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The Effects of Experience and Brand Relationship to Brand Satisfaction, Trust and Loyalty Shopping Distribution of Consumer Philips Lighting Product in Indonesia

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2021, v.19 no.1, pp.115-124
BUDI, Sylvia Christianti
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Purpose: This study examines the effects of several brand variables on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Research design, data, and methodology: The survey was conducted on a community with 302 city residents in Greater Jakarta as consumers of lighting products. The constructs were arranged based on several independent variables such as brand experience, brand relationships, and brand trust on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Customer satisfaction was positioned as an intervening variable to examine the effects on brand loyalty. Results: The consumer's experience determines the attitude and satisfaction at the next action. Brand experience significantly influences customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Meanwhile, a brand association related to the benefits of the product concerned so that the relationship also affects customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. However, the brand relationship does not affect brand trust. Consumers do not readily believe without experience. Conclusion: The consumer's experience significantly influences satisfaction and brand loyalty, both direct and indirect. Brand relationships affected customer satisfaction and had a direct effect on brand loyalty. Likewise, brand trust has a direct effect on brand loyalty. The findings' implications emphasize the importance of brand owners to provide positive, memorable experiences to the consumers.

Brand Experience, Brand Relationship, Brand Trust, Customer Satisfaction, Brand Loyalty



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The Journal of Distribution Science