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Vol.10 No.4


In this paper, we propose a method to build an accurate initial trimap for the GrabCut algorithm without the need for human interaction. First, we identify a rough candidate for the label region of a bottle by applying a saliency map to find a salient area fromthe image. Then, the Hough Transformation method is used to detect the left and right borders of the label region, and the k-means algorithm is used to localize the upper and lower borders of the label of the bottle. These four borders are used to build an initial trimap for the GrabCut method. Finally, GrabCut segments accurate regions for the label. The experimental results for 130 wine bottle images demonstrated that the saliency map extracted a rough label region with an accuracy of 97.69% while also removing the complex background. The Hough transform and projection method accurately drew the outline of the label from the saliency area, and then the outline was used to build an initial trimap for GrabCut. Finally, the GrabCut algorithm successfully segmented the bottle label with an average accuracy of 92.31%. Therefore, we believe that our method is suitable for product label recognition systems that automatically segment product labels. Although our method achieved encouraging results, it has some limitations in that unreliable results are produced under conditions with varying illumination and reflections. Therefore, we are in the process of developing preprocessing algorithms to improve the proposed method to take into account variations in illumination and reflections.

Tam Nguyen(Saigon Technology University) ; ; ; pp.11-17 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2014.10.4.011

The influence of acquisition environment on music score images captured by a camera has not yet been seriously examined. All existing Optical Music Recognition (OMR) systems attempt to recognize music score images captured by a scanner under idealconditions. Therefore, when such systems process images under the influence of distortion, different viewpoints or suboptimal illumination effects, the performance, in terms of recognition accuracy and processing time, is unacceptable for deployment in practice. In this paper, a novel, lightweight but effective approach for dealing with the issues caused by camera based music scores is proposed. Based on the staff line information, musical rules, run length code, and projection, all regions of interest are determined. Templates created from inverse filter are then used to recognize the music symbols. Therefore, all fragmentation and deformation problems, as well as missed recognition, can be overcome using the developed method. The system was evaluated on a dataset consisting of real images captured by a smartphone. The achieved recognition rate and processing time were relatively competitive with state of the art works. In addition, the system was designed to be lightweight compared with the other approaches, which mostly adopted machine learning algorithms, to allow further deployment on portable devices with limited computing resources.

(Michigan University) pp.18-22 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2014.10.4.018

Social network games (SNGs), a rapidly growing online game genre, are built and played on social network sites. SNGs provide an online world for enjoying leisure time and interpersonal communication, and an increasing numbers of college students are involved in such game-playing as a leisure time activity. Despite the popularity, relatively few studies have been conducted to investigate the nature of game players, especially the meaning of such leisure time behavior by college students. This paper’s aim was to explore a subjective meaning structure of online social network game play. The means-end chain model was used to link attributes of SNGs to the underlying values of game playing as a leisure activity. The results revealed two emerging end-values: the need for bridging and a sense of belonging. This study sheds light on the meaning of college students’ leisure activities when playing social network games.


Online video advertising is now an increasingly important tool for marketers to reach and connect with their consumers. The purpose of this study was to empirically investigate the impact of video format on online video advertising. More specifically, this study aimed to explore whether online video quality and image size influences viewer responses toward online video advertising. By conducting an experimental study on YouTube, the results suggested that enhanced video quality of online advertising may have an important impact on effectiveness of the advertising, and the concept of presence is a key to understanding the effects of enhanced video quality in online advertising.


The current study was conducted to examine the temporal and spatial activation sequences related to morphosyntactic, semantic and orthographic-lexical sentences, focusing on the morphological-orthographic and lexical-semantic deviation processes in Korean language processing. The Event-related Potentials (ERPs) of 15 healthy students were adopted to explore the processing of headfinal critical words in a sentential plausibility task. Specifically, it was examined whether the ERP-pattern to orthographic-lexical violation might show linear precedence over other processes, or the presence of additivity across combined processing components. For the morphosyntactic violation, fronto-central LAN followed by P600 was found, while semantic violation elicited N400, as expected. Activation of P600 was distributed in the left frontal and central sites, while N400 appeared even in frontal sites other than the centro-parietal areas. Most importantly, the orthographic-lexical violation process revealed by earlier N2 with fronto-central activity was shown to be complexes of morphological and semantic functions from the same critical word. The present study suggests that there is a linear precedence over the morphological deviation and its lexical semantic processing based on the immediate possibility of lexical information, followed by sentential semantics. Finally, late syntactic integration processes were completed, showing different topographic activation in order of importance of ongoing sentential information.


Recently, with the development of technology, social network service (SNS) has become a hot topic. Lots of companies are now making online marketing strategy to promote their products and brand identities using SNS. Through these strategies, companies can produce more profit as well as make better brand images by performing online public relations. Among the SNSs, Facebook has a lot of users, it has been regarded by companies as a suitable platform with respect to online marketing for latent customers. The companies of today typically have at least one account and a Facebook page, and constantly make relationships with customers. However, companies have been thoughtless in this process, and usually provide information to customers through one-way communication. Based on this phenomenon, a study was conducted herein on how to use Facebook pages for promoting products and brand identities, keeping good relationships between companies and customers. This study assumed that the types of interaction on Facebook pages and user involvement are the key factors affecting decision making of purchase. Four types of Facebook pages which were made virtually were used in analysis with 56 participants who were selected for the experiment. The results indicated partial verification of the hypothesis. Particularly, product involvement had an effect on decision making of purchase in all conditions. According to these results, it can be explained that there are close relationships between the psychological status of online behaviors and Facebook corporate pages. In addition, through linear tendency of this phenomenon, this can infer how to setup a positive relationship with latent customers and make improve brand images of products.


The purpose of this study was to examine 30 logical connectors in the essay writing of Korean university students for comparison with the use in similar types of native English writing. The main questions addressed were as follows: Do Korean EFL students tend to over- or underuse logical connectors? What types of connectors differentiate Korean learners from native use? To answer these questions, EFL learner data were compared with data from native speakers using computerized corpora and linguistic software tools to speed up the initial stage of the linguistic analysis. The analysis revealed that Korean EFL learners tend to overuse logical connectors in the initial position of the sentence, and that they tend to overuse additive connectors such as ‘moreover’, ‘besides’, and ‘furthermore’, whereas they underuse contrastive connectors such as ‘yet’ and ‘instead’. On the basis of the results of this study, some pedagogical implications are made concerning the need for teaching of the semantic, stylistic, and syntactic behavior of logical connectors.


Although many studies have considered the outcomes and impacts of serious games, little is known about the factors which affect a user’s perception or interpretation in games during the process of decision making from theoretical perspectives. This study aimed to explore the process of user perception from the perspective of construal level theory, and to suggest a theoretical design approach for the development of effective serious games. In the current study, cognitive and affective learning outcomes were articulated through literature review and synthesized into a series of assumptions with persuasive and educational aspects in serious games. Serious games reflect the potential of the game mechanism for changing players’ perception, and helping with knowledge acquisition of the users. The potential to use construal level theory for effective serious games interventions was suggested, and a Serious Games Design Framework was proposed via potential outcomes from recent advanced research. Finally, implications of the application of the suggested model with various-related purposes and directions for future research were discussed. The model could be useful not only for game researchers and designers, but also for game marketers in attracting potential consumers.

SeJin Han(Chonnam National University) ; pp.63-68 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2014.10.4.063

In this paper, we propose a smart system that can optically recognize a music score within a document and can play the music after recognition. Many historic handwritten documents have now been digitalized. Converting images of a music score within documents into digital files is particularly difficult and requires considerable resources because a music score consists of a 2D structure with both staff lines and symbols. The proposed system takes an input image using a mobile device equipped with a camera module, and the image is optimized via preprocessing. Binarization, music sheet correction, staff line recognition, vertical line detection, note recognition, and symbol recognition processing are then applied, and a music file is generated in an XML format. The Music XML file is recorded as digital information, and based on that file, we can modify the result, logically correct errors, and finally generate a MIDI file. Our system reduces misrecognition, and a wider range of music score can be recognized because we have implemented distortion correction and vertical line detection. We show that the proposed method is practical, and that is has potential for wide application through an experiment with a variety of music scores.

Enkhzaya Myagmar(Tong-Myong University) ; pp.69-74 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2014.10.4.069

General location aware systems are only applied to indoor and outdoor environments using more than three transmitters to estimate a fixed object location. Those kinds of systems have environmental restrictions that require an already established infrastructure. To solve this problem, an Object Location Estimation (OLE) algorithm based on PTP (Point To Point) communication has been proposed. However, the problem with this method is that deduction of performance parameters is not enough and location estimation is very difficult because of unknown restriction conditions. From experimental tests in this research, we determined that the performance parameters for restriction conditions are a maximum transmission distance of CSS communication and an optimum moving distance interval between personal locations. In this paper, a system applied OLE algorithm based on PTP communication is implemented using a CSS (Chirp Spread Spectrum) communication module. A maximum transmission distance for CSS communication and an optimum moving distance interval between personal locations are then deducted and studied to estimate a fixed object location for generalization.

Nak-kyo Oh(Korea University Green School) pp.75-82 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2014.10.4.075

The purpose of this paper was to identify suitable variables for financial distress prediction models and to compare the accuracy of MDA and LA for early warning signals for wind energy companies in Korea. The research methods, discriminant analysis and logit analysis have been widely used. The data set consisted of 15 wind energy SMEs in KOSDAQ with financial statements in 2012 from KIS-Value. We found that five financial ratio variables were statistically significant and the accuracy of MDA was 86%, while that of LA is 100%. The importance of this study is that it demonstrates empirically that financial distress prediction models are applicable to the wind energy industry in Korea as an early warning signs of impending bankruptcy.


This study suggests an effective online guide for foreign teachers who want to teach English in Korean schools. When designing this guide for overseas applicants, there should be a consistent analysis to reflect the process of the system. Thus, this paper provides an analysis and results for an integrated online guide to increase the efficiency based on the pedagogical framework for analysis of the ‘ADDIE’ model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The number of job applicants who wish to teach English in Korea is growing rapidly because Korea is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and the ‘Korean Wave’ has especially been experiencing significant changes with the development of social network services and digital technologies. As a result, overseas applicants’ expectations regarding Korea when they are seeking information and applying is very high, but the aspects of the procedure provided by the government are somewhat disappointing. The paper presents customer needs and specific recommendation for each step of the application process to improve the guide’s effectiveness.