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Vol.16 No.2

Yu Renyou(Northeastern University) ; Qiangqiang(Northeastern University) pp.1-7 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2020.16.2.001

Since 2014, the wave of "Mass entrepreneurship and innovation" has been set off in China, and various innovation and entrepreneurship communities have emerged and become gathering places for entrepreneurs. The purpose of this study is to consider the needs of entrepreneurs and combine the characteristics of entrepreneurial space to put forward effective environmental design and improvement strategies for the smart entrepreneurship community. This study was conducted through a literature review, online information survey, and field survey, and the research objects included high-quality entrepreneurs(refers to entrepreneurs with higher education background and certain technical advantages, mainly including master's degree and doctor, overseas returnees and university professors) and various entrepreneurial communities at home and abroad,(it includes cultural entrepreneurship community, science and technology entrepreneurship community, residential and office integration entrepreneurship community).


Data is critical in deep learning but the scarcity of data often occurs in research, especially in the preparation of the paired training data. In this paper, document image binarization with unpaired data is studied by introducing adversarial learning, excluding the need for supervised or labeled datasets. However, the simple extension of the previous unpaired training to binarization inevitably leads to poor performance compared to paired data training. Thus, a new deep learning approach is proposed by introducing a multi-diversity of higher quality generated images. In this paper, a two-stage model is proposed that comprises the generative adversarial network (GAN) followed by the U-net network. In the first stage, the GAN uses the unpaired image data to create paired image data. With the second stage, the generated paired image data are passed through the U-net network for binarization. Thus, the trained U-net becomes the binarization model during the testing. The proposed model has been evaluated over the publicly available DIBCO dataset and it outperforms other techniques on unpaired training data. The paper shows the potential of using unpaired data for binarization, for the first time in the literature, which can be further improved to replace paired data training for binarization in the future.

Sunny Thapa Magar(Ajou University) ; pp.19-29 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2020.16.2.019

In the era of noble technology, virtual reality (VR) has been adopted in various fields, with the advantages of VR in education being confirmed through numerous studies. In skill development training education, humans or equipment that interact with the trainee are crucial and currently VR is more preferred. In this study, six projects were selected and reviewed in-depth visualizing the use of VR in training and its potential. Comparison between the learning actions of training in the virtual and real environments were conducted. Training through VR is location-dependent, time-dependent, safe, and reversible. VR application is also determined by the preps and feedback-providing functionality which must be emphasized. All the advantages of VR in skill development training make it an opportunity provider. This article can be used by those developing VR projects for skill development training.

(Joincare Co. Ltd., Woosong University) ; pp.30-40 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2020.16.2.030

This study performed GIS and statistical analyses on the location and spatial characteristics of the slum in Daejeon. Spatial data of 648 slum residents in Daejeon were collected and 131 residents among them were surveyed. The results showed the trends of higher rent, lower social exclusion and closer neighboring relations in slum center than the surrounding areas, which could be interpreted as the interrelated multilateral effects of the micro- (housing), meso- (relations), exo- (community) and macro- (government policy) systems. The strong bonds among neighbors and various supports from social service facilities elevated the slum area’s rent and diminished residents’ social exclusion more than housing conditions (for instance, poor hygiene and low safety). Slum tenants willingly paid a premium for their substandard housings and refused moving to governmentally provided modern housing units. In urban development, administrative authorities need to be cautious about slum uprooting. Much rather an alternative renewal approach is needed which protects the slum’s intimate relations while improving its overall living standards.


This paper presents Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) as a tool to support the study of paintings and authentication. Manufacturing techniques of the artist are reviewed through the comparison between liberal perspectives and digital imaging techniques. In this study, RTI was applied to focus on the detailed textural information of eight paintings by Korean artist Lee Ji-ho. The RTI result visualizes shallow reliefs of brush strokes and different mediums on the surface technically enhanced through imaging filters, and these morphological textures on the surface act as a key factor in understanding the characteristics of the artist. The surface morphology and art criticism work as qualitative indicators to analyze the change of artistic techniques through time, and the usage of different mediums. The results of this study confirm that the RTI technique can be used as an analysis device in the study of paintings.


Interviews with 17 Korean American professionals living in Korea revealed the relationship between their status, cultural identities, social capital, and conflicts that arise between their understanding of American and Korean social norms. The findings indicate that social capital for Korean Americans in Korea largely comprises of their English community in Korea and the Seoul Global Center; and that their access to social capital in the Korean society, in general, is limited. As result of limited availability and accessibility of social capital, with a sense of superiority, they maintained their American identity. In terms of social control, their lack of motivation to adopt and follow Korean social norms, as well as them being from the U.S., limited changes occurred in their cultural identity. Extending previous research on the Theory of Intercultural Public Relations, the public’s power allows them to maintain their cultural identity, which in turn, effect their communication process. Implications of these findings, as well as suggestions for future study, are discussed.


The purpose of this study was to examine the impacts of the audience and vlog creator’s self-disclosure, media synchronicity (immediacy of feedback, variety of symbol set), as well as content authenticity on the intimacy between the vlogger and the audience and continuance intention of the audience. The participants of the online survey were young Chinese females, instructed to practice their routine of watching vlog and the fixed vlog channels. By the interpersonal process of intimacy model and media synchronicity theory, the results of the structural equation modeling revealed that self-disclosure (audience’s disclosure) and partner responsiveness (vlogger’s disclosure) form the experience of intimacy in interactions. Also, the quick immediacy of feedback, rich symbol set, and content authenticity positively impacted intimacy development. Meanwhile, intimacy enables the audience to form a continuous viewing behavior. We expect the results of this study will provide more insight into the relationship between the audience and the producer in online video content. In terms of the personal media influencers and MCN companies, this study is also suggests strategic implications.


In this study, an investigation was conducted into the influencing factors for the learning motivation of players in the game, including experience, vicarious experience, the need of achievement, the need of power, and mastery motivation. Then, a discussion was conducted regarding the role played by learning motivation, learning performance, and satisfaction with continuous use. A survey was conducted with 519 players, most at the intermediate gaming level in <King of Glory>. As demonstrated by the results of this study, experience, vicarious experience, the need of power, and the mastery of motivation have significant positive association with the players’ motivation of learning the game. Learning performance and satisfaction have a positive impact on the continuity of use. Additionally, the correlation between the need of achievement and learning motivation is insignificant. Overall, the research results confirm the significance of the social-cognitive theory relative to the learning motivation. Players began to transform, satisfied with their achievements in the game, as well as gradually evolving toward self-improvement to achieve satisfaction. It offers a new explanation and crucial reference for mastering the gaming trend among the contemporary players.

Wenjie Chen ; Pan Zhou ; pp.92-101 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2020.16.2.092

Industrial integration is the innovative embodiment of regional economic theory. The promotion of industrial integration is conducive to improving the scale effect and spillover effect of the industry. Also, it has the power to radiate, drive, and lead the innovation and development of the whole industrial cluster. The purpose of this paper was to identify the most suitable development pattern of the ice-snow sports tourism industry in Zhangjiakou, one of the host cities of the 2022 Winter Olympics. This study combs the characteristics of the development of the ice-snow sports industry, and analyzes the current situation of the industry in Zhangjiakou based on the SWOT-AHP method. This paper argues that the integrated industry is the most suitable development pattern for the promotion of the ice-snow culture industry in Zhangjiakou. The following content will present effective countermeasures to accelerate the development of the ice-snow culture industry integration in Zhangjiakou from three aspects: industrial resource integration, industrial chain layout, and scientific and technological innovation. The IT live simulation technique facilitates identifying some vital elements during the data collection.

(Department of Radioactivity Test & Analysis center, Sunkwang T&S, Department of Radiological Science) ; ; pp.102-108 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2020.16.2.102

The purpose of this study was to estimate and analyze the potential radiation dose that the future visitors and the cleaning staff will be exposed to when the KRR-1 reactor is converted into a memorial hall. The radiation doses were estimated using the RESRAD-BUILD software, where case, building, receptor, shielding, and source parameters were applied as the input data. Also, the basic data for the assessment of the radiation doses were determined in an indirect manner using the data on the waste generated during the decommissioning process of the reactor. The assessment results indicate that the potential radiation dose to the visitors and the cleaning staff will be less than 1 mSv, the annual dose limit for the general public. However, if anyone for a significant period of time is close to the reactor, the overall dose will increase. The radiation dose for the future visitors and the cleaning staff was determined to be lower than the annual dose limit for the general public. Given such a risk, systematic measures, such as periodic monitoring or limiting hours, are imperative.