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  • E-ISSN2383-9449

Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia / Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia, (E)2383-9449
2015, v.14 no.2, pp.45-55
Wu, Wei-Ning
Chang, Ssu-Ming
Collins, Brian K.


This article assesses factors that affect the ability of local fire branch heads in Taiwan to mobilize volunteer organizations in local emergency responses. Data from a survey of local fire branch heads in Taiwan is analyzed by using an OLS model to test three hypotheses regarding the relationship between the dependent variable, perceived ability to mobilize volunteer organizations in emergency response, and three explanatory variables: organizational capacity, quality of communication, and the quality of citizen engagement ex-ante to emergency response. The model indicates a positive relationship between the ability to mobilize volunteer organizations in emergency response, the quality of communications, and the quality of citizen engagement in preparedness. The research suggests that local fire branch heads and volunteer organizations should begin the process of emergency response mobilization in the preparedness stage. The quality of the citizen engagement in preparedness stages should increase the ability of local fire branch managers to mobilize external resources in emergency response.

voluntary organization, citizen engagement, communication and information delivery, Taiwan



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Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia