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Vol.9 No.2


This paper proposes an efficient matching algorithm based on ASIFT (Affine Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) which is fully invariant to affine transformation. In our approach, we proposed a method of reducing similar measure matching cost and the number of outliers. First, we combined the Manhattan and Chessboard metrics replacing the Euclidean metric by a linear combination for measuring the similarity of keypoints. These two metrics are simple but really efficient. Using our method the computation time for matching step was saved and also the number of correct matches was increased. By applying an Optimized Random Sampling Algorithm (ORSA), we can remove most of the outlier matches to make the result meaningful. This method was experimented on various combinations of affine transform. The experimental result shows that our method is superior to SIFT and ASIFT.

Minh Hieu Nguyen ; pp.8-13 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2013.9.2.008

Locating text data in images automatically has been a challenging task. In this approach, we build a three stage system for text detection purpose. This system utilizes tensor voting and Completed Local Binary Pattern (CLBP) to classify text and non-text regions. While tensor voting generates the text line information, which is very useful for localizing candidate text regions, the Nearest Neighbor classifier trained on discriminative features obtained by the CLBP-based operator is used to refine the results. The whole algorithm is implemented in MATLAB and applied to all images of ICDAR 2011 Robust Reading Competition data set. Experiments show the promising performance of this method

Ali Fahmi Perwira Negara ; ; pp.14-21 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2013.9.2.014

Current smartphone authentication systems are deemed inconvenient and difficult for users on remembering their password as well as privacy issues on stolen or forged biometrics. New authentication system is demanded to be implicit to users with very minimum user involvement being. This idea aims towards a future model of authentication system for smartphones users without users realizing them being authenticated. We use the most frequent activity that users carry out with their smartphone, which is the calling activity. We derive two basics related interactions that are first factor being arm’s flex (AF) action to pick a phone to be near ones’ ears and then once getting near ear using second factor from ear shape image. Here, we combine behavior biometrics from AF in first factor and physical biometrics from ear image in second factor. Our study shows our dual-factor authentication system does not require explicit user interaction thereby improving convenience and alleviating burden from users from persistent necessity to remember password. These findings will augment development of novel implicit authentication system being transparent, easier, and unobtrusive for users.

Tetsuro Kakeshita(Saga University) ; Shoichi Motoyama(NEC Corporation) pp.22-26 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2013.9.2.022

Comparing online and paper-based environment for report submission and correction, the former supersedes to the latter, since (1) the turn-around time becomes shorter, (2) teaching opportunity increases, and (3) as a consequence, the student’s achievement level becomes higher in the online environment. In this paper, we propose an annotation tool GABA for PDF document in order to reduce correction time by the teachers and to facilitate instruction to students. In a usual class, the same or similar assignments are given to the students. Then it is often the case that many students make similar mistakes. A teacher can register and classify common correction comments to GABA. Report correction time becomes significantly shorter by reusing the registered comments. GABA also provides various support functions in order to assist efficient checking of numerous report files such as (1) sorting of frequently-used comments, (2) similarity-based file sorting, and (3) cross tabulation of comments using category and weight.


From the perspective of the domestic capital markets, there have been few researches on the financial characteristics of the firms belonging to the KOSDAQ(Korea Securities Dealers Automated Quotation) market, in comparison with those of the firms in the KOSPI. This study has performed three hypothesis tests to obtain the following results: By employing the ‘panel data’ analysis, it was found that, for the book-value based leverage, all of the six proposed IDVs were statistically significant as the financial determinants of leverage, across the two proxies measuring profitability (i.e., PFT and ROE), while all of the IDVs except VOLATILITY, also seemed to be the attributes to explain the market based dependent variable in the model with the PFT. Moreover, there may be statistically significant (structural) changes (or quasi-experiment) ) between the pre- and post-U.S. financial crisis in the year of 2008, when measured the leverage with the market-value basis with utilizing the Chow F-test. Finally, based upon the logistic regression results, the probability for a firm to be classified into the Prime section in the KOSDAQ market, may be higher, as its profit margin and asset turnover increase.


We examine whether the attributes of patented knowledge have any impact on its chances of commercialization. It has been hypothesized that the scope and cumulativeness of patented knowledge would positively affect the likelihood of its commercialization. The hypotheses were tested using patents data on the US biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. We found support for the prediction that the scope of patented knowledge increases the likelihood of commercialization, but we didn’t find support for the cumulativeness aspect. These findings have important implications for firms that develop patentable knowledge, license-out patents, license-in patents from external sources, or debate about patenting strategy.

Nobuo Mishima(Saga University) ; Naomi Miyamoto(Land Brain Co.) ; Yoko Taguchi(Saga University) ; Keiko Kitagawa(Saga University) ; ; pp.48-57 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2013.9.2.048

It has been determined that two-way evacuation routes that connect houses to evacuation sites should be developed to protect residents of historic preservation areas from future disasters. These routes are required because traditional buildings and other historic spatial elements are located close to each other. It is important to understand residents’ perceptions of evacuation routes that connect their houses to temporary safe places to develop evacuation system strategies that include effective two-way evacuation routes. This paper describes a procedure used to construct a two-way evacuation route database designed to preserve two study areas that was based on an interview survey conducted with area residents. The resulting database contained residents’ perceptions of evacuation routes. The database contains categorized spatial problems related to these routes that can be used for future research.


The purpose of this study is to investigate the living reality of jjok-bang residents of Sipjeong-dong, Bupyeong-gu ,Incheon, and find measures of community social work to support them. Based on the precedent research on jjok-bang’s creation, characteristics, and lifestyle of its residents, this study presents the results of an interview survey addressed to 132 residents living in 216 Sipjeong1-dong, Bupyeong-gu, the largest jjok-bang area in Incheon. The research was conducted by ten members of the “Sunshine” Community Center of Sipjeong-dong with constructed questionnaire. Results indicated that 74.2% of the participants were female, and 56.1% aged over 60. Despite the poor living conditions, 77% of them hoped to reside in jjok-bang continually and the most urgent problems to be resolved were housing environment, economic problems such as unemployment and a shortage of welfare facilities. The study emphasizes jjok-bang as a place of home for the residents and advocating both individual and community efforts to ameliorate the local environment of jjok-bang.


In the U.S., performance assessment on the Automatic Exposure Control system (AEC) is managed according to the Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA). However, The AEC is not available in the performance assessment conducted in Korea. Also, there is no study made on the performance of the automatic exposure control system for mammography in Korea. For this reason, this study examined the performance of the automatic exposure control system for mammography that was clinically used in the Incheon area. Result showed that the difference of the mean optical density was 0.79 ∼ 2.81. This implies that some devices caused unnecessary x-ray exposure to patients. Furthermore, only 61.5% of the entire experimental device was shown to be satisfactory in terms of change in mean optical density. Moreover, in terms of the subject’s thickness, change in radiographic density was shown to be severe among lower X-ray tube voltage while there was severe density change in X-ray image depending on X-ray tube voltage among the subjects with more thickness. Therefore, it is suggested to provide performance management on the AEC for mammography.


Bunjang is one of the oldest and the best known traditional pottery technique in the Korean ceramic history, which still remains popular today. This research designed for understanding origin and changing history of Bunjang, Birth of Buncheong ware, Definition of Buncheong ware, process of Bunjang, Texture of clay, Glaze, and firing, form, decorative pattern, technique of Bunjang, CIngredients and Raw material: Proportion of raw materials. Bujang technique that can be called beginning of modern ceramic art in Korea, in this research, we can recognize the aesthetic value of Bujang and how modern ceramic artists are going to take advantage of Bunjang technique for their own use.