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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

The Coverage Area for Extended Delivery Service in Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC): A Case of Thailand Post Co., Ltd

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2020, v.18 no.4, pp.39-50
AMCHANG, Chompoonut


Purpose: This paper aimed to study the current locations of post offices to analyze service coverage area for parcel delivery in the Eastern Economics Corridor (EEC), which must be considered in the last mile to extend delivery service for e-commerce growth. Thailand Post was the case study in this paper. Research design, data and methodology: To involve solving the delivery service area under the last mile condition, the authors proposed a network analysis to determine service radius by employing a Geographic Information System (GIS). Furthermore, this paper applied Dijkstra's algorithm as a network analysis tool from GIS for analyzing the last mile service coverage area in a new economics zone. At the same time, the authors suggested an approach as a solution to locate last mile delivery center in EEC. Results: The results of the study pointed out that Thailand Post should consider more last mile delivery centers in EEC to support its express service in urban areas as well as improve the efficiency of service coverage for parcel delivery and create more advantages against competitors. Conclusions: This paper proposes a network analysis to extend the last mile service for parcel delivery by following Dijkstra's algorithm from GIS and a solution approach to add more last mile delivery centers. The results of the research will contribute to boosting customer satisfaction for last mile delivery service and enabling easy accessibility to a service center in EEC.

Geographic Information Systems, Service Area Analysis, Last Mile Delivery, Eastern Economic Corridor, Parcel Delivery Service



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The Journal of Distribution Science