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Vol.2 No.1

James David Adams Jr(University of Southern California) ; Cecilia Garcia(University of Southern California) pp.1-1

A spiritual sense may be present in the human brain. Demonstration of the spiritual sense depends on measuring the behavioral effects of spiritual experiences. These experiences can be induced by prayer, specific chemicals and other stimuli that are known to interact with pyramidal neurons of layer 5 in the cerebral cortex. This work examines the hypothesis that pyramidal neurons are the seat of the spiritual sense. Healers use the spiritual sense to comfort and heal their patients, especially with prayer. Many doctors do not encourage prayer and could learn from healers to use the spiritual sense. Patients should be educated to use prayer in order to get the comfort they need for healing.

Pawan Kumar Maurya(Amity University) ; Arjun Khanna(Amity University) pp.2-2

Tea polyphenols especially catechins have long been studied for their antioxidant and radical scavenging properties. Scientists throughout the world have investigated the usefulness of the regular green tea consumption in several disease conditions. In-vitro and in-vivo experiments on catechins especially epigallocatechingallate have revealed a significant role in many ways. Reactive oxygen species have been increasingly implicated in the pathogenesis of many diseases and important biological processes. Toxic effects of these oxidants, commonly referred to as oxidative stress, can cause cellular damage by oxidizing nucleic acids, proteins, and membrane lipids. Oxidative stress has been related to aging and age related disorders. It is found that in a wide variety of pathological processes, including cancer, atherosclerosis, neurological degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease, ageing and autoimmune disorders, oxidative stress has its implications. Catechins have been reported to be useful in combating aging and age related disorders like cancer, cardiovascular disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. In this mini review we will discuss such studies done across the globe.

Sandra Maria Barbalho(Marilia School of Medicine (UNIMAR), Marilia) ; Flávia Maria Vasques Farinazzi Machado(Marilia School of Medicine (UNIMAR), Mar) ; Jaqueline dos Santos Rodrigues(Faculty of Technology and Foods of Mari) ; Tiago Henrique Pereira da Silva(Faculty of Technology and Foods of Mari) ; Ricardo de Alvares Goulart(Faculty of Medicine of Marilia (FAMEMA)) pp.3-3

Ocimum basilicum belongs to the family Lamiaceae and can be found in tropical Asia, Africa, Central America and South America. It is widely cultivated commercially as a condiment or for the production of essential oil. In this review, this plant is accredited with important effects on health, in addition to being a condiment. In folk medicine it is used to treat vomiting, intestinal colic and diarrhea, menstrual pains and to improve kidney function. Some studies have demonstrated that it can be used for the treatment of hyperlipidemia and also that it has antioxidant, neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory and vasodilator properties as well as hepatoprotective effects. In view of its broad range of effects, further studies should be conducted to ascertain the possible use of this plant in clinical trials, not only for prevention but also as an adjuvant in the treatment of different diseases.

Cecilia Garcia, James David Adams Jr.(University of Southern California) ; Asma El-Magboub(University of Southern California) pp.4-4

When medicine is unable to cure, and the end becomes imminent, or when the patient is tired of the side effects associated with chronic use of drugs, the search for alternative and new ways of healing is begun. Coincidentally, sometimes the alternative is the origin, as is the case for traditional Arab medicine and traditional American Indian healing. Traditional healing is the first healing that all people have used for 200,000 years, since the beginning of Homo sapiens. The sources and elements of traditional Arab medicine have been examined in books and by consulting with traditional Arab healers. Arabic medicine is a career combining both elements of science and philosophy based on religion and traditions, and includes a diversity of healing approaches: spiritual, physical, and using natural products. These approaches are discussed with emphasis on wet cupping (Alhijamah), a practice that is undergoing a revival nowadays in Arab countries. American Indian healing is a career based on religion, tradition, an innate healing gift and extensive training, both in a medical school setting and as an apprentice. Arabic healing approaches are compared to American Indian healing approaches.

Suzanne Cochrane(University of Western Sydney) pp.5-5

The Quest for Personalised Health: Exploring the emergent interface of East Asian medicines and modern system sciences’ organised by EAST medicine Research Centre at the University of Westminster and the School of Life Sciences through the Director Dr Volker Scheid with Professor Jan van der Greef and Professor Bridie Andrews, as well as the International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicines (IASTAM). It was held in London on the 10th & 11th June, 2011. I commend the Conference organisers and speakers for the challenges they have given. Finding East Asian medicine a place in the future seems a particularly urgent problem in Europe. We need practitioners who continue to do East Asian medicine with clinical excellence. We also need people who are able to connect us with other medical traditions and pioneer studies such as systems biology. If our purpose is to bring the wisdom of our personalised health practises to a broader public then these systems biologists are an excellent and fertile starting point

Marcelo Palinkas(University of São Paulo) ; Regina Maura Arantes Nassar(University of São Paulo) ; Mariangela Salles Pereira Nassar(University of São Paulo) ; Solange Aparecida Bataglion(University of São Paulo) ; César Bataglion(University of São Paulo) ; Cássio Edvard Sverzut(Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Su) ; Takami Hirono Hotta(University of São Paulo) ; Simone Cecilio Hallak Regalo(University of São Paulo) pp.6-6

The traumatic removal of the mandibular third molar may promote post chirurgic consequences such as orofacial pain and limited mandibular movements. The aim of this case report is to describe the use of an anterior bite plane and complementary therapies (low level laser therapy and acupuncture) to treat the muscular dysfunction and the painful symptoms. A 33 year-old male patient who had a severe malocclusion and signs and symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction was submitted to an initial clinical examination: electromyography of the masticatory muscles and IRM of the temporomandibular joint. After treatments, the results showed reduced pain symptoms and an increase of the mandibular movements and adequated electromiographic activities. The authors concluded that the combination therapies may be used as an alternative treatment because it satisfied the functional requirements of the patient and provided an asymptomatic clinical condition.

Berit Johannessen(University of Agder) pp.7-7

The use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is increasing in Norway. A growing number of nurses choose to offer CAM, and the purpose of the study presented in this article was to examine the reasons for their choices. Fieldwork including interviews with 20 nurses offering CAM was conducted. The results showed that the nurses in general are not satisfied with the public health service. They had four main reasons for their choice to offer CAM: 1. A desire to perform holistic nursing. 2. A tendency to value self-realization. 3. A wish to experience meaning in their work and develop a stronger professional identity. 4. A freedom to mix care and cure. The results of this study are also discussed in view of medicalization.

Müzeyyen Gönül(Ankara Numune Education and Research Hospital) ; Seray Külcü Çakmak(Ankara Numune Education and Research Hospital) ; Ülker Gül(Ankara Numune Education and Research Hos) ; Zeynep Bıyıklı(Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, B) pp.8-8

There are few reports about the beliefs of psoriasis patients related to their disorder and therapy modalities except for the medical ones. We aimed to investigate the beliefs of psoriasis patients about their disorders, where they had attended therapies unrelated to dermatologists and what modality of unconventional therapies they used for psoriasis in Turkey. The study was performed on 141 psoriasis patients. The age, sex, education status and the number of visits to the dermatology clinics were recorded. How the patients decided to visit the dermatology clinic (themselves, directed by others), where they attended for treatment of psoriasis outside of the dermatologist, what they think about the causes of their disease and what they used for treatment of psoriasis were asked. The mean age of the patients was 33.44 ± 15.13 years. The patients whose ages were over 30 years significantly more went to dermatology clinics. 68.1% of the patients attended the dermatology clinic based on the individual decision, 18.4% were directed by family members and 5.7% by friends. 45.4% of the patients believed that stress was the cause of their disease. 54.6% of the patients had used at least one type of unconventional therapy for psoriasis. The most frequently used unconventional therapy forms were herbal (24.1%) and spiritual therapies (22%). One conclusion is psoriasis patients need education about their diseases. Dermatologists should have information about the tendencies of the patients and approach the patients with sensitivity and empathy and give objective knowledge about psoriasis.

; ; Wung-Seok Cha ; Hyung-Min Kim ; pp.9-9

Jeechool-Whan (JW) is a prescription of Ponciri Fructus Immaturus and Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba and improves the functions of the stomach and the spleen. Although it is said in Korean Medicine that the spleen and the stomach are the roots of the body's resistance, the meaning of 'improving the spleen and the stomach' is very comprehensive. Moreover, there are lots of drugs that are said to improve the spleen and the stomach, and the number of prescriptions using these drugs is huge. In this study, we focused on the new effect and mechanism of the JW on the ovalbumin (OVA)-induced allergic rhinitis (AR) model. The increased number of rubs and the increased levels of IgE and histamine in the OVA-sensitized mice were inhibited by JW administration. The balance of Th1/Th2 cytokine level was regulated by JW administration. The levels inflammatory proteins were decreased by JW administration in the nasal mucosa of the OVA-sensitized mice. Eosinophils and mast cells infiltration increased by OVA-sensitization was also decreased in the JW-administered mice. In addition, JW inhibited caspase-1 activity in the same nasal mucosa tissue. In activated human mast cells, JW inhibited the receptor interacting protein-2, IκB kinase-β, nuclear factor-κB/Rel A, and caspase-1 activation. In conclusion, this study will be support the clear understanding of the concept of the spleen and the stomach in traditional Korean medicine as well as for a possibility of finding a cure for this AR in traditional medical treatments.

Emily Haltiwanger(University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso) ; Homer Nazeran(University of Texas at El Paso) ; Sherry Blake-Greenberg(Health Integration Therapy, Palos Verde) pp.10-10

Acupuncture works by stimulating peripheral sensory nerves and their endings causing an increase in cutaneous blood flow and microcirculation, as well as release of neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, and hormones. SP6 Patch is a nanoscale nontransdermal device that mildly stimulates Stomach 36 (zusanli) and other acupuncture points. As stimulation of these points has been indicated to have an effect on hypothalamic function, it is of great research interest to investigate the effect of SP6 Patch on the physiology of organs that are affected by hypothalamic regulation. Bioelectrical tissue impedance data indicative of cellular physiologic organ function, using an Electro Interstitial Scan (EIS) system, were acquired from hypothalamus, pancreas, liver, intestines, kidneys, thyroid and adrenal glands in 10 (1 male, 9 females) volunteers while wearing the SP6 Patch daily for 1 week. EIS testing was performed at baseline with no patch, 30 min after wearing the patch, and after wearing the patch 12 h/day for 1 week. Subjects were instructed to keep well hydrated during the study period. All subjects served as their own control. The hypothesis was: The SP6 Patch worn 12 h/day on the Stomach 36 acupuncture point for 1 week, may significantly improve cellular physiologic functional status of different organs measured by EIS. All tested organs achieved significant improvement in their functional physiologic status after wearing the SP6 Pach 12 h/day for 1 week compared to baseline with an overall average statistical power > 89%. Based upon these results the hypothesis was accepted as true.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhat(University of Kashmir-190006) ; Dinesh Kumar(University of Kashmir-190006) ; Vijender Kumar(University of Kashmir-190006) ; Ishtaq Ahmad Chashoo(University of Kashmir-190006) ; Nisar Ahmad Khan(University of Kashmir-190006) ; Irfat Ara(CCRUM, Srinagar-190006) ; Mohammad Yassin Shah(University of Kashmir-190006) pp.11-11

Stachys tibetica Vatke (Lamiaceae) is an important medicinal plant in the folk medicine of Ladakh, India and Tibet for the treatment of various mental disorders. Infusion and decoction of the whole plant is used as a cup of tea for a severe fever, headaches and to relieve tension. The recent study is aimed to evaluate the preliminary pharmacognostical and phytochemical nature of Stachys tibetica Vatke. The whole plant material was subjected to successive soxhlet extraction with petroleum ether (40 - 60C), chloroform, ethyl acetate, methanol and finally decocted with water to get the respective extracts. The fluorescence characteristics of the powdered materials were analysed under ultraviolet light and ordinary light. Different physicochemical parameters such as ash value, extractive value, foaming index, pH values, loss on drying and determination of foreign matter were carried out as per WHO guidelines. The total fat, flavonoid, saponin and volatile contents were also determined. Macroscopical studies revealed the authentication of the plant drug. Physicochemical parameters helped to standardize the plant material while preliminary qualitative chemical tests of different extracts showed the presence of Glycosides, Carbohydrates, Phytosterols/triterpenoids, Saponins, Fixed oils, Fats and phenols/tannins. Quantification of the total flavonoids and saponins and contents were determined as 54.66 ± 0.58 mg/g and 75.42 ± 0.48 mg/kg respectively, while the volatile and fat contents were 6.5% and 0.7% respectively. Results may lay the foundation for the standardization of the drug and discovery of new molecules from S. tibetica for the treatment of various diseases.