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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Behavior-Structure-Evolution Evaluation Model(BSEM) for Open Source Software Service

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2015, v.13 no.1, pp.57-70
Lee, Seung-Chang
Park, Hoon-Sung
Suh, Eung-Kyo


Purpose - Open source software has high utilization in most of the server market. The utilization of open source software is a global trend. Particularly, Internet infrastructure and platform software open source software development has increased rapidly. Since 2003, the Korean government has published open source software promotion policies and a supply promotion policy. The dynamism of the open source software market, the lack of relevant expertise, and the market transformation due to reasons such as changes in the relevant technology occur slowly in relation to adoption. Therefore, this study proposes an assessment model of services provided in an open source software service company. In this study, the service level of open source software companies is classified into an enterprise-level assessment area, the service level assessment area, and service area. The assessment model is developed from an on-site driven evaluation index and proposed evaluation framework; the evaluation procedures and evaluation methods are used to achieve the research objective, involving an impartial evaluation model implemented after pilot testing and validation. Research Design, data, and methodology - This study adopted an iteration development model to accommodate various requirements, and presented and validated the assessment model to address the situation of the open source software service company. Phase 1 - Theoretical background and literature review Phase 2 - Research on an evaluation index based on the open source software service company Phase 3 - Index improvement through expert validation Phase 4 - Finalizing an evaluation model reflecting additional requirements Based on the open source software adoption case study and latest technology trends, we developed an open source software service concept definition and classification of public service activities for open source software service companies. We also presented open source software service company service level measures by developing a service level factor analysis assessment. The Behavior-Structure-Evolution Evaluation Model (BSEM) proposed in this study consisted of a rating methodology for calculating the level that can be granted through the assessment and evaluation of an enterprise-level data model. An open source software service company's service comprises the service area and service domain, while the technology acceptance model comprises the service area, technical domain, technical sub-domain, and open source software name. Finally, the evaluation index comprises the evaluation group, category, and items. Results - Utilization of an open source software service level evaluation model For the development of an open source software service level evaluation model, common service providers need to standardize the quality of the service, so that surveys and expert workshops performed in open source software service companies can establish the evaluation criteria according to their qualitative differences. Conclusion - Based on this evaluation model's systematic evaluation process and monitoring, an open source software service adoption company can acquire reliable information for open source software adoption. Inducing the growth of open source software service companies will facilitate the development of the open source software industry.

Open-Source Software(OSS), BSEM(Behavior-Structure-Evolution Evaluation Model), Evaluation Model, Open-Source Software Company, OSS Service Level



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The Journal of Distribution Science