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Unani medicine has been used extensively as preventive and therapeutic healthcare in India. It mostly utilizes herbal drugs for the treatment of various conditions and ailments. It is based upon the humoural and temperament theory of Buqrat (Hippocrates). Unani medicine is one of the oldest traditional system rooted within the Greek, Iranian, Arabic, and Islamic medical knowledge and has developed as a scientific healthcare system. It is highly practiced and popular in certain parts of the world, and the World Heritage Centre, part of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the United Nations Foundation list it as an authentic and still-living form of traditional medicine. But in the past, its survival required utmost efforts from different dynasties, scholars and organization around the world. The efforts of promotion, preservation, translation, upgradation and publication of medical knowledge has crucially given new life to Unani medicine in each era. This letter will enlighten the efforts of translations of medical knowledge in Unani medicine from its arising need in the past till present.


Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is a rich source of edible oil most commonly it is used as a food product mainly in bakeries and also use as a common source of oil in daily kitchen needs. Due to the presence of some special phytochemicals like proteins, fibers, oil, minerals and antioxidants it is highly used for medicinal and therapeutic purposes. It is a good source of energy and act as an antiaging agent. Its seeds are used as Anti-helmintic, antihypertensive, antimicrobial, cytotoxic and Hepatoprotective but its seed coat which is a byproduct of sesame and a cherished source of fibers is normally use for animal feedstuff. In Unani system of medicine it is used both as drug & diet (dawa wa ghida). In classical Unani literature it is indicated in various disorders like Asthma, Dry Cough, Gastritis (due to any drug, excessive use of alcohol), Dryness of Intestine, Dryness in throat, Renal Stone, Bleeding Piles, Amenorrhea, Retention of urine, Dysuria, Orchitis, Sexual Debility, Anorexia. The present review article, an attempt have been made to compile all the pharmacological and Pharmacognostical characters of Sesamum indicum with special reference to Unani literature.


Recent researches on adipocytes in human and mice model have reported that the adipocytes are not only the fat depots but having role in maintenance of physiology and metabolism through adipokines released by them in accordance to their anatomical location. Ayurveda scholars too have mentioned different tissues like Vasa (inter muscular fat), Meda (visceral fat) and Majja (bone marrow) which are predominantly rich in adipocytes similar to adipose tissues, with a different sites, functions, compositions and pathological outcomes. The metabolic effect of Meda and Majja Dhatu on other tissues like muscle (Mamsa Dhatu), bone (Asthi Dhatu) and reproductive tissue (Shukra Dhatu) shows their functional interdependence. The detailed description of therapeutic indications of Vasa and Majja under Snehakarma (oleation therapy) illustrates that clinical physiology of these tissues have been elaborated rather than general physiology. This article is an attempt to comprehend the physiological aspect of Vasa, Meda and Majja retrospectively on the basis of their therapeutic indication for the management of variety of disorders, in the form of Sneha through different therapeutic procedures. An effort has been also taken to distinguish Vasa, Meda, Majja based on the functional peculiarities of adipocytes present in different sites of body like omentum, muscle and bone marrow. Critical observation of explanations of Vasa, Meda and Majja in Ayurveda compendia and advanced research in field of adipocytes reflected that Ayurveda scholars had deep insights regarding the various dimensions of adipocytes, most of which are in consistent with the advanced physiology and biomolecular studies of adipocytes.


Now researchers have focused attention on exploring the mechanism of acute responses of heat stress given in heat therapy that ultimately promotes the long term health benefits. Heat therapy is not a new idea rather it was practiced since thousands years back in the form of hot bath, sauna bath, steam room. Similarly in Ayurveda there is very comprehensive description of heat therapy in the form of Svedan karma (Sudation therapy). Svedan is a process to induce sweating artificially in a patient who had already undergone Snehan. Svedan is applied for purification of body, as well as in management of various disorders originated due to vitiation of Vata, Kapha Dosha, Meda Dhatu and musculoskeletal disorders. It produces various beneficial effects by augmenting the Agni like clears the channels, liquefies the deposited Dosha, regulates Vata Dosha, helps in removal and pacification of Dosha, augments metabolism (Agni Deepan), increases appetite, flexibility in body parts, softness and shining of skin, removes coldness, stiffness, drowsiness, improves joint motility. However, Svedana karma is vastly used by Ayurveda Physicians in treatment of various disorders but the mechanisms of beneficial effects produced by Svedan Karma are yet not completely explored on scientific basis. In this article, we will discuss and try to establish a possible mechanism of action of Svedana karma in relation to heat stress, mitochondrial adaptation, heat shock protein (HSP) and glucocorticoids as these are secreted under stressful conditions.


Unani medicine utilizes Terminalia bellerica (known as balela in Unani classics) for the treatment of diseases such as obesity, diarrhea, weakness of digestive system, ageing, greying of hairs, weakness of memory and eyesight, strengthening of immunity, general weakness etc. This paper briefly review this worthwhile drug for its general morphology, chemical constituents, dosage, pharmacological actions, therapeutic uses, compound formulations in Unani medicine and experimental studies.


Unani system of medicine provides comprehension about the state of human body while in health and during turn down of health. Unani system strives to find the best methods to leads a healthy life with minimal or zero risk of any sickness additionally, the treatment is not only done through unani formulations but also by the regimenal therapies (Tadabeer) like Cupping (Hijamah), Leeching (Taleeq), Venesection (Fasd), Massage (Dalak), Exercise (Riyazat) etc. Massage (Dalak) is widely practiced regimens, which are used for restrorative, preventive as well as for therapeutic purposes. Almost all the civilizations having evidences about the use of massage in their manuscripts to improve impure blood or impurities from the body. Massage (Dalak) found to be effective in treatment of neurological and musculoskeletal disorders. Ibn Rushd stated that Massage (Dalak) is a type of exercise used for the removal of toxins or waste metabolites from the body. According to the disease, Massage (dalak) should be done in different parts of body and with different types of oils (roganiyat) and single drugs (mufrid advia).


In this study, we investigated an inhibitory effect of AST cream on atopic dermatitis (AD) using a 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene-induced AD murine model. Topical treatment with AST cream ameliorated the severity of AD-like lesional skin through decreases in infiltration of inflammatory cells and time of scratching behaviors. Also, AST cream reduced histamine and IgE levels in serum. The protein levels of IL-4 and IL-6 in AD-like lesional skin were suppressed by AST cream. These findings suggest that AST cream would be an alternative therapeutic agent for AD-like skin diseases.
