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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

PB Product Attributes' Effects on Consumption Emotion, Brand Attitude, and Brand Loyalty in General Supermarkets

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2014, v.12 no.11, pp.67-76
Chun, Tae-Yoo
Choi, Sang-Beom
Park, No-Hyun


Purpose - PB (Private Brand) refers to the product for which the distribution company plans the production independently, consigns the production to the manufacturer, or attaches the self-developed trademark and sells it. To reinforce competitiveness in such a market environment, diverse products development, systematic management activities, and marketing efforts to analyze and understand the consumers' behavior regarding PB products are emphasized. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationships among PB product attributes, consumption emotion, brand attitude, and brand loyalty in general supermarkets. First, PB product attributes were defined using the five categories of perceived price, store image, familiarity, perceived service, and perceived quality, based on preceding studies. This study examined the influence of PB product attributes on consumption. Further, this study examined the relation among consumption emotion, brand attitude, and brand loyalty. This study provides more detailed and concentrated strategic implications. Research design, data, and methodology - In this study, the research model was designed to examine the relation among PB product attributes, consumption emotion, brand attitude, and brand loyalty. For the data collection method, the questionnaire survey comprised multiple items for each component and the direct interview method was employed. To collect data, the questionnaire survey was conducted for customers who personally visited the general supermarket after verifying the PB product purchase experience. The questionnaire survey was performed for one month, May 2014. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed and 240 questionnaires were used for the analysis, excluding the unanswered and insincere questionnaires. The data were analyzed using SPSS ver. 20.0. Results - First, PB product attributes had a significantly positive effect on consumption emotion. The PB product attributes perceived by the customer at the point of service contact are important to form the positive consumption emotion. Second, consumption emotion had a significantly positive effect on brand attitude. Third, the consumption emotion had a significantly positive effect on brand loyalty. Such consumption emotion is an important factor in causing the positive evaluation on the brand attitude perceived by the customer. Fourth, brand attitude had a significantly positive effect on brand loyalty. The consumption emotion was positively represented to invoke the relational continuance behavior. The relational continuance behavior accompanies the repetition of purchase, word of mouth, and recommendation activities, and influences trust regarding the brand, for which the customer maintains the transaction continuously. Conclusions - The PB product attributes perceived by the customer at the point of service contact are important factors to form the positive consumption emotion. Based on this result, the discount store service provider would prepare the measures that can make the customer recognize the positive value, and make more detailed efforts. Consumption emotion is an important factor to cause the positive evaluation on the brand attitude perceived by the customer. Based on this result, the general supermarket must make efforts to provide fun or convenience in the purchase process for consumers.

General Supermarket, PB Product Attributes, Consumption Emotion, Brand Attitude, Brand Loyalty



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The Journal of Distribution Science