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Vol.2 No.1

Kim Min-Jin ; Kim Won-Il ; Oh Sang-Yoon pp.1-4

E-business is not like e-commerce. E-business is more comprehensive than e-commerce. In the near future, it is expected that ebusiness prevails in the fields of wireless, peer-to-peer networks, streaming media and biometrics technologies. In this paper, we discuss the past and current of e-business, and then research topics of e-business, including new technology and the directions.

Cheoi Kyung-Joo pp.5-8

This paper describes a new mechanism of detecting object of interest from a noisy image, without using any a-priori knowledge about the target. It employs a parallel set of filters inspired upon biological findings of mammalian vision. In our proposed system, several basic features are extracted directly from original input visual stimuli, and these features are integrated based on their local competitive relations and statistical information. Through integration process, unnecessary features for detecting the target are spontaneously decreased, while useful features are enhanced. Experiments have been performed on a set of computer generated and real images corrupted with noise.

Kim Bo-Seong ; Lee Byoung-Hoon ; Kim Jai-Hoon pp.9-16

Recently many researches are investigating for ubiquitous computing and network. In the real world many sensor devices must be equipped to provide many services for users. To make computing environment easy and more user friendly, middleware system not only hides all complexities (network, system, services, etc), but also needs to have efficient context inference scheme and system reconfiguration capability. In this paper we suggest context-aware middleware design for sensor network which provides efficient computing environment for end-users. We also present XML based implementation of our system.

Kang Yu-Hwan ; Shin Seung-Eun ; Ahn Young-Min ; Seo Young-Hoon pp.17-21

In this paper, we describe a concept-based question-answering system in which concept rather than keyword itself makes an important role on both question analysis and answer extraction. Our idea is that concepts occurred in same type of questions are similar, and if a question is analyzed according to those concepts then we can extract more accurate answer because we know the semantic role of each word or phrase in question. Concept frame is defined for each type of question, and it is composed of important concepts in that question type. Currently the number of question type is 79 including 34 types for person, 14 types for location, and so on. We experiment this concept-based approach about questions which require person s name as their answer. Experimental results show that our system has high accuracy in answer extraction. Also, this concept-based approach can be used in combination with conventional approaches.

Bok Kyoung-Soo ; Yoo Jae-Soo pp.22-28

In this paper, we propose new semantic contents modeling using individual features, associative relations and visual features for efficiently supporting browsing and retrieval of video semantic contents. And we implement and design a browsing and retrieval system based on the semantic contents modeling. The browsing system supports annotation based information, keyframe based visual information, associative relations, and text based semantic information using a tree based browsing technique. The retrieval system supports text based retrieval, visual feature and associative relations according to the retrieval types of semantic contents.

Kim Ji-Yoon ; Yang Doo-Yeong pp.29-33

The common-source low noise amplifier(LNA) with inductive degeneration using a genetic algorithm is designed and tested for a down converter in an industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) band application and a wireless broadband internet service (WiBro). The genetic algorithm optimizes the reflection coefficients to be well matched the input and output ports between multistage transistor amplifiers, and it generates low voltage standing wave ratio as well as gain flatness of the amplifier. The stability and the gain flatness of the LNA have been improved by combining the matching circuits and the series feedback microstrip lines with inductive degeneration at common-source port. In the frequency range of ISM band and WiBro application operating at <TEX>$2.3GHz{\sim}2.5GHz$</TEX>, the measured power gain and maximum voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) of the LNA are <TEX>$41{\pm}0.5dB$</TEX> and 1.3, and the noise figure of the LNA is lower than 0.85dB. The above results are agreed well with the theoretical values of the amplifiers.

Kim Ji-Yoon ; Kang Bong-Soo ; Yang Doo-Yeong pp.34-38

In this paper, an overview of anti-collision algorithm for RFID system of a standard EPC Class1 protocol is presented, and the binslotted dynamic search algorithm (BDS) based upon the slotted ALOHA and binary tree procedure is proposed and analyzed. Also, the performance is evaluated as comparing the BDS algorithm with the standard bin-slotted algorithm (BSA) through the simulation program. The performance of the proposed BDS algorithm is improved by dynamically identifying the collided-bit position and the collided bins stored in the stack of the reader. As the results, the number of request command that a reader send to tags in the reader s interrogation zone and the total recognition time are decreased to 59% as compared with BSA algorithm. Therefore, the tag identification performance is fairly improved by resolving a collision problem using the proposed BDS algorithm.

Lee Seong-Hoon pp.39-44

Load sharing is a critical resource in computer system. In sender-initiated load sharing algorithms, the sender continues to send unnecessary request messages for load transfer until a receiver is found while the system load is heavy. Meanwhile, in the receiver initiated load sharing algorithms, the receiver continues to send an unnecessary request message for load acquisition until a sender is found while the system load is light. These unnecessary request messages result in inefficient communications, low CPU utilization, and low system throughput in distributed systems. To solve these problems, we propose a genetic algorithm based approach for improved sender-initiated and receiver-initiated load sharing in distributed systems. And we expand this algorithm to an adaptive load sharing algorithm. Compared with the conventional sender-initiated and receiver-initiated algorithms, the proposed algorithm decreases the response time and task processing time.

First-Name Last-Name pp.45-46

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편집부 pp.47-48