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Development of Prediction Equation of Diffusing Capacity of Lung for Koreans

Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases / Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases,
2018, v.81 no.1, pp.42-48
황용일 (한림대학교)
박용범 (한림대학교)
윤형규 (가톨릭대학교)
임성용 (성균관대학교)
김태형 (한양대학교)
박주헌 (아주대학교)
리원연 (연세대학교)
박승주 (전북대학교)
이세원 (울산대학교)
김우진 (강원대학교)
김기욱 (부산대학교)
신경철 (영남대학교)
김두진 (순천향대학교)
김휘정 (원광대학교)
김태은 (건국대학교병원)
유광하 (건국대학교)
심재정 (고려대학교)
  • 다운로드 수
  • 조회수


Background: The diffusing capacity of the lung is influenced by multiple factors such as age, sex, height, weight, ethnicity and smoking status. Although a prediction equation for the diffusing capacity of Korea was proposed in the mid-1980s, this equation is not used currently. The aim of this study was to develop a new prediction equation for the diffusing capacity for Koreans. Methods: Using the data of the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a total of 140 nonsmokers with normal chest X-rays were enrolled in this study. Results: Using linear regression analysis, a new predicting equation for diffusing capacity was developed. For men, the following new equations were developed: carbon monoxide diffusing capacity (DLco)=–10.4433–0.1434×age (year)+0.2482×heights (cm); DLco/alveolar volume (VA)=6.01507–0.02374×age (year)–0.00233×heights (cm). For women the prediction equations were described as followed: DLco=–12.8895–0.0532×age (year)+0.2145×heights (cm) and DLco/VA=7.69516–0.02219×age (year)–0.01377×heights (cm). All equations were internally validated by k-fold cross validation method. Conclusion: In this study, we developed new prediction equations for the diffusing capacity of the lungs of Koreans. A further study is needed to validate the new predicting equation for diffusing capacity.

Korean, Pulmonary Diffusing Capacity, Diffusion, Carbon Monoxide



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Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases