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Vol.6 No.3

; ; ; pp.1-4

The national management and retrieval service of the national scholar Content DB are very important. High quality content can improve the user’s utilization and satisfaction and be a strong base for both the citation index creation and the calculation of journal impact factors. Therefore, the system is necessary to check data quality effectively. We have closely studied and developed a web-based data quality checking system that will support anything from raw digital data to its automatic validation as well as hands-on validation, all of which will be discussed in this paper.


To manage large database system with video, effective video indexing and retrieval are required. A large number of video retrieval algorithms have been presented for frame-wise user query or video content query, whereas a few video identification algorithms have been proposed for video sequence query. In this paper, we propose an effective video identification algorithm for video sequence query that employs the Cauchy function of histograms between successive frames and the modified Hausdorff distance. To effectively match the video sequences with a low computational load, we make use of the key frames extracted by the cumulative Cauchy function and compare the set of key frames using the modified Hausdorff distance. Experimental results with several color video sequences show that the proposed algorithm for video identification yields remarkably higher performance than conventional algorithms such as Euclidean metric, and directed divergence methods.

; ; Chungshick Oh ; pp.10-14

Researchers in Korea and elsewhere have carried out a wide variety of important research activities in their respective fields, producing valuable research results. For such diverse research results to be shared and exchanged among researchers working in the same discipline and research subject there needs to be a community environment based on free utilization of information. Against this backdrop, this study seeks to classify and reprocess the reference/factual content owned by the KISTI (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information), a state-run distributor of information on science and technology, by the different research subjects. It also seeks to develop and provide a community model based on the concepts of open archiving and open access for the researchers specialized in the related fields of research. This community model is developed focusing on the research results from the field of bioscience, where the most extensive studies are currently being conducted. To develop the community model, this study: (a) surveys the current status of the content owned by KISTI; (b) analyzes the patterns and characteristics of biological scientific content among the KISTI-owned content; and (c) designs a web platform where researchers can freely upload/download research results.


Grid system is based on the Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI). GSI uses user’s proxy to guarantee availability among multi-trust domains. Since grid system has been developed focusing on availability, GSI provides authentication and authorization performed by systems, but there are lacks of privacy consideration. For this reason, some researchers decide to use their own cluster system and do not want to use public grid systems. In this paper, we introduce a new privacy enhanced security mechanism for grid systems. With this mechanism, user can participate in resource allocation and authorization to user’s contents more actively. This mechanism does not need to change previous middleware and minimize the computational overheads.

; Yang Cao pp.19-24

Task scheduling is an integrated component of computing with the emergence of grid computing. In this paper, we address two different task scheduling models, which are static Round-Robin (RR) and dynamic Fastest Site First (FSF) task scheduling method, using extended timed marked graphs, which is a special case of Stochastic Petri Nets (SPN). Stochastic reward nets (SRN) is an extension of SPN and provides compact modeling facilities for system analysis. We build hierarchical SRN models to compare two task scheduling methods. The upper level model simulates task scheduling and the lower level model implements task serving process for different sites with multiple servers. We compare these two models and analyze their performances by giving reward measures in SRN.

; pp.25-29

Scanners play an important role in digitally reproducing the color and imaging of original documents used in public offices; however, the current system lacks a standard for digitized documents created by scanners, complicating efforts to create a digitized system. In particular, macrography cannot guarantee the accuracy and reliability of digitalized color documents, pictures, and photographs created by scanners. To this end, we develop a standardized evaluation tool and test target to certify digitalized documents created by a scanner in the domestic environment. In this study, we enhance the accuracy and reliability of scanned data to create an advanced standard evaluation tool for scanners. Moreover, to produce a scanner certification standard, we overcome existing problems related to the growing market. We anticipate that this new standard will see a high degree of application in the current environment.

; pp.30-37

This paper aims to propose a cognitive evaluation model to be utilized in designing game devices and developing relevant software with the purpose of the prevention of dementia of the elderly among various types of serious games for the elderly intending to improve their physical, mental or social capability. Firstly, a serious game for the elderly has been developed based on the guidelines of the areas pertaining to existing hardware, software and contents. Secondly, a pre-experiment of the game targeting specialists has been conducted in order to re-establish a cognitive evaluation model for the developed result. Thirdly, the cognitive evaluation model for the serious game for the elderly that intends to improve their cognitive capacity has been materialized based on the experiment results. Given the fact that the scope of game contents, most of which used to be focused on teenagers, have been gradually expanding to cover wider range of social classes than ever before, it is expected that the results of this study could be utilized as a model that can verify the games and their contents with special purposes based on the cognitive evaluation of the users.

; ; pp.38-46

In this study, five personality types of employees have any impact on their creativity, a systematic and comprehensive study of literary research and demonstration studies were parallel. Results of the research employee of the extroversion, agreeableness of their creativity (+) showed the impact. In addition, sincerity, openness to experience, personality and creativity of employee creativity (+) for influencing said. Neuroticism to creativity, but nature does not affect any found. This study, five personality types that affect employee creativity of individuals by examining the relationship between personality type and creativity by presenting a model for the study, employees' personality types can have on creativity and offers a realistic alternative to the theory presented you can find the meaning in that. These theoretical and empirical validation of the results of employee productivity oriented organizations, including human resource management in a systematic and reasonable for the type of personality tests are being conducted on the administrative feasibility is expected to be able to provide. Finally, based on the results of these studies, management and administrative implications and future research directions presented.

(NICE Group) ; Keum Lim Kim pp.47-52

This paper examines the casual relations among service quality, perceived value and satisfaction from the perspective of Job Fair attendees. Numerous studies have been conducted in the field of perceived value and satisfaction. This work would be the mere contribution in the literature development but surely contribute to the better development of service providing sector to create better quality, value and satisfaction. A framework suggested that personal service, touristic attractiveness and physical environments were turned out to affect positively on the perceived value and satisfaction. The service providers should concentrate on developing the issues.

; Woo-Taek Shin(Shattuck St. Mary's School) pp.53-58

This study empirically analyzes the characteristics of the various attributes of technology that influence the economic values of technologies, based on the cases of technology valuation carried out in Korea. To do so, we collect the cases of technology valuation carried out by major technology valuation institutions in Korea and extract from these data the information about various characteristics of the subject technologies of valuation and the primary factors applied to the technology valuation. Based on such extracted information, we examine the overall trends of technology valuation in Korea and analyze how the main factors of technology valuation vary with the attributes of technology.

; pp.59-64

The world mobile service is growing sharply and became bigger market than wired. So it is very needed to find the political way to promote mobile industry. The United States government recently decided to introduce new mobile policies for promoting mobile industry. Until now the telecommunications policies of the United States have affected policy developments for many countries including Korea. In this context, we studied the validity of introducing new mobile policies of the United States in Korea. We found that new mobile policies can cause the change of mobile market environment; mobile market power will be dispersed from network to content, application and devise, and new mobile market environment where consumers freely select and use network as well as content, application and devise will be made. Also we found empirically that if new policies are introduced in Korea, mobile industry will be promoted as Korean consumers use mobile services and goods quite actively in new mobile market. We think our results provide reasonable evidence to introduce new mobile policies in Korea.


This paper addresses the importance of knowledge management (KM) and the relationship of that theory when applied to improving interior design organizational performance in four areas: people, processes, design products, and organizational performance. Included is the way knowledge theory manifests in three different professional settings: coaching and training, designing, and service settings. Knowledge management, although well established in interior design services, requires effort in coaching and training as motivation is a critical variable. Whereas, strategies for knowledge management vary from industry to industry given diversity in situational variables, knowledge in each professional setting can be significantly aided by capturing and storing empirical, tacit, and explicit information, providing real-time electronic storage and retrieval of information [5] and consistent with transformational theory, through opening communication channels across the full range of the organization, inspiring and motivating individuals, and aligning all members of the organization toward a common vision [8]. Professional settings discussed in this paper are:(a)an learning organization enumerated in KM; (b)designing factors for managing knowledge theory themes; and (c)service, effective, efficient, and innovative KM application that is relevant to the process of developing effective KM for interior design service organizations. Folded within each will be a discussion on KM’s impacts on visions, strategies, costs, and organizational performance. It has reiterated the impact of KM on one level might lead to synergistic impacts on another. Thus, KM has the potential to produce several interconnected impacts on people, design products, processes, and organizations.

Tom Page(Loughborough University) ; Gisli Thorsteinsson(University of Iceland) ; pp.71-82

The golden ratio is a mysterious number that surprisingly appears in science, physics, mathematics, as well as in nature. The number 1.618 seems to be a universal constant, and crops up whenever the subject is of beauty or elegance. Beautiful flowers and sea shells and also attractive people have a common number and that is 1.618 or φ (phi). This paper does a study into the story of phi, and describes how the golden ratio is derived. Artists, architects and designers have employed the ratio into dimensioning their works of art to achieve visual appeal. Examples such as the Greek Parthenon of the Acropolis and paintings such as the Last Supper all use this magic number. An investigation was conducted among 50 people to test if looking at golden proportioning was actually appealing, or if it was just a type among overzealous enthusiasts. The results show that the golden ratio may actually be of some use

; ; pp.83-88

Aerobic exercise affects cerebral circulation, action of neurotransmitters, glucose, oxygen, and energetic substances and influence on the central nervous system for cognition. This study suggests that both the intensity of exercise and the level of cognitive task need to be considered. Computerized neurobehavioral testing is a more effective method, compared to conventional methods, of neuropsychological testing when measuring cognition objectively, in cases that we found. The intensity of 80% max HR had effect on more complex tasks such as 3 Digit Addition and Digit Span Backward, and the intensity of 65% max HR had an effect on more simple tasks such as Color Word Vigilance and Digit Span Forward. We can assume that different intensity of aerobic exercise might involve specific areas of the brain as they could have different sensitivities, so further studies measuring regional cerebral blood flow or electroencephalogram are needed to confirm the results.


The International air transportation industry provides a vital communication link which brings prosperity to many states in our modern age. This invaluable link has been threatened by terrorism. Airlines have been one of the most attractive targets in the eyes of terrorists for several reasons, including particularly the international and symbolic nature of aviation, and the potential of multi-governmental involvement which can inevitably generate wide publicity. Terrorist attacks against civil aviation have been committed since the earliest days of civil aviation history. The first attack against civil aircraft dates back to the early 1930s. Since then, aircraft hijacking and other forms of attack against air transport operations have become one of the most serious challenges to the safety of flying. In recent years, a new form of threats against civil aviation has appeared. Man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS) in the hands of criminals, terrorists, and other non-state actors pose a serious potential threat to passenger air travel, the commercial aviation industry, and military aircraft around the world. The purpose of this study is to provide some countermeasures against such attacks. In order to foster a better understanding of the problem, an introduction of MANPADS and a brief history of attacks using MANPADS are presented. It also examines the level of threats, trends of attacks using MANPADS and the possible countermeasures to be taken by the international community.