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Vol.11 No.3


This study presents an examination of the effects of the sub-factors of both self-control and school adjustment on smartphone addiction among a sample of elementary school students. The study is comprised of 93 5th-grade students from x elementary school located in Seoul, Korea. A descriptive analysis, Pearson’s correlation, and multiple regression analysis were performed, and the following two study results are presented: 1) Among the sub-factors of self-control, instant gratification positively predicts smartphone addiction. 2) Among the sub-factors of school adjustment, a student’s adherence to school rules negatively predicts smartphone addiction. Based on these results, the implications for preventing smartphone addiction among elementary-school students are discussed.

Hoai Nam Vu(Chonnam National University) ; ; pp.7-13 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2015.11.3.007

One of the biggest problems of skeletonization is the occurrence of distortions at the junction point of the final binary image. At the junction area, a single point usually becomes a small stroke, and the corresponding trajectory task, as well as the OCR, consequently becomes more complicated. We therefore propose an adaptive post-processing method that uses an adaptive threshold technique to correct the distortions. Our proposed method transforms the distorted segments into a single point so that they are as similar to the original image as possible, and this improves the static handwriting images after the skeletonization process. Further, we attained promising results regarding the usage of the enhanced skeletonized images in other applications, thereby proving the expediency and efficiency of the proposed method.

SangZoNam(Mokwon University) pp.14-23 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2015.11.3.014

This paper presents the findings of a study in which students at a four-year university were surveyed in an effort to analyze and verify the differences in perceived security awareness, security-related activities, and security damage experiences when using smartphones, based on demographic variables such as gender, academic year, and college major. Moreover, the perceived security awareness items and security-related activities were tested to verify whether they affect the students’ security damage experience. Based on survey data obtained from 592 participants, the findings indicate that demographic differences exist for some of the survey question items. The majority of the male students replied “affirmative” to some of the questions related to perceived security awareness and “enthusiastic” to questions about security-related activities. Some academic year differences exist in the responses to perceived security awareness and security-related activities. On the whole, freshmen had the lowest level of security awareness. Security alert seems to be very high in sophomores, but it decreases as the students become older. While the difference in perceived security awareness based on college major was not significant, the difference in some security-related activities based on that variable was significant. No significant difference was found in some items such as storing private information in smartphones and frequency of implementation of security applications based on the college major variable. However, differences among the college majors were verified in clicking hyperlinks in unknown SMS messages and in the number of security applications in smartphones. No differences were found in security damage experiences based on gender, academic year, and college major. Security awareness items had no impact on the experience of security damage in smartphones. However, some security activities, such as storing resident registration numbers in a smartphone, clicking hyperlinks in unknown SMS messages, the number of security apps in a smartphone, and the frequency of implementation of security apps did have an impact on security damage.

; Kevin Y. Wang(Butler University) ; Yejin Hong(University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) pp.24-33 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2015.11.3.024

Against the backdrop of Habermas’ theory of communicative action, we empirically analyzed the level of interactivity and narratives offered in nation-states’ ministry of foreign affairs Web sites. A multiple regression analysis was performed in an attempt to identify factors affecting the level of interactivity in such Web sites. Findings revealed that the level of economic development is the sole significant factor in regards to the level of interactivity. Further, self-interested, goal-directed, and strategic purposes behind the allegedly transparent, engaging, and interactive public diplomacy were evidenced through a critical analysis of the objectives, key issues, and target publics addressed and highlighted in the public diplomacy narratives on the Web. The results suggested a possible digital divide in the interactive adoption of Web public diplomacy as well as strategic motives and interests embedded in the public diplomacy communication on the Web. This study helps increase our understanding of the paradox of public diplomacy in the digital age.

; Lei Yang(Hefei University) pp.34-38 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2015.11.3.034

A band stop filter is proposed with cascading unit cells that are based on a dual composite right/left-handed (D-CRLH) conductor-backed coplanar waveguide. The parameters of the unit cell have been analyzed to confirm the behavior of each component for the equivalent circuit of the cell. We simulated the dispersion characteristics and energy distribution and have determined that the unit cell has a D-CRLH property. The band stop filter was implemented by symmetrically cascading two of the proposed unit cells. The experimental results for the band stop filter revealed a band rejection performance of 32 dB and a return loss of 0.35 dB in the stopband frequency range from 869MHz to 954MHz. Finally, we show that there is a good agreement in the experimental results and those obtained through the simulations.

HyoungDo Kim(Hanyang Cyber University) pp.39-46 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2015.11.3.039

When host images are watermarked with CRT (Chinese Remainder Theorem), the watermark images are still robust in spite of the damage of the host images by maintaining the remainders in an unchanged state within some range of the changes that are incurred by the attacks. This advantage can also be attained by “zero-watermarking,” which does not change the host images in any way. This paper proposes an improved zero-watermarking scheme for color images on the DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) domain that is based on the CRT. In the scheme, RGB images are converted into YCbCr images, and one channel is used for the DCT transformation. A key is then computed from the DC and three low-frequency AC values of each DCT block using the CRT. The key finally becomes the watermark key after it is combined four times with a scrambled watermark image. When watermark images are extracted, each bit is determined by majority voting. This scheme shows that watermark images are robust against a number of common attacks such as sharpening, blurring, JPEG lossy compression, and cropping.

Abhijeet Boragule(Dept. of ECE, Chonnam National University, Korea.) ; JungYeon Yeo(Chonnam National University) ; pp.47-53 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2015.11.3.047

Visual object tracking is a fundamental problem in the field of computer vision, as it needs a proper model to account for drastic appearance changes that are caused by shape, textural, and illumination variations. In this paper, we propose a feature-based visual-object-tracking method with a sparse representation. Generally, most appearance-based models use the gray-scale pixel values of the input image, but this might be insufficient for a description of the target object under a variety of conditions. To obtain the proper information regarding the target object, the following combination of features has been exploited as a corresponding representation: First, the features of the target templates are extracted by using the HOG (histogram of gradient) and LBPs (local binary patterns); secondly, a feature-based sparsity is attained by solving the minimization problems, whereby the target object is represented by the selection of the minimum reconstruction error. The strengths of both features are exploited to enhance the overall performance of the tracker; furthermore, the proposed method is integrated with the particle-filter framework and achieves a promising result in terms of challenging tracking videos.


In this paper, we investigate the impacts of the following four influential factors on flow in digital reading: contents, platforms, motivations, and places. The contents factor was subdivided into “news articles” and “journal papers”; platforms is comprised of “mobile phones,” “tablets,” and “laptops”; motivations consists of “pleasure” and “assignments”; and “home,” “on the go,” and “out of home” are the subdivisions of the places factor. We conducted a questionnaire survey with the study’s participants and the following results are shown: 1) The flow during the reading of news articles is influenced by motivations, whereas the flow during the reading of journal papers is influenced by platforms. 2) Regarding mobile phones, motivations significantly affected the flow, whereas content types significantly affected the flow for tablets; also, laptops provided the best flow and articles can be read on the platform regardless of motivations. 3) Reading for pleasure rather than for assignments positively influenced the flow for all of the platforms. 4) With respect to news articles, the places providing flow are different across platforms. However, for journal papers, the places out of home provided good flow. For tablets, the places for flow significantly depended on the content type, which is not the case for laptops.

Lei Yang(Hefei University) ; pp.63-68 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2015.11.3.063

A novel unit cell for a high pass filter was designed based on a composite right/left-handed structure that uses a folded coplanar waveguide. The equivalent circuit model for the unit cell was extracted from the geometry of the unit cell, and the effect of each main parameter of the unit cell was analyzed. The equations to calculate the immittance values of the equivalent circuit elements were formulated, and moreover, the dispersion characteristics and energy the distributions of the electromagnetic fields were simulated to determine the characteristics of the composite right/left-handed structure. Finally, the high pass filters were implemented as a series of the proposed unit cells. We show that the experimental results were in good agreement with those obtained from the simulation. Thus, the high pass filter was found to achieve a baseband insertion loss of 3 dB and a stopband attenuation of 70 dB.