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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

The Effect of Trust and Justice on Relation Satisfaction and Long-term Commitment in Franchise Business

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2013, v.11 no.1, pp.25-34
Lyu, Myoung-Keun
Yang, Hoe-Chang


Purpose - This study examines the adverse press coverage that has increased in proportion to the remarkable growth of various kinds of franchise businesses in the food service industry. Today, the trust of franchisees in relation to their franchisor, and the maintenance of good relations between the two, has become a significant social issue. This study investigates relationship satisfaction and the long-term commitment between the franchisor and franchisee. Research design, data, methodology - We used a path analysis to investigate the relationship between justice and trust, trust and relationship satisfaction, justice and relationship satisfaction, trust and long-term commitment, and relationship satisfaction and long-term commitment. Structural Equation Modeling and a Sobel test were used to investigate the mediating effects of trust and relationship satisfaction. Data were collected from 237 Food Franchisees in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province in order to test the theoretical model and its hypotheses. Two research methodologies are generally used in the distribution management field. For this study, an empirical method was used. Results - A causal analysis was carried out to test if the research model has a sufficient fit index (for instance, &#x03C7;<sup>2</sup> = 46.694, df = 10, p = .000, GFI = 0.946, AGFI = 0.850, RMR = 0.034, NFI = 0.966, CFI = 0.973), and the results showed that the model was sufficient, thus demonstrating the suitability of the research model. Each hypothesis had a positive influence, both on long-term commitment and relationship satisfaction. Justice with the franchisor had a positive influence on trust. Relation satisfaction cognized by franchisees was found to positively influence long-term commitment. The franchisee perception of justice in relation to the franchisor had no significant influence on long-term commitment. The study investigated the hypothesis that trust could mediate justice and long-term commitment, and that relationship satisfaction could also mediate long-term commitment Both trust and relationship satisfaction were found to be important for long-term commitment. Specifically, trust sub-factors and justice sub-factors influenced long-term commitment. Identification-based and knowledge-based trust were more important than calculus-based trust. Distributive justice was deemed more important than procedural justice; distributive justice should thus be strengthened. Conclusions - Both franchisor and franchisee were independent businesses. Evidently however, the franchisor could not ensure profit without long-term commitment from the franchisee. As for the success of the franchise business, the franchisor should carry out appropriate strategies leading to a satisfactory relationship. For example, transparency makes it possible to maintain and enhance trust and to improve relationship satisfaction. Just relations between franchisor and franchisee should make it possible to maintain and enhance the franchisee's trust. The franchisor should provide a variety of information with respect to the franchisee's business success. Finally, in order to improve the franchisee's long-term commitment, the franchisor should ensure a just approach with trust and relationship satisfaction among their strategies.

Franchise, Trust, Justice, Long-Term Commitment, Relation Satisfaction



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The Journal of Distribution Science