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The Influence of Super-Centers' Social Responsibility Activities and Authenticity On Consumer Attitude and Purchase Intention

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2015, v.13 no.2, pp.35-44
Cho, Hee-Young
Ju, Yoon-Hwang
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Purpose - In this study, corporate social responsibility activities as perceived by customers visiting super-centers and the influence of the authenticity of such social responsibility activities on trust have been examined while attempting to verify how trust would influence consumers' attitude and purchase intention. Research design, data, and methodology - For data collection, a questionnaire survey has been conducted on 200 consumers who would visit super-centers, and 161 effective samples have been used for the final analysis. Methodologies such as Cronbach's α, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling were used. Results - Among corporate social responsibility activities, legal responsibility in particular has turned out to influence consumers rather greatly. Thus, law observance has turned out to be a necessity rather than merely an economic or ethical responsibility; as for trust, trust in the product has turned out to exert more influence on consumers than trust in the enterprise. Conclusions - Corporate social responsibility activities can mean that the complete fulfillment of natural and proper corporate responsibility will secure consumer trust, thus influencing consumer attitude and purchase intention positively.

CSR, CSR Authenticity, Trust, Consumer Attitude, Purchase Intentions



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The Journal of Distribution Science