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Vol.11 No.2


In this paper, we describe a novel method for document layout analysis that is based on a Fuzzy Energy Matrix (FEM). A FEM is a two-dimensional matrix that contains the likelihood of text and non-text and is generated through the use of Fuzzy theory. The key idea is to define an Energy map for the document to categorize text and non-text. The proposed mechanism is designed for execution with a low-resolution document image, and hence our method has a fast processing speed. The proposed method has been tested on public ICDAR 2009 datasets to conduct a comparison against other state-of-the-art methods, and it was also tested with Korean documents. The results of the experiment indicate that this scheme achieves superior segmentation accuracy, in terms of both precision and recall, and also requires less time for computation than other state-of-the-art document image analysis methods.


We propose a new distance measure between 2-dimensional points to provide a total order for an entire point set and to reflect the correct geometric meaning of the naturalness of the point ordering. In general, there is no total order for 2-dimensional point sets, so curve reconstruction algorithms do not solve the self-intersection problem because the distance used in the previous methods is the Euclidean distance. A natural distance based on Brownian motion was previously proposed to solve the self-intersection problem. However, the distance reflects the wrong geometric meaning of the naturalness. In this paper, we correct the disadvantage of the natural distance by introducing a polar-natural distance, and we also propose a new curve reconstruction algorithm that is based on the polar-natural distance. Our experiments show that the new distance adequately reflects the correct geometric meaning, so non-simple curve reconstruction can be solved.

GwangBok Kim(Chonnam National University) ; ; pp.15-19 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2015.11.2.015

In this paper, we propose an efficient document layout analysis algorithm that includes table detection. Typical methods of document layout analysis use the height and gap between words or columns. To correspond to the various styles and sizes of documents, we propose an algorithm that uses the mean value of the distance transform representing thickness and compare with components in the local area. With this algorithm, we combine a table detection algorithm using the same feature as that of the text classifier. Table candidates, separators, and big components are isolated from the image using Connected Component Analysis (CCA) and distance transform. The key idea of text classification is that the characteristics of the text parallel components that have a similar thickness and height. In order to estimate local similarity, we detect a text region using an adaptive searching window size. An improved adaptive run-length smoothing algorithm (ARLSA) was proposed to create the proper boundary of a text zone and non-text zone. Results from experiments on the ICDAR2009 page segmentation competition test set and our dataset demonstrate the superiority of our dataset through f-measure comparison with other algorithms.


We propose a new method that specifies objective image quality factors by evaluating an image quality measurement model using random images. In other words, No-Reference variables are used to evaluate the quality of an original image without using any reference for comparison. 1000 portrait images were collected from a web gallery with votes constituting over 30 recommendation values. The bottom-up data collecting process was used to calculate the following image quality factors: total range, average, standard deviation, normalized distribution, z-score, preference percentage. A final grade is awarded out of 100 points, and this method ranks and grades the final estimated image quality preference in terms of total image quality factors. The results of the proposed image quality evaluation model consist of the specific dynamic range, skin tone R, G, B, L, A, B, and RSC contrast. We can present the total for the expected preference points as the average of the objective image qualities. Our proposed image quality evaluation model can measure the preferences for an actual image using a statistical analysis. The results indicate that this is a practical image quality measurement model that can extract a subject's preferred image quality.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Yukuo Hayashida(Saga University) pp.31-36 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2015.11.2.031

Recent years have seen a significant increase in demand for multimedia data over wireless sensor networks for monitoring applications that utilize sensor nodes to collect multimedia data, including sound and video. However, the multimedia streams generate a very large amount of data. When data transmission schemes for traditional wireless sensor networks are applied in wireless multimedia sensor networks, the network lifetime significantly decreases due to the excessive energy consumption of specific nodes. In this paper, we propose a data compression scheme that implements the Chinese remainder theorem to a wireless multimedia sensor network. The proposed scheme uses the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) to compress and split multimedia data, and it then transmits the bit-pattern packets of the remainder to the base station. As a result, the amount of multimedia data that is transmitted is reduced. The superiority of our proposed scheme is demonstrated by comparing its performance to that of an existing scheme. The results of our experiment indicate that our proposed scheme significantly increased the compression ratio and reduced the compression operation in comparison to those of existing compression schemes.

; ; ; Yasuhisa Okazaki(Saga University) ; ; ; pp.37-49 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2015.11.2.037

Sensors, equipment, ICT facilities and their corresponding software have a relatively short lifetime relative to that of constructional structure, so these devices have to be continuously fixed or exchanged during maintenance and management. Furthermore, software or analysis tools should be periodically upgraded according to advances in ICT and analysis technology. Conventional monitoring systems have serious problems in that it is difficult for site engineers to modify or upgrade hardware and analysis algorithms. Moreover, we depend on the original system developer when we want to modify or upgrade inner program structures. In this paper, we propose a novel design for integrated maintenance and management of a monitoring system by applying the mobile cloud concept. The system is intended for use in disaster prevention of constructional structures, including bridges, tunnels, and in traditional buildings in a local heritage village, we analyze the status of these structures over a long term or a short-term period as well as in disaster situations. Data are collected over a mobile cloud and future expectations are analyzed according to probabilistic and statistical techniques. We implement our integrated monitoring system to solve the existing problems mentioned above. The final goal of this study is to design and implement a monitoring system for more than 10,000 structures spread within Korea. Furthermore, we can specifically apply the monitoring system presented here to a bridge made from timber in Asan Oeam Village and a traditional house in Andong Hahoe Village to monitor for possible disasters. The entire system design and implementation can be developed on the LinkSaaS platform and the monitoring services can also be implemented on the platform. We prove that the proposed system has good performance by performing a TTA authentication test, web accommodation test, and operation test using emulated data.

Tan Hai Ly(University of Guelph) ; pp.50-56 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2015.11.2.050

The area of discourse analysis has long neglected the value of images as a semiotic resource in communication. This paper suggests that like language, images are rich in meaning potential and are governed by visual grammar structures which can be utilized to decode the meanings of images. Employing a theoretical framework in visual communication, two digital images are examined for their representational and interactive dimensions and the dimensions’ relation to the magazine advertisement genre. The results show that the framework identified narrative and conceptual processes, relations between participants and viewers, and symbolic attributes of the images, which all contribute to the sociological interpretations of the images. The identities and relationships between viewers and participants suggested in the images signify desirable qualities that may be associated to the product of the advertiser. The findings support the theory of visual grammar and highlight the potential of images to convey multi-layered meanings.

; Hiroshi Wakuya ; ; ; ; ; pp.57-62 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2015.11.2.057

Relative entropy is a divergence measure between two probability density functions of a random variable. Assuming that the random variable has only two alphabets, the relative entropy becomes a cross-entropy error function that can accelerate training convergence of multi-layer perceptron neural networks. Also, the n-th order extension of cross-entropy (nCE) error function exhibits an improved performance in viewpoints of learning convergence and generalization capability. In this paper, we derive a new divergence measure between two probability density functions from the nCE error function. And the new divergence measure is compared with the relative entropy through the use of three-dimensional plots.

(KISTI) ; Seon-heui Choi(KISTI) ; Muyeong Kang(KISTI) ; pp.63-68 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2015.11.2.063

A citation analysis utilizes the relations among citations and is the most popular bibliometric method. This analysis is based on 1) the evaluation by paper, journal and researcher of the research output, 2) the identification of emerging research topics, 3) the production of a map of the intellectual structure of the research domain and 4) various services for academic information. However, this approach has a limitation in that a citation is treated in a very simple manner, even though the purpose of citation can vary greatly. To address this problem, new approaches have been studied that take into account the citation context. This research separates the citations according to the citation functions and tries to conduct an analysis according to the newly classified citations. Furthermore, research on the citation summarization and visualization based on both the citation context and the citation function of the citations was also attempted. However, since there are very few studies related to citation context in South Korea, more research and development is needed in this area. This study analyzes the status of the research in terms of the citation context. For this, we utilized social network analysis methods.

Hae-Lan Jang(Joongbu University) ; pp.69-73 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2015.11.2.069

This study was performed to determine the optimal doses of alfentanil or remifentanil (effect-site concentrations) required to prevent pain and other suffering after abdominal general surgery in ICU patients. A total of 52 general abdominal surgical patients (ASA II-III) requiring artificial ventilatory care in the ICU were provided with either alfentanil (24 patients) or remifentanil (28 patients) through target controlled infusion (TCI). Alfentanil and remifentanil concentrations were titrated up and down until the pain score became less than 3 (VAS; Visual Analogue Score < 3). The effect-site concentrations (ng/ml) of alfentanil or remifentanil required to adequately control postoperative pain in the ICU were 64 +/- 12 and 1.9 +/- 0.5 for intubation with artificial ventilation, 57 +/- 9 and 1.7 +/- 0.7 for intubation with spontaneous ventilation, and 41 +/- 10 and 1.2 +/- 0.5 after extubation, respectively. Pain scores and the corresponding opioid concentrations were independent from respiratory condition. The three effect-site concentrations of alfentanil and remifentanil obtained from this clinical trial using the TCI technique can be a guideline in the administration of the same opioids to relieve the discomfort of ICU patients who have undergone abdominal general surgery.