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Vol.8 No.2


Recently, content-based music information retrieval (MIR) systems for mobile devices have attracted great interest. However, music retrieval systems are greatly affected by background noise when music is recorded in noisy environments. Therefore, we evaluated various pre-processing methods using the Philips method to determine the one that performs most robust music retrieval in such environments. We found that dynamic noise reduction (DNR) is the best pre-processing method for a music retrieval system in noisy environments.


Imbalanced data sets are difficult to be classified since most classifiers are developed based on the assumption that class distributions are well-balanced. In order to improve the error back-propagation algorithm for the classification of imbalanced data sets, a new error function is proposed. The error function controls weight-updating with regards to the classes in which the training samples are. This has the effect that samples in the minority class have a greater chance to be classified but samples in the majority class have a less chance to be classified. The proposed method is compared with the two-phase, threshold-moving, and target node methods through simulations in a mammography data set and the proposed method attains the best results.

; ; ; (KAIST) ; ; pp.13-18 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2012.8.2.013

In wireless sensor networks, an energy efficient data gathering scheme is one of core technologies to process a query. The cluster-based data gathering methods minimize the energy consumption of sensor nodes by maximizing the efficiency of data aggregation. However, since the existing clustering methods consider only uniform network environments, they are not suitable for the real world applications that sensor nodes can be distributed unevenly. To solve such a problem, we propose a balanced multi-hop clustering scheme in non-uniform wireless sensor networks. The proposed scheme constructs a cluster based on the logical distance to the cluster head using a min-distance hop count. To show the superiority of our proposed scheme, we compare it with the existing clustering schemes in sensor networks. Our experimental results show that our proposed scheme prolongs about 48% lifetime over the existing methods on average.

Yang Cao(Eastern Liaoning University) ; pp.19-22 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2012.8.2.019

New and handoff calls control mechanisms are the key point to wireless cellular networks. In this paper, we present an adaptive algorithm for dynamic channel allocation scheme with guard channels and also with handoff calls waiting queue ensuring that handoff calls take priority over new calls. Our goal is to find better tradeoff between handoffs and new calls blocking probabilities in order to achieve more efficient channel utilization. Simpy is a Python based discrete event simulation system. We use Simpy to build our simulation models to get analytical data.


The successful use of digital textbooks (DTs) in schools requires the development of various teaching and learning methods that are appropriate for DTs. However, recent DT studies have focused mainly on the implementation of DT features and formats. The objective of this study was to investigate a problem-based learning instructional model appropriate to DTs and to present the experimental results using the problem-based DT to demonstrate its educational effectiveness. Two learning-achievements tests were conducted to analyze the learning experience and effectiveness of the problem-based DT after it had been used in a high school for a certain period. The experimental results indicated that the students who used the DT, especially lower-level students, exhibited improved problem-solving ability and demonstrated a better practical understanding of the subject than students who used printed textbooks.


This study attempted to examine the phenomenon of information society in education by exploring pre-service teachers’ use of technology. Pre-service teachers from the USA and Korea participated in the study. Surveys and interviews were conducted to collect the data. The NET and ISST which are the national educational technology standards for each country were used as survey instruments. Focused interviews were conducted with 10 participants after analyzing the data for collecting more information. Based on the study results, technology is not deeply infused into education yet and the degrees of technology infusion were different in two countries. The participating pre-service teachers were not quite confident in their abilities to integrate technology into their lessons


This study was conducted to develop Web-based multimedia content that assists undergraduate students in a clinical practicum on adult nursing. The study examined whether students in the intervention group could obtain clinical knowledge and perform more effectively when encouraged to learn Web content as compared with students in the conventional group. Web-based multimedia content consisting of 13 learning modules was developed based on real patients’ scenarios through collaboration among college professors. A total of 120 nursing students (74 for the intervention and 46 for the conventional groups) from two universities in G-city, who engaged in a 3-week long clinical practicum in the digestive and respiratory units of a university hospital, participated in the study. Students’ knowledge, self-directed learning, and clinical performance ability were measured using self-administered questionnaires. Data for pre- and posttests were collected over a 2-month period, between May and June of 2009. Clinical knowledge and self-reported clinical performance scores were significantly higher in students using the Web-enhanced clinical practicum than in those in the conventional group. However, there was no significant difference in self-directed learning ability between the 2 groups. These results demonstrate that Web-based multimedia content can be an effective educational tool for enhancing students’ clinical knowledge and performance.


This study identifies the determinants of increasing privacy concerns in the mobile apps. The privacy affecting factors will be divided into the 3 categories on the basis of both users’ and developers’ perspective. First, this study explores whether the users’ seeking value affects concern of the mobile apps privacy. Second, gender gap on the mobile privacy sensitivity will be tested. Third, this study identifies the meaning of apps developers’ providing toolkit in the users’ sensitivity on the privacy. The result showed that innovation among the customer’s characteristics was identified the most significant factor to affect the mobile app privacy sensitivity. Ethical norm related variables (ethical identity, subjective norm and utilitarian value) were also identified as the meaningful variables in the mobile app privacy. Toolkits provided by app developers are also appeared a significant variable to affect the customer’s app privacy sensitivity negatively. Finally gender also appears the meaningful factor in the mobile app privacy sensitivity.


This study uses digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) files acquired after CT scan to obtain the absorbed dose distribution inside the body by using the patient's actual anatomical data; uses geometry and tracking (Geant)4 as a way to obtain the accurate absorbed dose distribution inside the body. This method is easier to establish the radioprotection plan through estimating the absorbed dose distribution inside the body compared to the evaluation of absorbed dose using thermo-luminescence dosimeter (TLD) with inferior reliability and accuracy because many variables act on result values with respect to the evaluation of the patient’s absorbed dose distribution in diagnostic imaging and the evaluation of absorbed dose using phantom; can contribute to improving reliability accuracy and reproducibility; it makes significance in that it can implement the actual patient’s absorbed dose distribution, not just mere estimation using mathematical phantom or humanoid phantom. When comparing the absorbed dose in polymethly methacrylate (PMMA) phantom measured in metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) dosimeter for verification of Geant4 and the result of Geant4 simulation, there was 0.46±4.69% (15×15 cm2), and -0.75 ±5.19% (20×20 cm2) difference according to the depth. This study, through the simulation by means of Geant4, suggests a new way to calculate the actual dose of radiation exposure of patients through DICOM interface.


This study was designed to detect and measure the concentration of radioactivity of natural radionuclides ($^{238}U$, $^{232}Th$, 40K) and artificial radionuclides (137Cs, 60Co) present in the drinking water of the city of Busan and surrounding areas in South Korea, and also to measure the absorbed dose of radiation caused by these elements in the residents so as to help better manage the risk that these radionuclides pose in the future. For the purposes of the study, a total of 42 samples of water were collected from three key water sources (19 samples of groundwater, 4 samples of tap water, and 19 samples of surface water) and their contents were analyzed for radioactivity concentration. The results revealed that two natural radionuclides, $^{238}U$ and $^{232}Th$, exist in the groundwater with an average concentration of radioactivity of 3.34 Bq/L and $8.28{\times}10^{-5}Bq/L$ respectively, while the surface water was found to contain the same two radionuclides with mean concentrations of 0.849 Bq/L and $1.103{\times}10^{-4}Bq/L$ respectively. In addition, of the 19 samples of the groundwater, 137Cs was found in eight of them and 60Co was detected in ten. Of the four samples of the tap water, 137Cs was detected in all samples and 60Co was detected in three. Both 137Cs and 60Co were detected in all 12 samples of surface water. As far as 40K is concerned, this element was detected in three of the 19 groundwater samples, but was not detected in any surface or tap water sample. In addition, the absorbed dose of $^{238}U$ from the groundwater was $7.94{\times}10^{-8}Sv/y$, while the absorbed dose of $^{232}Th$ from the surface water was $9.33{\times}10^{-13}Sv/y$. The absorbed dose of 137Cs from the tap water was $7.33{\times}10^{-5}Sv/y$, while the absorbed dose of 60Co from the surface water was the highest at $4.23{\times}10^{-6}Sv/y$.


Technological substitution is the process by which a radical technology replaces the dominant technology in an industry. The processes of diffusion and substitution have been modeled extensively (Technology & innovation, 2010). However, the formulation of classical quantitative models encompasses only part of the theoretical space. These models impose many simplified constraints to the achievement of analytical resolution. The interior design organization needs to establish a set of technical system requirements by describing the scope of the accessibility needs of the organization against current technology use. Because of complicated design resources and ongoing advances in design technologies, design systems face the challenge of prioritizing new technologies for supporting. The problem is small design organization administration often displays a lack of concern toward the evaluation of technology integration. In this paper, I will identify the influence of a design organization’s technology, and predict how future technology will inform, support, and potentially hinder productivity, culture, and work satisfaction within a design organization in the industry. In addition, I will use current design organizational behavior and leadership models to support my predictions. Finally, I will examine a proven approach to assist designers with evaluating technology integration in interior design organization. The goal is to develop a high quality, professional development scorecards for the evaluation. I will conduct both the evaluation of technology integration and CRM performance evaluation is recommended to assess the effectiveness of technology integration. Therefore, the evaluation of integration technologies oriented design hold the promise of solving the organization application integration challenge. The evaluation of integration technology is a significant pattern for processing such a vision. The careful selection of an integration technology for this purpose is crucial in contributing toward the success of such an interior design organization endeavor.


This study explores the important causal relationship between the public (domestic) and trade (international) disputes of South Korea and China. To understand the relations between the domestic and international disputes, Putnam’s study of the two-level game theory has been conducted in order to analyze the effect of complicated social and political frameworks on international trade disputes. Due to the social and political differences between South Korea and China, this study provides three findings based on negotiation, policy, and strategic approaches.

Graham Brooks(University of Portsmouth) ; ; pp.82-88 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2012.8.2.082

Fraud and corruption is a problem that undermines the credibility and integrity of all sport. It affects fans, owners, shareholders, officials, and players. With the recent scandal in the K-League in Korea, the importance of maintaining the integrity of Korean football is presently of great importance. While other European or Asian football leagues have been plagued with fraud and corruption, Korea has maintained its professional sporting integrity successfully until recent times. This paper is an examination as to why players in the K-League succumbed to match- fixing in 2011. Firstly, we discuss the important role of sport in Korea, which is not to be underestimated. Secondly, we briefly illustrate the range and types of fraud and corruption in international football. Thirdly, we focus on the match-fixing and gambling scandal currently engulfing the K-League. Fourthly, we make some practical suggestions on how to combat and increase resilience to fraud and corruption in football. Finally, in the conclusion, we suggest that much needs to be done to reduce the incident of fraud and corruption in football worldwide, particularly through employing a clear counter fraud strategy.


Scientific analysis of crime hot spots is essential in preventing and/or suppressing crime. However, results could be different depending on the analytic methods, which highlights the importance of choosing adequate tools. The purpose of this study was to introduce two advanced techniques for detecting crime hot spots, GAM and Local Moran’s I, hoping for more police agencies to adopt better techniques.GAM controls for the number of population in study regions, but local Moran’s I does not. That is, GAM detects high crime rate areas, whereas local Moran’s I identifies high crime volume areas. For GAM, physical disorder was used as a proxy measure for population at risk based on the logic of the broken windows theory. Different regions were identified as hot spots. Although GAM is generally regarded as a more advanced method in that it controls for population, it’s usage is limited to only point data. Local Moran’s I is adequate for zonal data, but suffers from the unavoidable MAUP(Modifiable Areal Unit Problem).


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of various cool-down exercises on muscular strength and endurance. After receiving a treadmill training for main exercise, the subjects conducted isotonic and isometric cool-down exercises four times for three weeks. Isotonic exercise with leg press of 10kg was repeated by 20 times and isometric exercise was conducted at flexion of hip joint and knee joint with leg press of 10kg by maintaining it for 6 sec and resting for 2 sec by 20 times. Muscular strength after exercise was measured with 1 RM by times and muscular endurance with maximum repetition frequency using time to keep for loading the weight of 10 RM and 65% of maximum muscular strength. As a result of comparing and analyzing measured values, exercise recovery shape of isotonic and isometric cool-down group were more effective than rest recovery shape of the control group. The isometric cool-down group was more effective than isotonic cool-down group. In conclusion, isometric exercise was more effective than isotonic exercise or simple rest on muscular strength and endurance.