
본문 바로가기 주메뉴 바로가기


Vol.5 No.3

; pp.1-7

The importance and the value of call center callers are increasing since they play very crucial roles as representatives of their companies at the closest contact point with customers. However, they have low satisfaction at work and are more likely to leave their jobs due to the fact that they are exhausted from heavy work load; they provide less pay and less chance for promotion than other jobs in the same industry. The high turnover costs companies high expenses on finding and training new callers. In the mean time, customer satisfaction may drop and it can give the customers negative image of the company. Therefore, solutions are required to keep the turnover of call center callers to the minimum. In this study, call center employees in Gwangju area were investigated for their job attitude and turnover intention. Based on the results, several implications are suggested.

; pp.8-13

The recent Web service field emerges as the fastest growing IT paradigm as a result of the increasing interest in SOA (Services-Oriented Architecture) and the expansion of B2B market. With an increasing number of Web service that provide similar features, it becomes more important to provide the most appropriate service for the user's request. A service user in general requires the quality information of Web service when selecting a service among a number of similar Web services. Yet, finding a service through UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) does not consider the non-functional aspects of users because it is only based on the functional aspects. That is, the quality, non-functional aspect will be an important factor for the mutual success of the user and provider. Using 3 factors in the Qos factors of the existing studies: the execution cost, reliability, and the quality level, the QoS of Web service is saved and the factors for the QoS are recorded in order to consider non-functional factors when selecting a Web service in this study. The Quality Broker determines the rank and shows the desired result of the service for users. The Quality Broker suggested in this thesis can be used to select a Web Service that considers the user-oriented and non-functional factors.

; ; pp.14-18

Traditional methods and materials used for Korean buildings need to be well organized and managed so that they can be utilized in modernization of old buildings. Supporting web-based management of information of Korean traditional building materials helps spread the related knowledge. This paper identifies the characteristics of traditional building materials data, and develops an information structure to represent the related information effectively. It also describes design decisions on web-based user interfaces to support flexible browsing and retrieval of the managed data. As the traditional building data are described by old domain-specific technical terms, utility of the developed service might be limited to those who are familiar with the terms. As an approach to tackle this problem, the proposed system supports user tagging by allowing users to classify the stored information using their own terms, and also to retrieve data using the user-supplied tags.

; ; (Dongsan Survey ENC) pp.19-23

Laser scanning technology is a maturing measurement technology which is capable of obtaining 3D measurement data of objects with high-accuracy, high-resolution and in a short time. Laser scanners are used more and more as surveying instruments for various applications. This paper describes the procedure of 3D data acquirement using terrestrial LiDAR and section drawing extraction through a series of processing for remodeling the interior of a department building.. Accurate drawings are needed for improvement construction of building interior. However if the design drawings of that time of construction work were lost or damaged or actual dimensions of drawings differ from those of design drawings, the interior should be resurveyed. In this study, the extraction process of interior plane figures were suggested through using laser scanning and related reverse engineering software

; ; pp.24-32

Personal value and lifestyle have been regarded as the common factors in many studies of the destination selection. And the evaluations by visitors or tourists of certain destinations have been conducted in many respects. Based on those influential factors and measures from the review of the previous researches, this article considers the impact of residents’ evaluation of the tourism resources in their own resident area on selecting destinations of their future overseas trips as well as their personal value and lifestyle. This article is aimed to reveal whether the impact exists, and if so, to what extent this impact can expand. According to the result, perception of tourism resources in residential area has impact on preferred destination, although its impact was relatively less than those of personal value and lifestyle. The more highly perceived the tourism resources are found, the more preferred tourist destination with abundant tourism attractions are. And the lowly perceived the cost of living in residential area is found, the more preferred the consumption-oriented tourist destinations are. It would be helpful for the product developers like travel agents or product marketers to know and predict the tendency of people’s present evaluation of their areas and the future destination selection tendency for their trips.

; pp.33-39

This study tested a path model of agenda building examining the relationship among the media, the public and the presidential statements on the issue of drug abuse during the Bush administration's War on Drugs. The results showed that a dynamic and interactive relationship among aforementioned actors. First, the real-world conditions strongly increased both media coverage and presidential statements. Second, the news media and president influenced each other. Third, public concern, however, did not function as a significant factor in agenda-building process in this study. The result of this study indicates that Bush was not utterly a reactive or proactive president in terms of his relationship with the media. That is, news media and the president interacted regarding the drug issues; the relationship between President Bush and the media for drug issues was reciprocal.


While numerous studies have suggested the significance of uncertainty during the process of information-seeking, less research has investigated user uncertainty in the actual search process using a real system. This study investigated user perceptions of uncertainty in the process of the selection of information retrieval system in the real information-seeking process. Considering the role of commercial Web search engines as supplementary tools for traditional bibliographic databases in academic research environments, this study analyzed the selection behavior of scholarly researchers, who use such search tools for their academic study. The researchers were limited to the discipline of science in order to understand user perceptions in this field. The findings revealed various dimensions, types, and incidents of uncertainty. Variations appeared in different incidents of uncertainty relating to the unique characteristics of the subjects’ information-seeking context. The identification of three principal origins of uncertainty based on the different types of uncertainty generated implications to improve information systems and services.

; Ibrahim Furkan Ince(Kyungsung University) ; Yucel Batu Salman(Kyungsung University) pp.50-56

Internet is being used for several activities by a great range of users. These activities include communication, e-commerce, education, and entertainment. Users are required to register regarding website in order to enroll web activities. However, registration can be done by automated hacking software. That software make false enrollments which occupy the resources of the website by reducing the performance and efficiency of servers, even stop the entire web service. It is crucial for the websites to have a system which has the capability of differing human users and computer programs in reading images of text. Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Human Apart (CAPTCHA) is such a defense system against Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. OCR can be defined as software which work for defeating CAPTCHA images and make countless number of registrations on the websites. This study proposes a new CAPTCHA context that is Korean CAPTCHA by means of the method which is splitting CAPTCHA images into several parts with random rotation values, and drawing random lines on a grid background by using Korean characters only. Lines are in the same color with the CAPTCHA text and they provide a distortion of image with grid background. Experimental results show that Korean CAPTCHA is a more secure and effective CAPTCHA type for Korean users rather than current CAPTCHA types due to the structure of Korean letters and the algorithm we are using: rotation and splitting. In this paper, the algorithm of our method is introduced in detail.

; pp.57-64

Korea has relied on top down development method, in which companies, research and education institutions move into the industrial complexes established by the government. However, to improve local competitiveness, the paradigm is shifting from the government initiated industrial complex to the clusters based on the cooperative network of the region. Representative case is ‘Samcheok-si Fire & Emergency industry cluster construction project' that begun in 2007. AHP technique analysis results on first-stage showed that priority was on policy and network elements, and the results of second-stage analysis show that priority was on Policy incentives to internationalize the cluster and strengthen link,. Cluster branding, Sharing of organizational culture to cope with changes in environment, Creation of group learning culture. The subject of this research is limited to Samcheok-si’s the Fire and Emergency Industry cluster formation project. Therefore, the research area and standard should be expanded to increase generality in further researches.


This paper describes ongoing work on the correction of adverb errors committed by Korean learners studying English as a foreign language (EFL), using an automated English writing assessment system. Adverb errors are commonly found in learners’ writings, but handling those errors rarely draws an attention in natural language processing due to complicated characteristics of adverb. To correctly detect the errors, adverbs are classified according to their grammatical functions, meanings and positions within a sentence. Adverb errors are collected from learners’ sentences, and classified into five categories adopting a traditional error analysis. The error classification in conjunction with the adverb categorization is implemented into a set of mal-rules which automatically identifies the errors. When an error is detected, the system corrects the error and suggests error specific feedback. The feedback includes the types of errors, a corrected string of the error and a brief description of the error. This attempt suggests how to improve adverb error correction method as well as to provide richer diagnostic feedback to the learners.


Recently, interest has heightened over 'critical infrastructures' and their reliability in the face of potential terrorist attack. Assault on any of the critical infrastructures as transportation, power, water, telecommunications, and financial services, entails great consequences for their users as well as the other interdependent critical infrastructures. How to protect our vital critical infrastructures is the key question in this paper. The purpose of this article is to suggest the implications for crisis and emergency management to protect the critical infrastructures in our society. For achieving the purpose, we examined the concept of comprehensive security, national crisis, and critical infrastructure and, using the holistic approach, we examined the comprehensive emergency management for suggesting the implications for establishing the critical infrastructure protection system; building up the high reliability organization, organizing and partnering, assessing the risk, preparing first responders, working with private owners of critical infrastructures, working with communities, improving the administrative capacity.


Emergent requests or urgent information among enterprises require their intimate collaboration in B2B EC (electronic commerce). This paper analyzes the needs of intimate cooperation of distributed EC systems in terms of business contracts and presents an active rule-based methodology of close cooperation among EC systems and an active rule component to support it. Since the rule component provides high level rule patterns and event-based immediate processing, system administrators and programmers can easily program and maintain intimate cooperation of distributed EC systems independently to the application logic. The proposed active rule component facilitates HTTP protocol. Its prototype is implemented in B2B EC environment and evaluated using basic trigger facility of a commercial DBMS.


The Purpose of this study was to investigate correlations between the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) in strokes. The data collected retrospectively from fifty-five stroke rehabilitation patients. The MMSE and FIM at the time of admission and discharge were obtained from patients' medical records. Firstly, Pearson correlation coefficients of the MMSE score at the time of admission revealed 0.286~0.747 with FIM at the time of discharge (p<0.05). Also, the change of MMSE score significantly correlated with the change of total FIM scores in strokes (r=0.409, p<0.05). Because the MMSE scores at the time of admission and FIM at the time of discharge are correlated, the MMSE scores can be used to predict the FIM at the time of discharge and establish a rehabilitation program.


This research is a study of the documentary film entitled “Korean War.” My research focuses on the collective trauma and amnesia of the Korean War among the people of the U.S. in an effort to understand ongoing tensions between the U.S. and the two Koreas, both North and South. A study of the film also gives a way to read the hidden meaning of the film through deconstructing the film with Peircian semiotics, and scrutinizing its artistic choices of visual language. This study provides a review of the theory of trauma. It also gives insight into understanding the perceptions of the Korean War in the U.S.

Sea-Youn Kwak(Chuncheon International Mime Festival) ; Yoon-Tae Kim(Lecturer at Namseoul University) pp.98-106

For the success of a festival, effective volunteer management is axiomatic. Given the dramatically increased size and quality of festivals and events in Korea over the past fifteen years, the importance of effective volunteer management has been overlooked among festival organizations in comparison to similar festivals in western countries. This paper provides a description and an assessment of the Hi Seoul Festival 2009 volunteer program based on an seven-step ideal process of an effective festival volunteer program with suggestions for the program development by reviewing organizational documents, and an interview with a staff member of the Hi Seoul Festival organization, and a survey pertinent to festival volunteers’ motivation. This study shows college students are more interested in volunteering at festivals in Korea with the primary motivation of developing relationships and gaining work experience. It also suggests that the Hi Seoul Festival organization should fully appreciate the importance of an effective volunteer program and the position and work of a volunteer coordinator.