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Vol.5 No.2


This study was to analyze important dimensions and its factors of micro level of e-learning determining the quality of e-learning. E-learning dimensions and their factors were identified and developed from the analytical review of related researches. From literature review and survey as well as expert interview, six categories of e-learning identified from this study were:1) curriculum content, 2) usability, 3) instructional design, 4) evaluation –both process and results, 5) management, and 6) refinement and improvement. A total of thirty-seven factors determining the quality of the e-learning six categories were identified. The rank order and contribution rates for each categories and factors were calculated to explain how importantly they contribute to the quality of e-learning. Also three dimensions such as controlling the e-learning quality, e-learning fundamental dimension e-learning process dimension, and e-learning product dimension, were explained. This study suggests a useful guidance for e-learning quality and evaluation framework for better results.

(California State University) pp.6-15

Recently many different programming languages have emerged for the development of bioinformatics applications. In addition to the traditional languages, languages from open source projects such as BioPerl, BioPython, and BioJava have become popular because they provide special tools for biological data processing and are easy to use. However, it is not well-studied which of these programming languages will be most suitable for a given bioinformatics task and which factors should be considered in choosing a language for a project. Like many other application projects, bioinformatics projects also require various types of tasks. Accordingly, it will be a challenge to characterize all the aspects of a project in order to choose a language. However, most projects require some common and primitive tasks such as file I/O, text processing, and basic computation for counting, translation, statistics, etc. This paper presents the benchmarking results of six popular languages, Perl, BioPerl, Python, BioPython, Java, and BioJava, for several common and simple bioinformatics tasks. The experimental results of each language are compared through quantitative evaluation metrics such as execution time, memory usage, and size of the source code. Other qualitative factors, including writeability, readability, portability, scalability, and maintainability, that affect the success of a project are also discussed. The results of this research can be useful for developers in choosing an appropriate language for the development of bioinformatics applications.

; pp.16-19

In this paper, we concern about the distribution characteristics of surface temperature by the increment of time, diffusivity and heat flux on irradiating of a laser. The penetration depth corresponding to the induced constant heat flux or irradiated laser, is simulated by a computer algorithm. The distribution of temperature versus penetration depth for the variation of time and diffusivity is characterized at the constant heat flux and on irradiating of a laser. The temperature of constant heat flux at the fixed diffusivity or time, is decreased by the pattern of exponential function as the time t or diffusivity α is increased (α=10, 100, 1000). The temperature of constant heat flux is not changed but exponentially fixed with the increasing diffusivity and the fixed time. On the other hand, the temperature of laser at the fixed diffusivity or time is decreased linearly. Our results show that the characteristics of the simulated surface temperature in a semi-infinite solid are similar to the graphs on theoretical consideration.

; Chris Seoyun Choi ; pp.20-25

The purpose of this study is to seek new u-business services in restaurant management. Using the concept of business model methodology in family restaurant management domain, this study identifies customers’ needs in services at the stage of management of purchase of materials, the production management, and the sales management. In addition, this study suggests two killer applications of a family restaurant management linking with the latest ubiquitous computing technologies: the service of the customer-oriented menu recommendation and the service of the inventory-oriented menu recommendation. These findings may offer practical insights in the context of ubiquitous service model of restaurant management.


This paper describes a new image watermarking scheme invariant to rotation, scaling and translation (RST) attacks. For obtaining the invariance properties we propose to present an image of watermark by wedges and rings to convert its rotation to shift and then utilize the shift invariance property of the Direct Fourier Transform (DFT). But in contrast to conversional schemes based on the Fourier-Mellin transform (FMT), we do not use a log-polar mapping (LPM). As a result, our scheme preserves high quality of original image since it is not underwent to LPM. For withstanding against JPEG compression, noise addition and low-pass (LP) filtering attacks a low frequency watermark is embedded into middle frequencies of the original image. Experiments with various attacks show the robustness of the proposed scheme.


A new video watermarking scheme with robustness against collusion and synchronization attacks is presented. We propose to embed only a few copies of the watermark along the temporal axis into frames, which are located at the borders of each two different plotlines of the video. As a result, each change of the video plotline is transformed into pulse, which is used for watermark embedding and extraction. In addition, since we embed a watermark only into a small number of frames, the distortions of the video are reduced to minimum. Experimental results show the robustness of the proposed scheme.


The purpose of this study is to discuss the mythic qualities of television culture. The basic assumption for the study is that to enrich our understanding of television culture in terms of its mythic qualities will be helpful to those who are interested in the production and the studies of television contents in developing their creative ideas. The study discusses the theoretical conceptions of myth and ritual and their applicability to the study of television culture from the multi-disciplinary perspective. So, it deals with significant theoretical works by a number of great contemporary social or cultural thinkers including Carey, Cassirer, Durkheim, van Gennep, Turner, and Eliade. After all, the result of the study identifies three key features of mythic qualities of television culture including ‘commonsensicalness,’ ‘emotionalness,’ and ‘mediatorialness.’


The article first presents a broad overview of the design and management for survivable network. We review the concept of network survivability, various protection and restoration schemes. Also we introduce design architectures of Quantitative model and a Survivable Ad hoc and Mesh Network Architecture. In the other side of study like these(traditional engineering approach), there is the concept of the survivable network systems based on an immune approach. There is one sample of the dynamic multi-routing algorithms in this paper.

Jigjidsuren Battogtokh ; pp.53-58

This paper presents a novel approach in the design of a CAM for an asynchronous cache. The architecture of cache mainly consists of four units: control logics, content addressable memory, completion signal logic units and instruction memory. The pseudo-DCVSL is useful to make a completion signal which is a reference for handshake control. The proposed CAM is a very simple extension of the basic circuitry that makes a completion signal based on DI model. The cache has 2.75KB CAM for 8KB instruction memory. We designed and simulated the proposed asynchronous cache including CAM. The results show that the cache hit ratio is up to 95% based on pseudo –LRU replacement policy.


Since it is hard to use GPS for tracking mobile user in indoor environments, much research has focused on techniques using existing wireless local area network infrastructure. Signal strength received at a fixed location is not constant, so fingerprinting approach which use pattern matching is popular. But this approach has to pay additional costs to determine user location. This paper proposes a new approach to find user's location efficiently using an index scheme. After analyzing characteristics of RF signals, the paper suggests the data processing method how the signal strength values for each of the access points are recorded in a radio map. To reduce computational cost during the location determination phase, multidimensional indexes for radio map with the important information which is the order of the strongest access points are used.