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Vol.7 No.4


Physics based fluid animation schemes need large computation cost due to tremendous degree of freedom. Many researchers tried to reduce the cost for solving the large linear system that is involved in grid-based schemes. GPU based algorithms and advanced numerical analysis methods are used to efficiently solve the system. Other groups studied local operation methods such as SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) and LBM (Lattice Boltzmann Method) for enhancing the efficiency. Our method investigates this efficiency problem thoroughly, and suggests novel paradigm in fluid animation field. Rather than physics based simulation, we propose a robust boundary handling technique for procedural fluid animation. Our method can be applied to arbitrary shaped objects and potential fields. Since only local operations are involved in our method, parallel computing can be easily implemented.


Currently, the argument that humanity will eventually reside in some sort of a simulated environment with unlimited resources is actively being discussed in the realm of science and engineering. This paper addresses the issue from the perspective of computer engineering, more specifically in terms of the future gaming environment which is very likely to be brought to us in the form of virtual reality probably in the not-so-distant future. In so doing, Bostrom’s simulation argument[1]and Kurzweil’s singularity[5] are reviewed, and how our future adobe indistinguishable from our ‘real’ reality that may be attained by explosive technological advancement relates to the future gaming environment. The problem of human consciousness which is inevitably intertwined with the issue of living in a virtual reality environment is also addressed.


Cooperative Group Games (CGG) emphasize participation, challenges and fun by cooperation among group members rather than competition. CGGs have been proven to be an efficient education method that teaches the value of cultivating cooperation skills, discipline, and sense of public order for tackling problems together through various types of interactions. When integrated with computer game technology, the general classic CGG can be reborn with new educational and entertaining aspects. To combine the joy of physical movement of group games and the richness of computer game contents, a motion based arcade CGG has been developed in this study, based on the original ideas and structures of classic off-line CGGs. While implementing the classic game concepts in arcade environment, various design attributes have been considered and applied, which were supposed to promote cooperative game play. Overall, the process of the implementation and test results of our four CGGs suggest several design strategies for effective arcade CGGs.

; ; ; ; pp.19-23

This paper proposes a segmentation method for overlapped vehicles based on analysis of the vehicle location and the spatiotemporal association information. This method can be used in an intelligent transport system. In the proposed method, occlusion is detected by analyzing the association information based on a vehicle’s location in continuous images, and occlusion segmentation is carried out by using the vehicle information prior to occlusion. In addition, the size variations of the vehicle to which association tracking is applied can be anticipated by learning the variations according to the overlapped vehicles’ movements. To assess the performance of the suggested method, image data collected from CCTVs recording traffic information is used, and average success rate of occlusion segmentation is 96.9%.

Yanjuan Chen ; ; ; ; pp.24-29

In this paper, we propose a method to segment the bottle label in images taken by mobile phones using multi-gradient approaches. In order to segment the label region of interest-object, the saliency map method and Hough Transformation method are first applied to the original images to obtain the candidate region. The saliency map is used to detect the most salient area based on three kinds of features (color, orientation and illumination features). The Hough Transformation is a technique to isolated features of a particular shape within an image. Therefore, we utilize it to find the left and right border of the bottle. Next, we segment the label based on the gradient information obtained from the structure tensor method and edge method. The experimental results have shown that the proposed method is able to accurately segment the labels as the first step of product label recognition system.


A Leader is a Coordinator that supports a set of processes to cooperate a given task. This concept is used in several domains such as distributed systems, parallelism and cooperative support for cooperative work. In completely asynchronous systems, there is no solution for the election problem satisfying both of safety and liveness properties in asynchronous distributed systems. Therefore, to solve the election problem in those systems, one property should be weaker than the other property. If an election algorithm strengthens the safety property in sacrifice of liveness property, it would not nearly progress. But on the contrary, an election algorithm strengthening the liveness property in sacrifice of the safety property would have the high probability of violating the safety property. In this paper, we presents a safety strengthened Leader Election protocol with an unreliable failure detector and analyses it in terms of safety and liveness properties in asynchronous distributed systems.


USN is a technology to detect human external environment. It is an important factor in buildinga ubiquitous computing environment. In this thesis, an authentication method was proposed to allow the sensor nodes, which have weak computing operation capability, to safely communicate with each other in USN and guarantee the anonymity of users for their privacy. In the proposed authentication method that takes into account the characteristics of sensor network, sensor nodes based on a symmetric key algorithm do not transfer keys directly, instead, they mix the random numbers received from AS to generate keys necessary for communications, having a master key and a pseudo-random number generator.In addition, in this thesis, TA was adopted to minimize the leakage of users’ information, and a scheme through which virtual IDs received from AS are delivered to sensor nodes was applied to improve anonymity.


The scattering solutions for multiple rectangular metallic gratings in a perfectly conducting plane excited by the TE and TM delta sources are presented using an overlapping T-block method. A reflectarray composed of rectangular metallic gratings shows fan-beam radiation patterns that are useful for an electromagnetic fence. The scattering characteristics of multiple rectangular gratings were computed in terms of total radiated power and antenna directivity. The design method of a fan-beam reflectarray to obtain high directivity was also compared with superdirective radiation and parabolic reflector phase.


To achieve efficient field formulations and fast numerical computations, the reciprocal relations and equivalence between tangential and normal boundary conditions for electromagnetic fields are discussed in terms of the Maxwell's differential equations. Using the equivalence of each boundary condition, we propose the six essential boundary conditions, which may be applicable to matching electromagnetic discontinuities to efficiently design RF devices. In order to verify our approach, the reflection characteristics of a rectangular waveguide step are compared with respect to six essential boundary conditions.


Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics for a mathematical description of the particle wave, and it is applied to information technology such as quantum computer, quantum information, quantum network and quantum cryptography, etc. In 1936, Garrett Birkhoff and John von Neumann introduced the logic of quantum mechanics (quantum logic) in order to investigate projections on a Hilbert space. As another type of quantum logic, orthomodular implication algebra was introduced by Chajda et al. This algebra has the logical implication as a binary operation. In pure mathematics, there are many algebras such as Hilbert algebras, implicative models, implication algebras and dual BCK-algebras (DBCK-algebras), which have the logical implication as a binary operation. In this paper, we introduce the definitions and some properties of those algebras and clarify the relations between those algebras. Also, we define the implicative poset which is a generalization of orthomodular implication algebras and DBCK-algebras, and research properties of this algebraic structure.


Recently, as smart devices are distributed more and more, the need for education of developing contents based on smart media increases. In order to develop contents based on smart media, it is necessary to learn new programming language as well as to understand the structure of platforms as device-manufacturers and communication companies have different platforms. Generally, the problem in education of programming is that it can provide learning to understand the language stage by stage, but it is difficult to suggest a clear result such as completion of learner's project from macroscopic and integrated approach. Especially, there is a difficult of learning several programming languages due to the characteristics of platforms in developing smart contents. Accordingly, in the education of programming for developing smart contents, it is not appropriate to use the traditional teaching method of programming which conducts projects from an integrated point of view after learning the grammatical elements of the language. This paper aims to suggest the top-down teaching method as an effective teaching method for developing contents based on smart media, and to analyze the effect after developing and applying the suggested teaching model.


The purpose of this study was to investigate charter school principals’ perception on the transformational leadership practices in New York State. The data generating sample consisted of 44 charter school principals. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression were employed to analyze the data. The results were as follows: first, the transformational leadership practices of charter school principals were in the moderate to high categories, and the greatest gap was on Inspiring a shared vision leadership practice. Second, there were no statistically significant relationships between the leadership practices and the demographic variables of: gender, age, ethnicity, and level of education of principals. However, a positive relationship was found between both the Modeling the way and Encouraging the heart leadership practices and the educational level of charter school principals. Third, there was a significant relationship between the Inspiring a shared vision leadership practice of charter school principals and prior experience as a school principal.


This paper is an inquiry into the human sensibility on view from high-rise housing in a viewpoint of architectural environment design that pay attention to multi-family high-rise housing which is becomes a trend in recent years. And this paper is the fundamental approach for applying this result to later architectural environmental plan of multi-family high-rise housing. In this paper, we used repertory grid method as a cognitive psychological way of analysis and eye mark recorder measurement experiments as a physiological way of examination. In the conclusions, examined human sensibilities on views-focused on the analysis result of eye mark recorder measurement experiments through repertory grid method that are carried on the main subject-and described problems after this and possibilities in the same time.


General recognition on the role of a designer has differently changed according to the age and region respectively. This research has clarified general recognition on a designer’s role among a designer, experts that designers mainly perform co-work and an ordinary people in a period when the design identity is more confused than any other time. The results of this research are as follows. First, the 13 definitions on a role of a designer in a company were identified through field interview survey by presidents and practical responsible persons in design-specialized companies. Second, it was proved whether there is a difference in recognition on a role of a designer between designers and non-designers. Third, this research divided a group of non-designers into two groups such as a design job-related group mainly performing co-work with designer, and an ordinary people's group that doesn't major design. After that, this research found out the most sympathizing definition on a role of a designer at a company in three groups divided into a designer's group, a design job-related group and an ordinary people's group. The awareness on the role of designer was more objectively regulated three-dimensionally in all aspects of a designers group and a non-designers group. In addition, the findings of recognition difference of each group on a designer's role will help comprehensive understanding on each experts group and an ordinary people. The findings of the research will help in performing co-work of designers and non-designers in design decision-making based on understanding of this recognition.


This study identifies how management theory and philosophy work in conjunction with and support one another as both are critical to understanding leadership concepts and viewing the design organization holistically in terms of organizational behavior and performance. This paper analyses data from an in-depth single-case study at management in interior design organization in Korea. Two new ‘most efficient and effective way’ to achieve the goals of the design organization has been launched. The first was organizational behavior and performance, and the second a needed new paradigm of management skills. Organizational culture affects organizational effectiveness in design because it can (a) provide an organization with a competitive advantage, (b) improve the way an organizational structure works, and (c) increase the motivation of designers to pursue organizational interests. Moreover, the result of research creates paradigm of thinking that how leaders in the design organization need to focus on innovative and strategic systems to gain competitive advantage and enter global markets; a key inter-organizational cooperation strategy to achieve a targeted goal.

; ; pp.98-102

In this study, we investigated the effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) on the treatment of 20 acute stroke patients with dysphagia. For both the treated and control groups, the basic facial stimulation training was conducted for 30 minutes, five times a week, for four weeks. NMES was performed on the treated group only, for 30 minutes each time. Both groups were evaluated according to the functional dysphagia scale (FDS) using a videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VFSS). After the treatment was performed for four weeks, the FDS results of the treated group showed a significance difference in oral transit time in the oral phase and in the triggering of pharyngeal swallow fluid, laryngeal elevation and epiglottic closure, nasal penetration, residue in valleculae, coating of pharyngeal wall after swallow fluid, and pharyngeal transit time in the pharyngeal phase. In addition, the treated group showed a significant difference in laryngeal elevation and epiglottic closure, nasal penetration, and pharyngeal transit time in the pharyngeal phase after the treatment compared to the control group. The results of this study showed that neuromuscular electrical stimulation may be an effective method of treating dysphagia in acute phase stroke patients.

; ; pp.103-107

The effective dose and the organ absorbed dose, which are given to a breast in the cases of using and not using the bismuth breast protection shield for the protection of a breast with the coronary artery CT angiography, have been measured and compared for the manual exposure control (MEC)and the automatic exposure control (AEC). In the cases of using and not using the bismuth breast protection shield, it has been found that the measured dose shows the reduction of about 23 to 26% for the MEC and about 22 to 25% for the AEC when the shield is used compared to the case of not using it. By comparing the shield and non-shield cases for the AEC and the MEC, it can be said that the value measured by carrying out the scanning process with the AEC mode has decreased by about 24 to 30% compared to the case of applying the MEC mode. Such a result shows that it is recommended to use the AEC mode for the reduction of the patient’s exposure dose during the CT examination.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; pp.108-115

The current study aims to analyze the acceptance of International Standard Terminology (IST) related to herbs and formulas used in Korea. It also intends to examine limitations of each term source by linking texts for herbal medicine research and formula research used in schools of oriental medicine with medicinal substance-formula classification names within the IST framework. This study examined 64 medicinal classification names of IST, including synonyms, 41 formula classification names, 65 classification names of “Herbal Medicine Study,” 89 medicinal classification names of “Shin's Clinical Herbal Medicine Study,” and lastly 83 formula classification names of “Formula Study.” Data on their chief virtue, efficacy and characteristics as medicinal substances were extracted from their definitions, and such data were used to perform Chinese character-English mapping using the IST. The outcomes of the mapping were then analyzed in terms of both lexical matching and semantic matching. In terms of classification names for medicinal substances, “Herbal Medicine Study” had 60.0% lexical matching, whereas “Shin's Clinical Herbal Medicine Study” had 48.3% lexical matching. When semantic matching was also applied, “Herbal Medicine Study” showed a value of 87.7% and “Shin's Clinical Herbal Medicine Study” 74.2%. In terms of formula classification names, lexical matching was 28.9% of 83 subjects, and when semantic matching was also considered, the value was 30.1%. When the conceptual elements of this study were applied, some IST terms that are classified with other codes were found to be conceptually consistent, and some terms were not accepted due to different depths in the classification systems of each source.