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Vol.9 No.4

Ngoc Anh Nguyen Thi ; ; (Carnegie Mellon University) pp.1-10 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2013.9.4.001

The electroencephalogram (EEG) time series is a measure of electrical activity received from multiple electrodes placed on the scalp of a human brain. It provides a direct measurement for characterizing the dynamic aspects of brain activities. These EEG signals are formed from a series of spatial and temporal data with multiple dimensions. Missing data could occur due to fault electrodes. These missing data can cause distortion, repudiation, and further, reduce the effectiveness of analyzing algorithms. Current methodologies for EEG analysis require a complete set of EEG data matrix as input. Therefore, an accurate and reliable imputation approach for missing values is necessary to avoid incomplete data sets for analyses and further improve the usage of performance techniques. This research proposes a new method to automatically recover random consecutive missing data from real world EEG data based on Linear Dynamical System. The proposed method aims to capture the optimal patterns based on two main characteristics in the coevolving EEG time series: namely, (i) dynamics via discovering temporal evolving behaviors, and (ii) correlations by identifying the relationships between multiple brain signals. From these exploits, the proposed method successfully identifies a few hidden variables and discovers their dynamics to impute missing values. The proposed method offers a robust and scalable approach with linear computation time over the size of sequences. A comparative study has been performed to assess the effectiveness of the proposed method against interpolation and missing values via Singular Value Decomposition (MSVD). The experimental simulations demonstrate that the proposed method provides better reconstruction performance up to 49% and 67% improvements over MSVD and interpolation approaches, respectively.


“Protein Folding Problem” is considered to be one of the “Great Challenges of Computer Science” and prediction of disordered protein is an important part of the protein folding problem. Machine learning models can predict the disordered structure of protein based on its characteristic of “learning from examples”. Among many machine learning models, we investigate the possibility of multilayer perceptron (MLP) as the predictor of protein disorder. The investigation includes a single hidden layer MLP, multi hidden layer MLP and the hierarchical structure of MLP. Also, the target node cost function which deals with imbalanced data is used as training criteria of MLPs. Based on the investigation results, we insist that MLP should have deep architectures for performance improvement of protein disorder prediction.


Vision system is an indispensable part of constructing the chess-playing robot. Chessboard detection and pieces localization in the captured image of robot's camera are important steps for processes followed such as pieces recognition, move calculation, and robot controlling. We present a method for detecting the Janggi chessboard and pieces based on the edge and color feature. Hough transform combined with line extraction is used for segmenting the chessboard and warping it to form the rectangle shape in order to detect and interpolate the lines of chessboard. Then we detect the existence of pieces and their side by applying the saliency map and checking the color distribution at piece locations. While other methods either work only with the empty chessboard or do not care about the piece existence, our method could detect sufficiently side and position of pieces as well as lines of the chessboard even if the occlusion happens.

; ; ; Nobuo Mishima(Saga University) pp.22-29 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2013.9.4.022

In this paper, we propose a integrated real-time monitoring system for recycling agriculture resourcing based on USN. We design and implement the monitoring system so that we can integrate the quality control of farmyard and liquid manures, barn environment monitoring, and positioning information control into a total management system performing recycling of excrement and manure. Selection of sensors and sensor-node construction and requirements, structure of wire/wireless communication networks, and design of monitoring program are also presented. As a result of operating our system, we can get over various drawbacks of conventional separated system and promote the proper circulation of excrement up to the farmyard. We confirm that these advanced effects arise from the effective management of the total system integrating quality control of farmyard/liquid manure, barn/farmhouse information, and vehicle moving monitoring information etc. Moreover, this monitoring system is able to exchange real-time information throughout communication networks so that we can construct a convenient information environment for agricultural community by converging IT technology with farm and stockbreeding industries. Finally we present some results of processing using our monitoring system. Sensing data and their graphs are processed in real-time, positioning information on the v-world map offers various moving paths of vehicles, and statistical analysis shows all the procedure from excrement occurrence to recycling and resourcing.


Internet banner advertisement has become recognized as an important media, and its influence has been increasing. The merits of Internet banner advertisement are diversity and consumer immersion. Especially, by using various types and visual expression methods, the automobile Internet banner advertisement has evolved into what attracts curiosity and interest of potential consumers. Thus, to find efficient communication method for automobile Internet banner advertisement, this study, by comprehensively analyzing various advertisement methods in previous researches, suggested an advertisement type and a visual expression method suitable to automobile Internet banner advertisement. Four types of automobile Internet banner advertisement are production form, production purpose, expression form, and advertisement area. Four visual expression methods are action form, image, change form, and moving form. And, through case analysis, this study also examined the value of the newly suggested method.


This study tries to identify the determinants of user’s attitude toward apps, intention to use and continual consuming intention. This study holds the two main constructs: (1) user’s intrinsic determinants- value, innovativeness, gender, Well-being and superordinate influence - on the attitude toward mobile apps, (2) the relation between attitude and app purchase & repurchase intention, and the affecting factors among this relation. In the empirical test result, value, innovation and superordinate influence were identified to affect the attitude. All the relation among attitude, purchase and repurchase intention showed positive significant relationship. In addition, satisfaction intensified the relation between purchase and repurchase intention.


The purpose of this paper is to analyze educational theories and practices represented in the movie Dangerous Minds. This paper begins by giving the overview of the movie. Then this paper makes an analysis of the pedagogical methods and practices used by the teacher in the movie, which can encourage students to fulfill their academic success and social mobility. The lives of students at risk are transformed through the teacher’s beliefs and pedagogical practices based on the constructivism, leading students on a path of self-discovery and self-empowerment. What is imperative in the students’ lives here is their intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy toward the self and their educational system. By providing constructivist pedagogical paradigms and viewing these media texts within the context of an urban school, this paper intends to introduce educational theories and methods which can create better educational environment for students. In short, this study explores teaching theories and methods represented in the movie based on the constructivist perspectives, which are supposed to fully cultivate the potential of students.


The present study explored the reception and consumption processes of a Korean audience’s viewing of local and international television dramas. Findings indicated that the influential factors on the level of viewing in regards to Korean, American, and Japanese TV dramas among Korean viewers differed. In particular, a significant difference was found in terms of perceived drama characteristics. Applying niche theory, the present study also examined the audience’s motivation for watching these television dramas. Results demonstrated that Korean TV dramas possessed the broadest niche breadth and were the most competitive. In a comparison of the perceived characteristics of TV dramas, American drama earned competitive superiority for most characteristics. The implications from the results were discussed in terms of cultural discount and proximity.


This study was intended to develop and evaluate the cancer prevention education for general population with different educational media such as booklets, cartoons, web frame comic strips, web flash animation and flash animations on personal digital assistants (PDA). Methods: A total of 125 subjects were divided into 5 groups, each group having 25 members and assigned a different educational media. An educational media was assigned to each group to evaluate the effect of education in the first intervention. In the second intervention, 4 other media, excluding the previously used one, were used to educate the subjects and find out the preferences of educational media. Results: Knowledge about cancer increased significantly after cancer prevention education. They preferred animations on the internet to other media, the highest. Conclusion: Educational programs with various media should be developed for subjects to choose based on their preferences.


This study examined the effects of biofeedback postural control training on the weight distribution rate and functional ability of subjects with stroke. A total of 30 stroke patients were enrolled in this study. Subjects were divided into a biofeedback postural training group (experimental group, n=15) and a dynamic balance training group (control group, n=15). Experimental subjects received biofeedback postural training and control subjects received dynamic balance training for 30 minutes per day, 5 times per week over a 6 week period. Weight distribution rate and functional ability were measured to identify the effect of the biofeedback postural training. Significant difference in weight distribution rate was observed in the experimental group, compared with the control group (p=0.05), and a significant difference in functional ability. The results of this study provide evidence in support of incorporating a biofeedback postural training for the improvement of weight distribution rate and functional ability of stroke patients.

; ; ; ; (Samil Jungpoong Hospital) ; pp.72-77 https://doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2013.9.4.072

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of general sling-bridge exercise (GSE) and sling-bridge exercise with rhythmic stabilization technique (SER) on trunk muscle endurance and flexibility in adolescents with low back pain (LBP). 30 adolescents who had complaints of LBP were randomly assigned to one of the two groups: the GSE group (n=15) and SER group (n=15). Subjects performed each exercise programs for 4 weeks with the aim of improving trunk muscle stability; GSE group trained general bridge exercise with sling, SER group trained rhythmic stabilization bridge exercise with sling. The static and dynamic trunk muscle endurance and flexibility were measured before and at the end of the exercise program. The static and dynamic trunk muscle endurance were significantly improved in both groups (p<.05) and the SER group showed significant difference from the GSE group after the exercise (p<.05). The trunk muscle flexibility was significantly improved in both groups (p<.05) and the SER group were significantly different from GSE group post-exercise (p<.05). The results of this study showed that sling bridge exercise with rhythmic stabilization technique may be appropriate for improving trunk muscle stability in adolescents with LBP.


Music functions as a catalyst for various emotional experiences. Among the numerous genres of music, film music has been reported to induce strong emotional responses. However, the effectiveness of film music in evoking different types of emotions and its relationship in terms of which musical elements contribute to listeners' perception of intended emotion have been rarely investigated. The purpose of this study was to examine the congruence between the intended emotion and the perceived emotion of listeners in film music listening and to identify musical characteristics of film music that correspond with specific types of emotion. Additionally, the study aimed to investigate possible relationships between participants’ identification responses and personal musical experience. A total of 147 college students listened to twelve 15-second music excerpts and identified the perceived emotion during music listening. The results showed a high degree of congruence between the intended emotion in film music and the participants’ perceived emotion. Existence of tonality and modality were found to play an important role in listeners' perception of intended emotion. The findings suggest that identification of perceived emotion in film music excerpts was congruent regardless of individual differences. Specific music components that led to high congruence are further discussed.


The Piano, directed by Jane Campion in 1993, became a sensational movie with a special theme focusing on gender and sexual identity, when it won Palme d'Or in the Cannes Film Festival at the same year. Most of the critics discuss the representation of Victorian sexual repression in the colonial setting. But the critical acclaim tends to view the existence of the Maori people and the colonial setting as the backdrop of the narrative, although this colonial background is constructed as a medium to accelerate the release of the repressed passion. Regarding the race issue as a compelling discourse that gets left out of "feminist" accounts, this paper analyzes The Piano, focusing on both how the story of colonialism is constituted in the film and how the film represents ambivalent images of the Maori people, the native of New Zealand.


Chinese auspicious element is a kind of art which is used to express yearning of a happy life. It is one of the great treasures of China, with not only emotional value of the people but also an aesthetic value. Chinese auspicious element derives from the aspiration of luck, enthusiasm of life and conciseness of eliminating malicious. It is of great cultural connotation and widely used in interior design, graphic design, fashion design and such. There are many research papers on application methodology of auspicious elements; however, there are very limited research papers on three-dimension product, let alone application in tableware. This paper focuses on illustration of Chinese representative auspicious element “auspicious fish” in tableware design. The research of its application of auspicious element’s styling characteristics is of important significance in auspicious element spread and tableware design. This dissertation aims to provide referential design methodology and experience for later researches on related topic.


Using data on the U.S. automobile industry between 1979 and 1999, we have investigated the impact of inter-divisional domain overlap on a division’s product differentiation vis-à-vis sister divisions. The results show that the higher the level of inter-divisional domain overlap, relative to the focal division’s own domain, the higher the chances of locating a new product closer to the existing products of a sister division, thereby decreasing product differentiation vis-à-vis this sister division. We argue that this is due to a high level of similar capabilities between the two divisions and the division with less distinctive capabilities may have little choice but to launch a new product that is close to the products of the other division.