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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Effect of Price Image on Post-purchase Satisfaction and Repatronage Intention: Mediating Role of Price Fairness

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2017, v.15 no.1, pp.71-81
Kim, Jae-Yeong
Im, Sang-Hyun


Purpose - Consumers heuristically have a specific stereotype on the price level of individual retail format because each format provides them with a different level of purchase satisfaction and emotional benefits. However, if price image which is consumers' overall impression of the aggregate price level of a retailer does not match with their expectations, its price level would be perceived as unfair. It will eventually lead to dissatisfaction and decreased revisit intention. Focused on department store and discount store, this study was designed to verify whether the price fairness plays a role of mediating effect on two influential relationships between price image and post-purchase satisfaction, and price image and repatronage intention. Research design, data, and methodology - A main survey was conducted to 140 students and 128 effective responses were used for the related analysis. T-test, factor analysis, reliability test, and mediated regression analysis were performed. Six hypotheses were developed to examine the mediating effect of price fairness on the two influential relationships between price image and post-purchase satisfaction, and price image and repatronage intention. It was also examined whether the price image of two different retail format is formed differently or not. Results - People perceived the price images of the two retail formats differently. Overall price level of department store is much higher than that of discount store. Analysis results showed that price image did not solely have a significant influence on post-purchase satisfaction unless price fairness as a mediating variable is added. Price fairness turned out to be having a significant influence on relationship between price image and repatronage intention. It influences on repatronage intention directly and also via price fairness. Conclusions - Post-purchase satisfaction can be achieved only if people perceive the price image as fair no matter how the price level is high or low according to traits of retail formats. If they think it's not fair, they would disapprove of the rightness for the price image, and also express their dissatisfaction with it. Consumers willingly make repeated visits to a store if they are convinced of appropriate price level which is perceived as fair, and if they experienced a satisfaction with overall benefits a particular store offered.

Retail Formats, Price Fairness, Price Image, Post-purchase Satisfaction, Repatronage Intention



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The Journal of Distribution Science