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Vol.14 No.4

Danilo B. Buctot(Sahmyook University Graduate School) ; ; pp.1-9 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2018.14.4.001

This study evaluates the effectiveness of smartphone detox program for smartphone addiction among university students. To reduce the rate of smartphone addiction and its negative effects on physical, mental and social wellness, a six-session program was applied to sixteen participants who voluntarily completed the entire program and responded to pre-post survey. Smartphone Addiction Proneness Scale (SAPS) was used for smartphone addiction assessment with Mental Health Scale, Positive Psychological Capital Scale for mental wellness and Self-Management Scale for physical and social wellness. Results received after the program indicated that, smartphone addiction and mental health scores decreased significantly while the average scores of self-management and positive psychological capital increased respectively. Furthermore, the rate of high-risk group decreased, and the participants, affirmed in their self-evaluation report that excessive use of smartphone negatively affects their body, mind and interpersonal relationship. Thus, smartphone detox program is effective in reducing smartphone addiction and improving the students’ wellness.

Ting Yang(Southwest University of Political Science &Law) ; pp.10-17 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2018.14.4.010

China media environment has drastically changed leading to the an inevitable change of public opinion ecology. Empirical studies have focused less on public opinion guidance, which forms an important component of the government officials’ media literacy. This study applied quantitative method in the investigation of media literacy in China. Ideally, media literacy is measured from media cognition, media contact, media usage under the view of public opinion guidance. The findings reveal that the existing problem on 1) incorrect media cognition and public opinion guidance; 2) insufficient contact of personal social media 3) improper tendencies in the use of media to guide the public opinion, especially, on confidential information. Consequently, in order to improve media literacy in China government officials, enhancement of their basic knowledge on news diffusion and public opinion is necessary. Secondly, to effectively deal with “agenda settings”, it is important for the government to consider the provision of valuable information and platforms to effectively spread information. So they need to learn how to personally and officially use social media platforms such as Weiboa and Wechat. This ensures they have maximized their potential to acquire valuable information and spread them on valuable platforms. Thirdly, government officials should be able to analyze and understand public opinion trends for official and personal use. Finally, they should understand the development of public opinion and the how online public opinion laws are formed and the target group.


Recently, the developments in IT technology and the spread of smart phones have made Fin-Tech, which is a combination of financial services and IT technology, a big issue. In accordance with the growth trend of mobile payments in the world, all financial transactions in Korea are gradually shifting to smart phones. In fact, mobile payment system services are not widely used by users. In particular, the risk factors involved when users want to use the service are one of the factors that hinder the expansion of the usage of mobile financial payment service. The risk factors affect the trust of the mobile payment system users. Therefore, this study investigates the risk factors of the mobile payment system and the manner in which it affects a user’s trust. We have also examined as how user’s trust affects trust in the quality of the mobile payment system. To this end, the trust in overall quality of use was largely divided into trust in system quality, trust in information quality, and trust in service quality. Perceived finance risk, perceived performance risk, and perceived privacy risk have negative effects on cognitive trust. However, perceived time risk did not affect cognitive trust. User's cognitive trust also has an effect on trust in quality.


EEG-based brain-computer interfaces has focused on explicitly expressed intentions to assist physically impaired patients. For EEG-based-computer interfaces to function effectively, it should be able to understand users’ implicit information. Since it is hard to gather EEG signals of human brains, we do not have enough training data which are essential for proper classification performance of implicit intention. In this paper, we improve the subject independent classification of implicit intention through the generation of additional training data. In the first stage, we perform the PCA (principal component analysis) of training data in a bid to remove redundant components in the components within the input data. After the dimension reduction by PCA, we train ICA (independent component analysis) network whose outputs are statistically independent. We can get additional training data by adding Gaussian noises to ICA outputs and projecting them to input data domain. Through simulations with EEG data provided by CNSL, KAIST, we improve the classification performance from 65.05% to 66.69% with Gamma components. The proposed sample generation method can be applied to any machine learning problem with fewer samples.


Recently, HTTP Adaptive Streaming(HAS), a video streaming service over the HTTP based web platform has become common. The use of HAS service in mobile communication devices such as mobile phones and tablet PCs is rapidly expanding. This paper addresses ways to improve the quality of HAS service by enhancing the terms of viewer satisfaction. HAS systems have several internal operational processes, which can affect viewer satisfaction. Such processes include, the quality determination for the next video chunk, the TCP connections-setup procedure and the congestion control operation of the TCP. This paper proposes a transmission scheme to improve the HAS quality services over mobile web. The proposed scheme takes into consideration the past implicit communication state of the receiver’s playback buffer occupancy. The results of these experiments indicate that the proposed scheme can improve the quality of HAS service from the mobile viewer’s point of view.

Patrick Chidalu Chukwuma(Softnet Limited) ; ; pp.39-50 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2018.14.4.039

This paper analyzes the existing transportation systems of Nigeria and Korea and proposes a new railway and roadway design for Nigerian cities. The research findings and feasibility study revealed that the state of Nigeria’s transportation system was critical as was its market segment, infrastructural deficit and financial requirement needed to implement a smart transportation system. The dilapidation of the existing infrastructure coupled with poor maintenance culture and limited public transport services has hindered the economic growth of Nigeria and its cities. A case study of Korea and Japan shows some possible solutions to Nigeria transportation challenges. Analytical and descriptive methods were used to critically assess the infrastructural challenges, movement, and convenience. The study proposed the design of a new intercity railroad and roadway across Abuja, Enugu, Lagos and Port Harcourt cities. The proposed designs have been established to be an innovative solution with advanced benefits over the current system. The implementation of the proposed designs is estimated to cost about US$(77,832,027,719) across the study areas. Thus, the discussion, conclusion, and recommendations given present a proposal to the Nigerian government on the possibility of solving the Nigerian intercity railroad and roadway transportation challenges across Abuja, Enugu, Lagos and Port Harcourt cities through smart designs.


This study was conducted to explore the relationship between personality characteristics and mood in the selection of media content. Using meta-analysis, this study analyzed past studies regarding media content selection in television program. The results of this research showed that the preference of a given media content would depend on the viewer’s mood, personality characteristics and the interaction between personality characteristics and mood states. The secondary data of television programs supported the association.


Among many UNESCO world heritage sites in Korea, “Historic Village: Hahoe” is adjacent to Nakdong River and it is imperative to monitor the water level near the village in a bid to forecast floods and prevent disasters resulting from floods.. In this paper, we propose a recurrent neural network with multiple hidden layers to predict the water level near the village. For training purposes on the proposed model, we adopt the sixth-order error function to improve learning for rare events as well as to prevent overspecialization to abundant events. Multiple hidden layers with recurrent and crosstalk links are helpful in acquiring the time dynamics of the relationship between rainfalls and water levels. In addition, we chose hidden nodes with linear rectifier activation functions for training on multiple hidden layers. Through simulations, we verified that the proposed model precisely predicts the water level with high peaks during the rainy season and attains better performance than the conventional multi-layer perceptron.

(Nuclear Safety and Security Commission) pp.65-69 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2018.14.4.065

The objective of this study was to conduct a radiation shielding analysis for the facility equipped with radiation generator. The analysis was carried out in two aspects. First, from the aspect of the effect caused by primary and leakage radiation. Second, effect of scattered radiation was evaluated by applying a simple calculation method based on a scattering rate concept since effect of scattered radiation is significantly important at maze entrance of the radiation facility. The calculated results obtained using the simple method were compared to the results calculated using Geant4 code and the measured values. The results calculated by the suggested method indicate that slight error exists in a radiation shielding analysis done at the maze entrance comparing to other two results, while the results evaluated at the outside of the maze entrance door are relatively consistent with other values.


The purpose of this corpus-based study was to find 4-word lexical bundles in computer science research articles. As the demand for research articles (RAs) for international publication increases, the need for acquiring field-specific writing conventions for this academic genre has become a burning issue. Particularly, one area of burgeoning interest in the examination of rhetorical structures and linguistic features of RAs is the use of lexical bundles, the indispensable building blocks that make up an academic discourse. To illustrate, different academic discourses rely on distinctive repertoires of lexical bundles. Because lexical bundles are often acquired as a whole, the recurring multi-word sequences can be retrieved automatically to make written discourse more fluent and natural. Therefore, the proper use of rhetorical devices specific to a particular discipline can be a vital indicator of success within the discourse communities. Hence, to identify linguistic features that make up specific registers, this corpus-based study examines the types and usage frequency of lexical bundles in the discipline of CS, one of the most in-demand fields world over. Given that lexical bundles are empirically-derived formulaic multi-word units, identifying core lexical bundles used in RAs, they may provide insights into the specificity of particular CS text types. This will in turn provide empirical evidence of register specificity and technicality within the academic discourse of computer science. As in the results, pedagogical implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.

; Zongya Li(Chinese University of Hong Kong) pp.76-85 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2018.14.4.076

While numerous researchers have identified factors that explain social commerce-shopping behaviors, they have left one type rather understudied—trait-based antecedents. The ways consumer behavior is affected by their personal trait—this study therefore proposed and tested hedonic shopping tendencies. Findings indicate that hedonic shopping tendencies are a robust predictor of social support, consumer engagement, and impulse buying. Also, social support and consumer engagement affect social commerce intention and consequently social commerce frequency. Analysis of the results demonstrated a positive relationship between social support and consumer engagement, and the positive relationship between impulse buying and social commerce frequency.


Text has evolved along with the history of art as a means of communicating human intentions and emotions. In addition, text visualization artworks have been combined with the social form and contents of new media to produce social messages and related meanings. Recently, in text visualization artworks combined with digital media, communication forms with viewers are changing instantly and interactively, and viewers are actively participating in creating artworks by direct engagement. Interactive text visualization with additional viewer's interaction, generates external dynamics from text shapes and internal dynamics from embedded meanings of text. The purpose of this study is to propose a visual dynamics model to express the dynamics of text and to implement a text visualization system based on the model. It uses the deconstruction of the imaged text to create an interactive text visualization system that reacts to the gestures of the viewer in real time. Visual Transformation synchronized with the intentions of the viewer prevent the text from remaining in the interpretation of language symbols and extend the various meanings of the text. The visualized text in various forms shows visual dynamics that interpret the meaning according to the cultural background of the viewer.