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Vol.10 No.2

; Yeon Sook Shin(Chungnam National University) pp.1-8 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2014.10.2.001

This paper discusses designing an interdisciplinary learning environment to promote learning of the liberal arts for advanced musicstudents in order to expand the boundaries of their education experience beyond the technical mastery of their musical instruments. The paper discusses the utilization of salient features of information, communications, and technology and the use of instructionaltheory to promote the understanding of how individual pieces of music can be connected to knowledge of the context in which theywere created to support the understanding of the relationship between experience in the world and musical composition.

Bongjae Kim(Igloo Security Inc.,) ; ; pp.9-17 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2014.10.2.009

Since vehicles’ trajectories are so complex and dense traffic changes in nature frequently, the VANET (Vehicles Ad-hoc Network),using Omni-directional Antenna, has many channel collisions (or overlapping) on Data Link phrases (MAC layers). It is not easy tokeep a good seamless communication status for VANET because of its unpredictable network environment. Among VANET research,Directional Antenna have been proposed as one of the most common systematical solutions to reduce (or to mitigate) this misscommunicationproblems by narrowing communicational ranges and making use of its customized error-detection process. However,even though Directional Antennas help VANET keep good seamless communication, many VANET researchers have reported thatDirectional VANET still has miss-communicational problems – this has lead to problems like ‘Directional Hidden TerminalProblem’, ’Deafness’, ‘Un-accuracy Lobe Scopes’ and ‘High Deployment Cost’ being reported in various papers. To establish wellorganizeddesign assessments for a good Directional VANET MAC protocol to overcome these problems, we rearranged andgrouped current Directional VANET’ qualitative criteria from several current survey papers using these categories- ‘DirectionalDiscovery’, ‘Directional Forwarding’ and ‘Directional Handover’. In addition, based on the results of the following analysis, weshow the essential design concerns that need to be looked at in order to develop a well-designed Directional-VANET MAC protocol.

Jae-sik Ha(University of Illinois) ; ; (Indiana University) pp.18-27 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2014.10.2.018

This study examines underlying factors that influence undergraduate students’ willingness to enhance communication with theirinstructor by comparing the frequency of e-mail and face-to-face interaction between students and instructors. Data was collectedthrough a survey of 322 undergraduate journalism students at a large Midwestern university. The findings showed that the morepassive students were in expressing their opinion during the class, the less likely they were to send e-mails to their instructor (Coef. =-0.180, p < .01) or to communicate with their instructor face-to-face (Coef. = -0.262, p < .01). The findings also showed that themore students described their personality as “shy,” the less likely they were to e-mail their instructor (Coef. = -0.157, p < .05) orcommunicate with their instructor face-to-face (Coef. = -0.210, p < .01). It is noteworthy that the degrees of both passivity andshyness had a more negative effect on the probability of face-to-face interaction than they did on email interaction. In summary, emailusage follows similar broader patterns of social interaction, rather than introducing a different trend in communication. Thisfinding implies that the importance of e-mail should not be exaggerated as a communication tool for reticent students.


This study attempted to suggest a strategy for providing rural community tourism information services using smartphones. Studysubjects were men and women among 300 who currently use smartphones. Empirical analysis was done on 249 of the 300 subjects. Upon verification of the effect factors of adults' smartphone usage and rural community tourism information services usage, theywere both statistically significant based on Ajzen's(1991) Theory of planned behavior. Hence, behavior, subjective norms, perceivedbehavioral control should be augmented in order to increase smartphone usage behavior to access rural community tourisminformation services. Especially, behavioral intent and usage behavior was increased proportionately to behavioral control. Wesuggested that plans to provide applications free of charge and building a social consensus on utilizing rural community tourisminformation are important in achieving such status.


This study defined the pre-elderly as middle age people from 50 to 59. Because it is difficult to produce a design to satisfy the preelderlywithout deeply understanding them, their financial and physical characteristics and persona-based scenario method wasstudied. An experimental study about persona based scenario method was conducted, and as a result, the types of personas foundwere as follows: 1) Users enjoy the same games online and offline. 2) Users enjoy playing alone on the computer. 3) Users prefergames that end quickly with win or loss. Writing the situation scenario for each type, the pre-elderly's problems and needs occurringwhile they play web board games were obtained. The obtained user requests were as follows: users would like the level of difficultyto be simpler in the game of baduk; users wanted unlimited credit and refrainment from using English words in go-Stop; and therewere simple comments about game screen design.


This study suggests a teaching-learning method to improve creative design abilities of students majoring in design. By suggesting acreative design-inducing (CDI) teaching-learning method process and a creative design-inducing (CDI) teaching-learning method,this study aims to expand creative thinking among students with the aim of producing produce creative output as well as improvingthe effectiveness of design teaching. It also presents a case of the teaching-learning method in a design-related department, theprocess of teaching where the new method is applied is also examined. The teaching method this study suggests has the followingmerits: First, it allows the teacher to use various tools depending on the creative thinking abilities of individuals. By providingstudents with custom-made teaching, the method motivates and focuses students during the lesson. Second, it is easier for students togenerate creative ideas than with other teaching methods.


Physiological signals provide important clues in the diagnosis and prediction of disease. Analyzing these signals is important inhealth and medicine. In particular, data preprocessing for physiological signal analysis is a vital issue because missing values, noise,and outliers may degrade the analysis performance. In this paper, we propose PhysioCover, a system that can recover missing valuesof physiological signals that were monitored in real time. PhysioCover integrates a gradual method and EM-based PrincipleComponent Analysis (PCA). This approach can (1) more readily recover long- and short-term missing data than existing methods,such as traditional EM-based PCA, linear interpolation, 5-average and Missing Value Singular Value Decomposition (MSVD), (2)more effectively detect hidden variables than PCA and Independent component analysis (ICA), and (3) offer fast computation timethrough real-time processing. Experimental results with the physiological data of an intensive care unit show that the proposedmethod assigns more accurate missing values than previous methods.


The Purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the Smart reading program, Smartree, in an elementary English class. Recentlyin Korea, the use of smart technologies in education has become an issue with the introduction of a new educational platform andincreased social interaction between teachers and students. The Smart learning paradigm is converging with technology and sociallearning. This study examines an English reading method using smart technology and how it affects the improvement of elementarystudents’ reading ability, we also suggest effective reading methods related to Smart learning suitable for this new educational trend. The results showed that the use of a tablet PC based Smartree reading program had meaningful effects on both improvements ofcognitive reading ability and changes in affective attitude.

Marsella Kornelis(De La Salle Catholic University of Manado) ; pp.67-73 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2014.10.2.067

With a population of around 237,424,363 in 33 provinces, Indonesia is one developing countries that needs an excellent SchoolManagement Information System (SMIS) to accomplish its educational mission. To reach the goal, it is necessary to know the rules,culture of school and related data prior to building the SMIS. This study is focused on the Indonesian National Education Standards. It is has nine standards that are described by the Regulation of Education Ministry. To manage the schools’ organization, this paperaims to develop a SMIS based on the Indonesian National Education Standards by using ARIS(Architecture of Integrated InformationSystem) to help schools run efficiently. The new system will be built using UML(Unified Modeling Language), this new systemconforms to the education rules of the government. Finally, the conclusion and future research are described.


This paper aims to propose the educational concept and design model of a Smart Board Game appropriate for lower elementarygrade students. The Smart Board Game refers to a hybrid, or ‘convergent’, game format based on the offline format of theconventional board game augmented through the use of smart devices. The substantive aspects of this game format utilize theprocedural deduction and problem-solving skills applicable in storytelling methodologies and games, in order to generate andpropose contents ideal for the educational environment. The development of the Smart Board Game is conducted through thefollowing stages. First, the study analyzes a number of Smart Board Games currently popular in Korea and abroad, based onidentification of the key components and processes of the board game format. The subsequent review of the science curriculum forlower elementary grades aims to determine the aspects conducive for application to Smart Board Games. Lastly, the theoreticalframework outlined through the previous stages is used as the basis for the proposal of a detailed model of contents for the smartboard game concept.