Purpose: This study specifically discusses why coffee shop customers want to revisit coffee shops. In addition, we would like to verify the mediated effect of the emotional reaction in relation to the influence of the experience values of the Chinese coffee shop on the re-visit of the coffee shop. Research design, data and methodology: Regression and reliability analyses were conducted. Simple regression was used for stock price verification, and the bootstrap method of model4 of Hayes was performed for the intermediate hypothesis verification. Results: This study confirmed that the experience values of coffee shops (entertainment, aesthetic, economic efficiency, and service excellence) have a significant influence on customers' intention to revisit coffee shops. Conclusions: Managers can check that the level of revisit by customers is increased by increasing the elements of experience value. In addition, studies have shown that the customer's emotional reactions play a significant mediating role in the relationship between the value of the experience and the customer's intention to revisit the coffee shop. This suggests that the coffee shop operator should focus on the emotional response of its customers and devise strategies to ensure that the value of the experience is connected to the intent of revisiting.
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