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Vol.12 No.3

(Univ. of Oklahoma) ; (Chonnam National University) ; pp.1-11 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2016.12.3.001

This exploratory study examines the critical factors associated with news consumers’ perception of information overload and news consumption patterns. An online survey was conducted with Qualtrics panels (N = 1001). The demographics and three antecedent factors of perceived information overload were considered including the frequency of news access through multiple media platforms, level of attention to news, and interest in news. Three news consumption patterns were investigated as possible consequences of perceived information overload: news avoidance, selective exposure, and willingness to pay for news. The results of hierarchical regression analyses revealed a meaningful distinction between general and news information overload. Overall, news consumers who paid more attention to news through newer media/platforms/devices perceived higher levels of information overload, were more willing to pay for the news, and often avoided news or selectively exposed themselves to certain sources of news to manage news information overload.


Brain computer interfaces (BCI) usually have focused on classifying the explicitly-expressed intentions of humans. In contrast, implicit intentions should be considered to develop more intelligent systems. However, classifying implicit intention is more difficult than explicit intentions, and the difficulty severely increases for subject independent classification. In this paper, we address the subject independent classification of implicit intention based on electroencephalography (EEG) signals. Among many machine learning models, we use the support vector machine (SVM) with radial basis kernel functions to classify the EEG signals. The Fisher scores are evaluated after extracting the gamma, beta, alpha and theta band powers of the EEG signals from thirty electrodes. Since a more discriminant feature has a larger Fisher score value, the band powers of the EEG signals are presented to SVM based on the Fisher score. By training the SVM with 1-out of-9 validation, the best classification accuracy is approximately 65% with gamma and theta components.


The purpose of this study was to obtain qualitative data on Korean-American dry cleaners’ concerns about work-related health and safety and their attitudes toward the use of PPE(Personal Protective Equipment). Two focus group discussions were conducted with convenient samples of Korean-American drycleaners in middle-eastern state. A total of 13 individuals participated in two focus groups. Participants had concerns as both owners and workers. As owners, they were concerned mostly about compliance of environmental regulation and economic depression. The participants knew very little about the hazards of chemical exposure and expressed vague concerns about chemical exposure and health. Majority of participants do not use PPE and had no intention of using it in the future because of their limited knowledge about the hazardous nature of chemical exposure. The findings from this study would guide the development of intervention to increase drycleaners knowledge of chemical exposure and use of PPE.

Thao Nguyen Thieu ; ; Tien Duong Vu ; pp.22-28 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2016.12.3.022

Tensor with missing or incomplete values is a ubiquitous problem in various fields such as biomedical signal processing, image processing, and social network analysis. In this paper, we considered how to reconstruct a dataset with missing values by using tensor form which is called tensor completion process. We applied Tucker factorization to solve tensor completion which was built base on optimization problem. We formulated the optimization objective function using components of Tucker model after decomposing. The weighted least square matric contained only known values of the tensor with low rank in its modes. A first order optimization method, namely Nonlinear Conjugated Gradient, was applied to solve the optimization problem. We demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method in EEG signals with about 70% missing entries compared to other algorithms. The relative error was proposed to compare the difference between original tensor and the process output.


Cloud computing makes extensive use of virtual machines that permit for workloads, as well as resource usage, to be isolated from one another, and a hypervisor can be used by a virtual machine to construct cloud computing infrastructure. However, the hypervisor has high resource usage when constructing virtual machines, which results in a waste of allocated resources when not activated. Docker provides a more light-weight method to obtain agile computing resources based on a container technique that handles this problem. In this study, we have chosen this specific tool due to the increasing popularity of MapReduce and cloud container technologies such as Docker. This study aims to automatically configure Twister workloads for container-driven clouds. Basically, this is the first attempt towards automatic configuration of Twister jobs on a container-based cloud platform VM for many workloads.

; Kitagawa Keiko(Seitoku University) ; ; ; ; ; pp.34-41 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2016.12.3.034

A traditional village is cultural property where old buildings and traditions are concentrated and also where indigenous traditional cultures can be recognized and experienced directly or indirectly. In addition, traditional villages have been recognized as precious resources to revitalize regional economies through tourism. Currently, signage systems have been developed as for ordinary tourist sites or cities, and concepts or methods for sign system for traditional villages have not yet been established. Therefore, it is necessary to develop disaster prevention-based signage to prevent large-scale disasters, to guarantee the safety of residents, and to increase the satisfaction of visitors in traditional villages as precious resources. A case study is conducted to apply the proposed sign system for traditional villages in Korea and Japan as a tourist-oriented sign system that has been accomplished in Korea and a large disaster-oriented sign system developed with residents as a priority in Japan. The disaster prevention sign system considers the residents since residents are victims when a disaster happens, and guideline to increase the efficacy and satisfaction are suggested. However, this study has definite limits in sucring objectivity because the objects of study are insufficient, and the development of the sign system based on effective disaster prevention considering the features of traditional villages will continue in the future.


Kinetic typography is technology such as color, scale, position of the letter changes dynamically with time and it communicates information with aesthetics and originality. The purpose of this study is to identify the design factors in the formativeness of Hangul and present and implement the interaction design method of unique Hangul kinetic typography based on the scientific structure of Hangul. We implemented the Hangul kinetic typography system, which varies in sizes and motion directions according to a viewer’s movement and exhibited in a media art event. To do this, we used a viewer’s skeleton information on typography synchronization. The results indicated that Hangul kinetic typography has potential not only as a means to communicate with viewers but also as a medium to show the artistic value of Hangul.

Gyoo-mi Kim(Semyung University) ; Sang-jun Lee(Semyung University) pp.47-53 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2016.12.3.047

The purpose of this study was to examine how Korean students accept and use mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) and investigate related factors that potentially affect MALL usage. The participants were 244 undergraduate students who were surveyed with a questionnaire. The research model, which included students’ self-efficacy, content reliability, interactivity, perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, and behavioral intention to use MALL, was developed based on the technology acceptance model (TAM). The structural equation modeling (SEM) technique was employed in order to analyze the overall results of modified TAM and the research model. The results indicated that TAM was a good theoretical tool to understand students’ acceptance of MALL. In addition, all constructs, with the exception of self-efficacy and interactivity, had significant effects on students’ acceptance possibilities of MALL. Limitations and suggestions for the further study are also presented.

; Youngduk Koo(Korea Institute Science and Technology Information) pp.54-58 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2016.12.3.054

In this study, articles of the science and technology field that had been monitored for the period from 2002 to 2013 using GTB (Global Trends Briefing) were analyzed. Specifically, the VOSviewer was used to analyze the annual science and technology trends by keyword and the science and technology standard-classification information indicated in the GTB articles, and the convergence trends were therefore monitored. The findings of this study show that active studies were under way in the fields of material science and new and renewable energy, and that convergence has progressed. This result indicates that the information of the articles on papers and patents is more reliable, as it can reflect the current trends more rapidly in the science and technology field than the paper information or the patent information that is traditionally used in analyses of science and technology information.

Nam-Hyun Um(Hongik University) pp.59-68 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2016.12.3.059

This study investigates perceived social presence, perceived interactivity, perceived enjoyment, and perceived trust as antecedents of consumer engagement. We measured the attitudinal and behavioral brand loyalty as consequences of consumer engagement in social media. Our findings suggest that perceptions of social presence, enjoyment, and trust are significantly related to consumer engagement. Conversely, perceived interactivity has no positive influence on consumer engagement. In addition, consumer engagement is found to have a significant impact on both attitudinal and behavioral brand loyalty. The study revealed that, in the modified model, covariance paths among the proposed antecedents of consumer engagement (namely the perceived social presence, interactivity, enjoyment, and trust) are statistically significant. In this paper, we also discuss limitations of the study and future research.