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Vol.3 No.3

Bae, Duck-Ho ; Kim, Jong-Dae ; Park, Se-Mi ; Kim, Sang-Wook pp.1-5 https://doi.org/10.5392/ijoc.2007.3.3.001

The main memory DBMS (MMDBMS) efficiently supports various database applications that require high performance since it employs main memory rather than disk as a primary storage. An index manager is an essential sub-component of a DBMS used to speed up the retrieval of objects from a large volume of a database in response to a certain search condition. Previous research efforts on indexing proposed various index structures. However, they hardly dealt with the practical issues occurred in implementing an index manager on a target DBMS. In this paper, we touch these issues and present our experiences in developing the index manager. The main issues are (1) compact representation of an index entry, (2) support of variable-length keys. (3) support of multiple-attribute keys, and (4) support of duplicated keys.

Kang, Hyung-Il ; Yoo, Jae-Soo ; Lee, Byoung-Yup pp.6-14 https://doi.org/10.5392/ijoc.2007.3.3.006

In this paper, we design and implement a XML Repository System(XRS) that exploits the advantages of DBMSs and IRSs. Our scheme uses BRS to support full text indexing and content-based queries efficiently, and ORACLE to store XML documents, multimedia data, DTD and structure information. We design databases to manage XML documents including audio, video, images as well as text. We employ the non-composition model when storing XML documents into ORACLE. We represent structured information as ETID(Element Type Id), SORD(Sibling ORDer) and SSORD(Same Sibling ORDer). ETID is a unique value assigned to each element of DTD. SORD and SSORD represent an order information between sibling nodes and an order information among the sibling nodes with the same element respectively. In order to show superiority of our XRS, we perform various experiments in terms of the document loading time, document extracting time and contents retrieval time. It is shown through experiments that our XRS outperforms the existing XML document management systems. We also show that it supports various types of queries through performance experiments.


We review some loop partitioning techniques such as loop splitting method by thresholds and Polychronopoulos' loop splitting method for exploiting parallelism from single loop which already developed. We propose improved loop splitting method for maximizing parallelism of single loops with non-constant dependence distances. By using the iteration and distance for the source of the first dependence, and by our defined theorems, we present generalized and optimal algorithms for single loops with non-uniform dependences. The algorithms generalize how to transform general single loops with one dependence as well as with multiple dependences into parallel loops.


Standards impact the economy in various ways. Moreover, intense competition exists between a variety of standards in this era of globalization. This paper quantifies the economic effect of multiple standards in the Information Communications and Technology (ICT) sector. Thus, it identifies and specifies which standard applies when economic gains exist. A model is developed which quantifies the magnitude of the economic effect of multiple standards as compared with a single standard or no standard. The model allows for both the micro- and macroeconomic gains from standardization to be quantified. Preliminary estimates indicate that at the macro level the multiple standards multiplier is approximately three. That is for every dollar invested, the gain is on the order of three dollars. Although not as robust. preliminary results indicated a similar economic gain at the micro level Overall, multiple standards dominate a single standard. This paper applies the model to IMT-2000, an example of multiple standards, to demonstrate this approach to quantify the standards economic effect.


The purpose of this study is to explore the emergence of Chinese economy and the possibility of economic cooperation between the East Asian countries, which will facilitate the solution to structural problems in the economy and industries of these countries. This study presents that China will remain essential to the East Asian economy and changes are anticipated in its economic growth rate, growth strategy and risks. How to respond to them will be the critical movement that will determine the future course of the East Asian economy. To solve this question, firstly each government of East Asian countries needs to come up with strategies that will leverage China for their industrial upgrade and economic development even when the risks facing China are realized. Second, each government of East Asian countries should make a wise approach towards a free trade agreement between EATR and China.


Up to now, several tools to evaluate visual perception tests have been introduced for different purposes. However, they were mostly manual tools, paper books in which the therapists would turn the pages while working together with patients. This paper discusses a potential plan to develop motor-free visual perception test software for Korean patients with brain injury, and to construct a centralized database for their evaluated data in a client/server environment. Through its development, we eventually hope to achieve effective management of the data for better understanding of patients' visual perceptual skills and the standardization of the evaluation for Korean patients. With the help of the computerized environment, we also expect some advantages such as acquisition of reliable results from patients with brain injury, automation for storing and accessing patients' data, construction of the patients' database and the management of a vast amount of the data within it and the provision of a foundation to promote further development of various perceptual-cognitive rehabilitation programs.

Song, Seok-Il ; Kwak, Yoon-Sik pp.38-42 https://doi.org/10.5392/ijoc.2007.3.3.038

In this paper, we propose a new storage system architecture called as U-Storage (ubiquitous storage system). U-Storage allows a user to access an on-line storage with any type of information devices that are able to connect to internet. The on-line storage is virtualized to the user's information devices as a local hard disk or a memory card by our U-Storage. With devices supporting U-Storage, users can read and write their data anytime and anywhere without downloading and uploading operation.

편집부 pp.43-46