Herbal pathies especially Unani and Ayurvedic systems of medicines have great scope in this aspect. But, there are several problems with these pathies in the current era, as the way of research and identification is still on classical system. The correct identification of medicinal plant is one of the major problems in both the system. This should be corrected with the modern tools and techniques. The various types of data including recent discoveries, economical growth, ethnobotanical literature and extremely rapid increase in herbal journals and books have emerged great scope for these pathies. At the same time several challenges and threats are present including herb-drug interaction, false reports, toxicity studies etc. In this review paper, opportunities, threats, and researches to be focused will be discussed.

Unani, herbal, herb-drug interaction



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