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Vol.12 No.2

In-Kwon Kim ; Ho-Wook Jang ; Kwan-Hee Yoo ; Jong-Sung Ha pp.1-5 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2016.12.2.001

Extensible 3D (X3D) is the ISO standard for defining 3D interactive web- and broadcast-based 3D content integrated with multimedia. With the advent of this integration of interactive 3D graphics into the web, users can easily produce 3D scenes within web contents. Even though there are diverse texture nodes in X3D, projective textures are not provided. We enable X3D to provide SingularProjectiveTexture and MultiProjectiveTexture nodes by materializing independent nodes of projector nodes for a singular projector and multi-projector. Our approach takes the creation of an independent projective texture node instead of Kamburelis’s method, which requires inconvenient and duplicated specifications of two nodes, ImageTexture and Texture Coordinate.

Seungwoo Rho(KISTI) ; Sangbae Park(KISTI) ; pp.6-11 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2016.12.2.006

We developed a pilot-job based large-scale distributed computing system to support HTC and MTC, called HTCaaS (High-Throughput Computing as a Service), which helps scientists solve large-scale scientific problems in areas such as pharmaceutical domains, high-energy physics, nuclear physics and bio science. Since most of these problems involve critical data that affect the national economy and activate basic industries, data privacy is a very important issue. In this paper, we implement a privacy enhanced data security mechanism to support HTC and MTC in a large-scale distributed computing system and show how this technique affects performance in our system. With this mechanism, users can securely store data in our system


This paper presents a novel concept of Disaster Prevention Design (DPD) and its derived subjects and topics for the safety of folk villages in both Korea and Japan. Nowadays, design concepts are focused on ‘human-oriented nature’ as a whole and this tendency fits to be appropriate for disaster prevention against real dangers of a future society, which is expected to have far more complicated features. On the other hand, convergences have performed with other areas in the field of Information Communication Technology (ICT) so that we can easily find examples like ‘the strategy of ICT-based convergence’ of the Korean Government in 2014. Modern content designs including UI (user interface) and USN (ubiquitous sensor network) have been developed as one of the representative areas of ICT & UD (universal design) convergences. These days this novel concept of convergence is overcoming the existing limitations of the conventional design concept focused on product and/or service. First of all, from that point our deduced topic or subject would naturally be a monitoring system design of constructional structures in folk villages for safety. We offer an integrated model of maintenance and a management-monitoring scheme. Another important point of view in the research is a safety sign or sign system installed in folk villages or traditional towns and their standardization. We would draw up and submit a plan that aims to upgrade signs and sign systems applied to folk villages in Korea and Japan. According to our investigations, floods in Korea and earthquakes in Japan are the most harmful disasters of folk villages. Therefore, focusing on floods in the area of traditional towns in Korea would be natural. We present a water-level expectation model using deep learning simulation. We also apply this method to the area of ‘Andong Hahoe’ village which has been registered with the World Cultural Heritage of UNESCO. Folk village sites include ‘Asan Oeam’, ‘Andong Hahoe’ and ‘Chonju Hanok’ villages in Korea and ‘Beppu Onsen’ village in Japan. Traditional Streets and Markets and Safe Schools and Parks are also chosen as nearby test-beds for DPD based on ICT. Our final goal of the research is to propose and realize an integrated disaster prevention and/or safety system based on big data for both Korea and Japan.


Ontology is known to be one of the most important technologies in achieving semantic web. It is critical as it represents the knowledge in a machine readable state. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has been contributing to the development of ontology for the last several years. However, the recommendation of W3C left out HTML despite the massive amount of information it contains. Also, it is difficult and time consuming to keep up with all the technologies especially in the case of constructing ontology. Thus, we propose a module and methods that reuse HTML documents, extract necessary information from HTML tags and mapping it to OWL 2. We will be combining two kinds of approaches which will be the structural refinement for making an ontology skeleton and linguistic approach for adding detailed information onto the skeleton.


The purpose of this research is to realize interactive art based on user's motions information using real time internet search terms. For this purpose, real-time search terms and related news information were extracted from three domestic and foreign portal sites, and the extracted information was used to generate content for interaction with the user. For interaction between the generated content and the user, a motion-based interactive technology that optimizes the intentions and experiences of the user was developed. A motion-based interactive system can be used to develop an immersive interface that induces user interest


In this paper, we propose a friend recommendation scheme that takes into consideration the attribute information of a POI and a user’s movement patterns. The proposed scheme broadly consists of a part that filters out other users who have different preferences by calculating preferences using the attribute information of users and a part that finds a moving trajectory close to that of a user with a pattern-matching scheme. To verify the superiority of the proposed scheme, we compare it with existing schemes through various performance evaluations.


We present efficient algorithms for computing centroid directions for each of the three types of monotonicity in a polyhedron: strong, weak, and directional monotonicity, which can be used for optimizing directions in many 3D manufacturing processes. Strongly- and directionally-monotone directions are the poles of great circles separating a set of spherical polygons on the unit sphere, the centroids of which are shown to be obtained by applying the previous result for determining the maximum intersection of the set of their dual spherical polygons. Especially in this paper, we focus on developing an efficient method for approximating the weakly-monotone centroid, which is the pole of one of the great circles intersecting a set of spherical polygons on the unit sphere. The original problem is approximately reduced into computing the intersection of great bands for avoiding complicated computational complexity of non-convex objects on the unit sphere, which can be realized with practical linear-time operations.

; ; Young-Joo Jeon pp.49-57 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2016.12.2.049

This paper aims to explore instructional design of a cyber classroom for secondary students' basic English language competence. A paucity of support for low or under achieving students’ English learning exists particularly at the secondary level. In order to bridge the gap, there has been demand for online educational resources considered to be an effective tool in improving students' self-directed learning and motivation. This study employs a comprehensive approach to instructional design for the asynchronous cyber classroom with the underlying premise that different learning theories can be applied in a complementary manner to serve different pedagogical purposes best. Gagné's conditions of learning theory, Bruner's constructivist theory, Carroll's minimalist theory, and Vygotsky's social cognitive development theory serve as the basis for designing instruction and selecting appropriate media. The ADDIE model is used to develop online teaching and learning materials. Twenty-five key grammatical features were selected through the analysis of the national curriculum of English, being grouped into five units. Each feature is covered in one cyber asynchronous class. An Integration Class is given at the end of every five classes for synthesis, where students can practice grammatical features in a communicative context. Related theories, pedagogical practices, and practical web-design strategies for cyber Basic English classes are discussed with suggestions for research, practice and policy to support self-directed learning through a cyber class.

Yasuhisa Okazaki(Saga University) ; Seina Mori(Saga University) ; Hiroshi Wakuya(Saga University) ; Nobuo Mishima(Saga University) ; Yukuo Hayashida(Saga University) ; Byung-Won Min pp.58-65 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2016.12.2.058

This paper describes design and development of a system that supports continuous creation of hazard maps by local residents in their daily life. We made an interview survey to design our system in a model traditional town in Saga, Japan. The results show that in spite of continuous efforts, many practical problems remain and residents feel unsafe. Based on these results, we designed and developed a unique ICT-based support system which contributes to community-based disaster prevention/reduction. The continuous resident participation and posting design are core concept for our sustainable community-based approach. Our system continues to support making a hazard map by integrating the community-based hazard information. Local residents register information about the spot (disaster types, a risk level, a photograph, comments, positional information) that can be dangerous in case of disaster. We have evaluated the usefulness and possibilities of our prototype system implemented as an iOS application.


In recent years, studies have emerged highlighting the role of social networking services in the English as a foreign language context of Korea, particularly for teaching and learning, but none examine the role of Facebook in enhancing communities of practice. Therefore, this study undertakes such an endeavor on a Korea-based language teacher organization Facebook group. Social networking analysis came to reveal a group consisting of largely non-engaged members, with several key users successfully bridging the network and promoting engagement and interaction via commenting. Although the most viral posts were disproportionately organizational, professional development clearly emerges as the largest concern for active members. Ultimately, it will be critical for increasing success of the group as a social networking service to establish a means of further engaging all members, including those on the network periphery. To fully meet organizational goals, it will be imperative for key actors to be used increasingly proactively.