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Vol.6 No.2

; Manoj Kumar pp.1-5

The rapid growth in communication technology has led to the development of effective ways of sharing ideas and information in the form of speech and images. Understanding this information has become an important research issue and drawn the attention of many researchers. Text in a digital image contains much important information regarding the scene. Detecting and extracting this text is a difficult task and has many challenging issues. The main challenges in extracting text from natural scene images are the variation in the font size, alignment of text, font colors, illumination changes, and reflections in the images. In this paper, we propose a connected component based method to automatically detect the text region in natural images. Since text regions in mages contain mostly repetitions of vertical strokes, we try to find a pattern of closely packed vertical edges. Once the group of edges is found, the neighboring vertical edges are connected to each other. Connected regions whose geometric features lie outside of the valid specifications are considered as outliers and eliminated. The proposed method is more effective than the existing methods for slanted or curved characters. The experimental results are given for the validation of our approach.


Using symplectic relation and reaction concept, we propose a planar near-field antenna measurement method. A generalized probe compensation equation is deduced to obtain the probe correction formulation. To verify our approach, a reflector antenna with 1x2 horn array is fabricated and measured in the near-field measurement facility. The near-field measurement results are compared with the physical optics (PO) simulation. The results of measurement and simulation agree very well near to the mainbeam.


For applications that are grid enabled, the grid can offer a resource balancing effect by scheduling grid jobs on machines with low utilization. When jobs communicate with each other, the internet, or with storage resources, an advanced scheduler could schedule them to minimize communications traffic or minimize the distance of the communications. We propose an intelligent load distribution algorithm to minimize communications traffic and distance of the communications using genetic algorithm. The experiments show the proposed load redistribution algorithm performs efficiently in the variance of load in grid environments.


Korean Cultural Content Industry is developing creative cultural content based on internationally acknowledged manufacturing capacity, however, in order to become cultural industry with international competitiveness, it has to be planned and made in OMSU way. This research studied and analyzed successful cases of cultural content digital restoration and excellent cases of OSMU-type that has been developed and supported by Korean Culture and Contents Agency. This study suggests the direction of growth on the basis of movement of cultural content industry and cultivating plan of human resources.


This paper compares and contrasts four different kinds of leadership models in Design Management. Similarities and differences between these four models in contemporary leadership issues and challenges are analyzed and described. Each model will demonstrate the effects of leadership and how these leaders use the different approaches to develop their leadership style in their design field. This paper proposes that contemporary leadership in Design Management involves a unique bonding among leaders and followers, and more flexible and developed leadership will continue in the understanding and skill with which applying to the dynamic of organization change. The results and application of each model’s assessment indicate a team of leaders that are capable of achieving excellence through their combined talents and vision to achieve in design fields using their potential inability of their own leadership.


Reports on the Korean culture’s gaining popularity among foreign audiences have filled the Korean news media for more than a decade by now. On the other hand, some observers have begun to argue that the hyper-commercialism has brought the Korean cultural industries to a crisis. By examining a brief history of U.S. commercial media system’s global spread, this paper makes an effort to understand the Korean media industry within an international and historical framework. Secondly, it analyzes the processes of Korean media industry losing its competitiveness following the Korean Wave success. Based on the research findings, this paper warns against the potentially detrimental effects of commercial media system.

; pp.33-40

This study aims at investigating the linguistic and educational factors affecting TOEFL scores, focusing on three OECD countries, Korea, Japan, and Finland. The data comprise document analysis on curriculums, websites, and literature. The findings reveal that the number of Korean test-takers and their TOEFL scores gradually increased year by year. Finnish test-takers consistently gained greatly high scores, and Japanese examinees showed the lowest scores. The languages Korean, Japanese, and Finnish are all far distant from English and receive little support on historical grounds from the Indo-European family tree. In Finland, however, Swedish which belongs to Indo-European languages is still used as an official language with Finnish. Korea and Finland adopt English education from Year 3 in primary school, whereas English is not an official subject in primary school at present in Japan. Finnish students are taught a foreign language in addition to English from primary school. These seem to support the result of the high TOEFL scores of Finnish test-takers. This study concludes that social context which includes linguistic and educational environments are the main factors which affect TOEFL scores.

; Li Liu ; pp.41-52

The purpose of this study was to provide a more comprehensive model which integrates a social exchange construct (i.e., organizational commitment) as a mediator to test the relationship between organizational justice and employees’ bebaviors such as intent to leaving and custormer-oriented behavior. Based on the data collected from ten Chinese full-service restaurants, this study analyzed the proposed hypotheses through model comparison by using structural equation modeling (SEM) technique with AMOS 7.0. The results indicated that (1)distributive justice had negative influence on employees’ turnover intention and positive influence on employees’ customer oriented behavior and these influences were fully mediated by employees’ affective commitment to their organizations; (2)procedural justice had negative influence on employees’ turnover intention and positive influence on customer oriented behavior and these influences were only partially mediated by employees’ affective commitment to their organizations. Managerial implications and future research directions were proposed at the last part of this study.

; pp.53-58

Social capital is regarded as the alternative plan and the index of healthy society for constructing social tie through solving social problems on the basis of causal relationship between sports, social capital, and healthy society, in order to accomplish sound society. The role of sports to construct healthy society and social capital is emphasized here. To accomplish healthy society amid various social deviations nowadays, the value of sports should be newly recognized and highlighted among the general public. To attain this purpose, organizing sports club as a voluntary association and facilitating its activities, securing confidence for the sports organization and policies, developing and popularizing sports program to form community and civil society should be embodied. The research field of sports sociology should inquire into the most suitable condition in constructing healthy society and social capital, and should make efforts to find out realistic solutions to satisfy this that purpose. To examine this aspect, cooperative research on micro scale and macro scale of trust as social capital interdisciplinary research into the field of psychology and sociology, research on the methodology of the social network, and critical research are required.

; pp.59-68

This research looks close the effect of security agent's hierarchical leisure constraint on the leisure motivation and participation based on the Jackson's Model of the hierarchical leisure constraints. This research selected 420 people for sampling, designating security agents who work for security companies located in Seoul in 2009 at present as subjects by utilizing purposive sampling method, but the number of sampling used for ultimate analysis is 356. In this research, reliability analysis's and structural equation modeling's Maximum Likelihood method are used to prove the reliability and validity of questionnaire. By using these research method and procedures, the conclusion of this research is as following. First, intra-personal leisure constraint was affected by interpersonal, structural leisure constraint. Second, leisure motivation was affected negatively by leisure constraint. Third, leisure participation was affected positively by leisure motivation. Synthesizing all things referred above, leisure constraint was affected by inter-personal, structural leisure constraint, and in turn, leisure motivation and leisure participation were affected by its effects. It turned out that leisure motivation has a meaningful effect on leisure participation through leisure participation and adjusting process.