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Vol.6 No.4

Huy Phat Le ; Kavitha Madhubalan ; pp.1-7

Natural images often contain useful information about the scene such as text or company logos placed on a rectangular shaped plane. The 2D images captured from such objects by a camera are often distorted, because of the effects of the perspective projection camera model. This distortion makes the acquisition of the text information difficult. In this study, we detect the rectangular object on which the text is written, then the image is restored by removing the perspective distortion. The Hough transform is used to detect the boundary lines of the rectangular object and a bilinear transformation is applied to restore the original image.

Da-Young Jeong(Korea Institute of Science and Technology) ; ; ; Nam-Gyun Kim(Color Seven Co., Ltd.) ; pp.8-13

Due to the expense of health care and the need to contain costs, many stroke patients are discharged from hospitals while still in an impaired condition. Using Tele-rehabilitation, these patients can receive rehabilitation services remotely. A pegboard is a conventional rehabilitation therapeutic device that integrates cognition, sensation and hand motor function. This study proposes a Tele-rehabilitation content with automated pegboard and shows its functional feasibility. The evaluation of the pegboard session was automated with RFID (radio frequency identification), and a 16-hole pegboard was rapid-prototyped. After a pegboard session is completed, the session result is uploaded to a server automatically for viewing on a web browser by a remote therapist. The therapist can also send messages to remote patients to encourage them or to manage the rehabilitation process.

; ; ; pp.14-21

In this study, the preferences with regard to floral design in a public space and the correlation between such preferences and the image features of the floral design types were identified. Based on the review of the related literature, the floral designs placed in a public space were classified into three types(the flower bed, container, and three-dimensional sculpture types) according to physical factors, and were classified into two types(the indoor and outdoor types) according to environmental factors. In the floral-design type classified by physical and environmental factors, the flower bed and outdoor types, respectively, were highly preferred.The factor that was found to have the greatest influence on the preference for the flower bed type was ‘well-orderedness’, which included the adjective categories ‘harmonious’, ‘clean’, and ‘simple’; that which was found to have the greatest influence on the preference for the outdoor-type floral design was ‘identity’, which included the adjective categories ‘symbolic’, ‘distinctive’, ‘harmonious’, ‘impressive’, and ‘clean’. It can thus be concluded that the plants that are effectively displayed in a public space can express the nature and identity of the city itself, can be a yardstick for giving value to the city and for evaluating it, and can be important components of the urban landscape. A design that is suitable for the purpose of each public space and that reflects the factors that exert an influence on the users’ floral-design type preference should thus be developed.

; Liangbo Li pp.22-29

In flash memory, many previous garbage collection methods only merge blocks statically and do not consider the contents of buffer. These schemes may cause more unnecessary block erase operations and page copy operations. However, since flash memory has the limitation of maximum rate and life cycle to delete each block, an efficient garbage collection method to evenly wear out the flash memory region is needed. This paper proposes a memory compaction scheme based on block-level buffer for flash memory. The proposed scheme not only merges the data blocks and the corresponding log block, but also searches for the block-level buffer to find the corresponding buffer blocks. Consequently, unnecessary potential page copying operations and block erasure operations could be reduced, thereby improving the performance of flash memory and prolonging the lifetime of flash memory.

; Yang Cao pp.30-34

Effective job scheduling scheme is a crucial part of complex heterogeneous distributed systems. Gang scheduling is a scheduling algorithm for grid systems that schedules related grid jobs to run simultaneously on servers in different local sites. In this paper, we address grid jobs (gangs) schedule modeling using Stochastic reward nets (SRNs), which is concerned for static and dynamic scheduling policies. SRN is an extension of Stochastic Petri Net (SPN) and provides compact modeling facilities for system analysis. Threshold queue is adopted to smooth the variations of performance measures. System throughput and response time are compared and analyzed by giving reward measures in SRNs.

; pp.35-38

The current categorization of digital games is not objective and is unable to assess the latest and more complex digital games. Digital games need to be systematically categorized so that similarities and differences can be identified and analyzed. The fundamental characteristic of digital games is interactivity. This paper addresses the current categorization gaps through the lens of interactivity. Through this lens, a conceptual framework consisting of primary and corresponding participants and controlling characters is developed. Future research topics are then presented based on this framework.

Young-Ho Park(Bluewavetel Co., Ltd.) ; Gun-Kyun Kim(Bluewavetel Co., Ltd.) ; Jeong-Keun Nor(Bluewavetel Co., Ltd.) ; Jae-Kwon Ha(Bluewavetel Co., Ltd.) pp.39-42

In this paper we developed density measurement equipment for Asphalt Pavement based on the electromagnetic capacitance. This kind of Non-Nuclear Density Gauges technology and products is used or studied in USA, Finland, Sweden as standardization of authorized method for pavement density measurement. Effective permitivity of pavement asphalt is characterized in electromagnetic capacitance by the asphalt material, mixed ratio, and harden grade of pavement asphalt. We can get a density value of asphalt by replacing value of electromagnetic capacitance with standard density value and characteristic transformation curve. We are conformed that measurement data according to temperature, humidity, and real field asphalt of our density measurement equipment can be a precise value.

Jiang Zheng-Qing ; pp.43-48

Because of the social and political reasons, Chinese design higher education has come a long and difficult road. Before and after the Reform and Opening-up, Chinese design higher education system has gone through two different models:”Arts and Crafts” and “Arts & Design”. By comparing external environment and Education Concept of two models , this paper points out that the correct direction of design higher education reform is to understand and learn the advantages of two education systems.

Deepak Ghimire ; ; ; pp.49-56

In this paper we present a system that enables the user to interact with large display system even without touching the screen. With two infrared sensitive cameras mounted on the bottom left and bottom right of the display system pointing upwards, the user fingertip position on the selected region of interest of each camera view is found using vertical intensity profile of the background subtracted image. The position of the finger in two images of left and right camera is mapped to the display screen coordinate by using pre-determined matrices, which are calculated by interpolating samples of user finger position on the images taken by pointing finger over some known coordinate position of the display system. The screen is then manipulated according to the calculated position and depth of the fingertip with respect to the display system. Experimental results demonstrate an efficient, robust and stable human computer interaction.


This paper designed and developed internet based competency developing system for small IT (Information & Technology) companies. The purpose of this system was to provide career development opportunities to small IT business workers for their longstanding employment and self-improvement job skills. This study analyzed job competencies based on job descriptions from two IT companies. The survey was conducted to analyze employees’ self-assessed current job competency level and effective ways of improving their current level of competencies. From the results of survey, most of subjects indicated their job competencies were in between mid-level to low level, and they required the need of training programs to improve their job knowledge and experience. Based on the interview from field experts about job competency development, this study designed and developed the internet based competency development system to provide effective and efficient way of improving job competencies and needed training programs for small IT business employees.

; ; Tao Wang ; Shi-Guang Piao pp.62-68

More and more researchers and practitioners in the field of e-commerce are paying attentions to the retention of online customers. However, only a few researches can be addressed in the context of internet shopping mall repurchase intention. This study aims at investigating and delineating the important characteristic factors which affect consumers’ repurchase intentions by conducting an empirical analysis. In order to fulfill this purpose effectively, a comprehensive review of previous studies regarding information system success model was performed in order to render a stronger theoretical foundation for our study. Finally, based on the DeLone and McLean (2003) IS success model, information quality, system quality, service quality, customer satisfaction and repurchase intention were employed as five constructs in the research model and hypotheses on mutual relationships between these constructs were established accordingly. Structural equation modeling was employed to analyze the data collected from 204 internet shopping mall consumers in China. Our theoretical model exhibited a good fit with the observed data. The empirical results showed particularly strong support for the effects of information quality, service quality and user satisfaction. The findings of this research contributed to the extension of repurchase intention study in the context of Internet shopping malls. Our research also offered implications for practitioners in regards to devising internet shopping malls so as to increase consumers’ repurchase intention to use these services.

; ; pp.69-78

In recent years, many leading corporations are actively adopting IT as competitive resources to improve productivity and processes efficiency with strategic alignments. In effect, IT investment also continues to increase. As a vast growth of IT investment, questions and criticism on recent IT investment results are also rapidly being raised. Especially, improper decision making and management on IT investment may cause negative impact on the company’s reputation and finances, therefore companies need reasonable and wise investment decision making on new IT projects. This study applies the conceptual framework of IT governance to IT investment decision making cases to examine how IT investment governance influences the quality of IT investment decision making and how business-IT strategic alignment affects the quality of IT investment decision making. This paper contributes to identify the main factors for reasonable and effective IT investment decision making and expected to provide proper guidelines for IT investment decision making.

Yoon-Sung Jo(Yonsei University) ; ; pp.79-89

In recent years, IT organizations are in the process of introducing IT Governance as the concept and measure of transparency, accountability and effectiveness of IT activities and control for managing governance processes. In this paper, the influential factors for IT organizations to adopt COBIT(The Control Objectives for Information and related Technology) which is a typical framework for effective IT Governance execution were classified and analyzed empirically into internal and external factors. Internal factors were designed based on influential factors in the theory of innovation diffusion, and external factors were designed based on influential factors from outside certification which were absent in COBIT and expertise support from the outside. The result of this study showed that understandability, transition and effectiveness which were internal factors had no effect on COBIT introduction, and only expertise support among certification and expertise support which were external factors had significant effects. This result shows that there are lack of COBIT supports and introduction in internal IT organizations. It is expected that the result of this study will allow strategic approach of COBIT adoption in future by verifying influential factors of COBIT introduction within IT organizations.

; pp.90-100

As the reuse of content becomes a strategy for the entertainment industry, managerial insight on customers is needed to be cultivated in order to run a successful business. This study analyzes the impact of previous satisfaction on consumption intention for content in another medium. To do this, two data sets are collected: cases of movie-to-TV series and TV series-to-movie and analyze them using a structural equation modeling approach. The results of our analysis show that satisfied viewers of a movie tend to communicate their positive feelings via word-of-mouth communication and demonstrate repurchase intention of another medium afterward. However, satisfaction does not automatically lead to repurchase intention in another medium. While satisfied viewers of a TV series show a statistically positive repurchase intention for a movie, satisfied viewers of a movie do not show a direct repurchase intention for a TV series. This result demonstrates an asymmetric relationship between satisfaction and repurchase intention across media, and its strategic implications are further discussed.

; pp.101-107

I aim to discover that how greatly the curriculum of Life Dance department has had an effect on the career of students majoring in dance, with research objects being Life Dance department of two universities, located on the metropolitan area. The study method, called qualitative, includes some suggestions on the curriculum of the two and comparison, analysis of job-related materials; further, it involves discussion on the influence the curriculum has had on the career as dance trainers. The results from it are as follows; first, the curriculum of the department mostly consists of pure art such as Korean dance, modern dance, ballet, but has few creative life dance programs. Second, the employment into the art area has been more often than to the counterpart. Finally, it shows that a title of a department does not make a big difference and affect the employment rate. In conclusion, as the completion of the curriculum does not always guarantee a success, it is recommended that college students get some competent certificates related to dance