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Vol.9 No.3

Trung Quy Nguyen ; ; pp.1-8 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2013.9.3.001

In this paper, we propose a fast and accurate system for detecting pedestrians from a static image. Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) is a well-known feature for pedestrian detection systems but extracting HOG is expensive due to its high dimensional vector. It will cause long processing time and large memory consumption in case of making a pedestrian detection system on high resolution image or video. In order to deal with this problem, we use Principal Components Analysis (PCA) technique to reduce the dimensionality of HOG. The output of PCA will be input for a linear SVM classifier for learning and testing. The experiment results showed that our proposed method reduces processing time but still maintains the similar detection rate. We got twenty five times faster than original HOG feature.

Perdana Adhitama ; ; pp.9-14 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2013.9.3.009

In this paper, we will examine single face tracking algorithms with scaling function in a mobile device. Face detection and tracking either in PC or mobile device with scaling function is an unsolved problem. Standard single face tracking method with particle filter has a problem in tracking the objects where the object can move closer or farther from the camera. Therefore, we create an algorithm which can work in a mobile device and perform a scaling function. The key idea of our proposed method is to extract the average of skin color in face detection, then we compare the skin color distribution between the detected face and the tracking face. This method works well if the face position is located in front of the camera. However, this method will not work if the camera moves closer from the initial point of detection. Apart from our weakness of algorithm, we can improve the accuracy of tracking.

Hiroshi Wakuya(Saga University) ; Yu Horinouchi(Saga University) ; Hideaki Itoh(Saga University) pp.15-18 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2013.9.3.015

In the preceding studies, an analysis of Saga Prefectural sightseeing information by a Self-Organizing Map (SOM) has been tried. And recent development on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) will help us to access any results via the mobile devices easily. This is why the mobile devices, e.g., smartphones and tablet computers, have an operating system installed, and we can improve their functions by downloading any applications on the Web. Then, in order to realize this basic idea, development of an application for the mobile devices is investigated through some computer simulations on the standard desktop PC in this paper. As a result, it is found that i) a developed feature map is useful to identify some candidate topics, ii) a touchscreen is suitable to show the feature map, and iii) arrangement of the feature map can be modified based on our interests. Then, it is concluded that the proposed idea seems to be applicable, even though further consideration is required to brush it up.


This paper, based on a qualitative ethnographic study among college of education students, examines the online interactional processes surrounding academic discourse socialization. Data for this paper come from a larger study of an academic classroom community of graduate students and their instructor. In this study, I looked into the ways computer-mediated communication (CMC) contexts factor into graduate students' academic literacy experience in a graduate classroom, therein enculturating them into their new academic community. I focus on cases of nonnative graduate students in a content course in the department of educational psychology at a large southwestern university in the U.S. I explore the agency of the focal participants in terms of the roles they played in the classroom discourse highlighting the dialectical and interactional perspective of academic discourse socialization. This paper focused on the construction of varied participant roles of the focal students. It further examines student reactions and responses to these constructions during synchronous CMC activity.


This study attempted to compare usability of auditory interfaces, which is a comprehensive concept that includes safety, utility, effectiveness, and efficiency, in personal computing environments: verbal messages (speech sounds), earcons (musical sounds), and auditory icons (natural sounds). This study hypothesized that verbal messages would offer higher usability than earcons and auditory icons, since the verbal messages are easy to interpret and understand based on semiotic process. In this study, usability was measured by a set of seven items: ability to inform what the program is doing, relevance to visual interfaces, degree of stimulation, degree of understandability, perceived time pressure, clearness of sound outputs, and degrees of satisfaction. Through the experimental research, the results showed that verbal messages provided the highest level of usability. On the contrary, auditory icons showed the lowest level of usability, as they require users to establish new coding schemes, and thus demand more mental effort from users.


This paper aims at investigating what Regional University E-Learning Centers (RUECs) has done in promoting e-learning in university education in Korea. First, the e-learning situation in university education in Korea is introduced. Secondly, the background of establishment of RUECs and its functions are explained in detail. Thirdly, a case of RUECs is suggested by using the CNU-University E-Learning Center. In particular, the performance of e-learning is evaluated based on the student satisfaction data, and a paired-t test is implemented to see if there was any difference between ‘before’ and ‘after’ e-learning. Lastly, some suggestions are made to promote the e-learning in university education.


The purpose of the present study was to investigate the degree of awareness toward child abuse behaviors, causes of child abuse, and the necessity of the parent education for child abuse prevention in the parents of elementary school students. Four hundred fifty parents of elementary school students participated for this study. The results were as follows. First, the parents generally were aware of emotional abuse and physical abuse, but not aware of neglect. In the comparison, according to parental education level and family income, highly educated parents and high-income parents were more aware of both emotional abuse and neglect. Second, most of the parents agreed on the causes of child abuse presented in the survey except the cause of having an unexpected child. Third, most parents agreed on the necessity of parent education programs for child abuse prevention. The discussion for the results and strategies for child abuse prevention was provided.


This paper explores J. R. R. Tolkien’s fantasy novel, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy in order to analogize two primary sources which enabled the fantasy literature to be restored to its former popularity in 1930’s-50’s. First source is the cinematization of the original novel, based on the advanced digital technology, and second, the adaptation of Norse mythology to the original novel. The advanced digital technology rendered a distinguished contribution to the resurrection of the fantasy novel today. Peter Jackson, the director of the film trilogy, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy gained an un-heard popularity in the history of the fantasy movie. It was practicable with the advanced digital technology. Nevertheless, it could be realized only with the fact that J. R. R. Tolkien’s original novel retains the excellence of plot. The episodes of the novel present the author’s broad knowledge of Norse mythology and his attempts to employ it to the novel, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Through such two directions, this paper describes that the advanced digital technology and the quality of the original plot are two key elements to succeed in authoring and filming the fantasy literature.


The Korean films in the 1980s played an important role in impeding the interaction between the media and the audience. In terms of two mechanisms of money and power, the Korean films lost the function of publicity and were forced to disregard positive aspects of culture as a way of understanding society. As a mass medium, the film did not give people the space for critical thought and discussion on social reality. This study tries to discuss how Korean movies in the 1980s functioned as a bulwark of critical debate provided by the interaction between cultural texts and audiences through the notion of the public sphere. For Habermas, the public sphere provides a basis for critical analysis in order to reveal the relationship between media and economic and administrative power in a modern society.

(Bronco Memorial hospital) ; ; (Yonsei-Semirae hospital) pp.62-66 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2013.9.3.062

Insulin resistance is a risk factor for stroke or recurrent stroke. Sedentary behavior increases insulin resistance. This study aimed to identify the relationship between physical impairments and functions and insulin resistance, examining which physical impairments specifically influence insulin resistance the most. The subjects of this study were 63 stroke patients. The subject’s insulin resistance and physical impairments and functions were measured using the Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment (CMSA) and Stroke Impairment Assessment Set (SIAS). The study results exhibited that insulin resistance is statistically significantly related to the variable of foot according to the CMSA(r=.95, p<.05) and to the variable of lower extremity sensory function (touch) in relation to the SIAS(r=.91, p<.05). This study also revealed close correlations between insulin resistance and the variables of ankle control(β=-1.05, p<.05) and low extremity tactile sensations(β=-1.82, p<.05).