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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

The Effect of Distribution Enterprise Leader's Coaching Behavior on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Turnover Intention: Mediating Role of Authentic Leadership and Moderating Role of Emotional Intelligence

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2016, v.14 no.1, pp.75-84
Seong, Nak-Chung
Moon, Jae-Seung
Park, Kye-Hong


Purpose - In accordance with the recent changes in the management environment, leaders are required to have an ability of drawing and inducing potential of each worker. Coaching, as one of the strategies of human resources development, is drawing people's attention. This study aims to inquire about the mechanism of leader's coaching behavior which influences the attitude and behavior of workers. Firstly, this study intends to illustrate what kind of influences the leader's coaching behavior can give on organizational citizenship behavior and turnover intention of workers. Secondly, it plans to verify the mediating effect of authentic leadership in the relationship between leader's coaching behavior and organizational citizenship behavior and turnover intention of workers. Thirdly, it aims to prove the moderating effect of emotional intelligence in the relationship among leader's coaching behavior, organizational citizenship behavior and turnover intention of workers. Research design, data and methodology - In order to figure out how the leader's coaching behavior influences attitude of workers, authentic leadership is considered as mediating effect. As for a moderating effect, we have determined emotional intelligence which attracts attention in the recent studies on organizational behavior, so as to investigate the correlation among variables. As for study sample, it was targeted to 236 organizational members of distribution corporations whose leader's coaching behavior is required. For reaching the purpose of study, SPSS 20 was applied for the analysis. Results - The research findings can be summarized as follows: Firstly, leader's coaching behavior gives significant positive influences on organizational citizenship behavior. Moreover, leader's coaching behavior gives negative influences on turnover intention of organizational members. Secondly, the mediating effect of authentic leadership was proved in the relationship between leader's coaching behavior and attitude of workers. Based on the analysis, it turned out that authentic leadership doesn't give a mediating effect in the bilateral relationship. Lastly, the moderating effect of emotional intelligence was proved in terms of how the leader's coaching behavior influences the attitude of workers. The research result shows that the emotional intelligence influences towards the negative direction, in the correlation between coaching behavior and organizational citizenship behavior On the other hand, in the relationship with turnover intention, It was significant effect. Conclusions - Based on the research findings, we have intended to inquired about the mechanism of leader's coaching behavior which influences the attitude and behavior of workers. Furthermore, in the operational level, the following implications can be given: the importance of coaching activation in the operational level was confirmed, through inquiring into the influence of leader's coaching behavior on workers. Moreover, the importance of emotional intelligence, which has been steadily raised, was also confirmed. It is necessary for future study to carry out additional research on various factors of coaching which can influence the effectiveness of coaching, for instance, coaching process, coach's competency, characteristics of coaching customers, relationship with coaching customers and coaching system.

Coaching Behavior, Authentic Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Turnover Intention



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The Journal of Distribution Science