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The Changes of Consumption Behavior in Bengkulu, Indonesia: Case of Purchasing Corona Prevention Products Through Indirect Ditribution Channel

The Changes of Consumption Behavior in Bengkulu, Indonesia: Case of Purchasing Corona Prevention Products Through Indirect Ditribution Channel

The Journal of Distribution Science(JDS) / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2021, v.19 no.11, pp.27-36
Hayu, Rina Suthia (Department of Economy and Business, University of Bengkulu)
Sulistiyawan, Edy (Department of Economy and Business, PGRI Adi Buana)
Salim, Muhartini (Department of Economy and Business, University of Bengkulu)
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Purpose: COVID-19, government regulation and social media have changed many aspects of life including consumption behavior. The influence of social media by spreading massive news about COVID-19 also have the impact toward emotions threat, perceived risk, and perceived value of consumption behavior in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia. This research aims to analyze the extent to which changes in the consumption behavior, mainly for purchasing of corona prevention products through indirect distribution channels. Research design, data and methodology: This research was descriptive quantitative using the IPA method with sample of people in Bengkulu Province. This study obtained 208 respondent data from questionnaires and tested the validity and reliability with corrected-item total correlation method. Results: The study found that COVID-19 pandemic and government regulation variable were in quadrant II, in quadrant III there were social media variable, emotions threat and perceived risk. Meanwhile, in quadrant IV there were perceived value variable. Conclusions: The findings indicated that COVID-19 and government regulation are the most variable that influence people to buy corona prevention product, meanwhile perceived value is the less influence variable. Therefore, government and marketers have to prepare strategic plan in order to raise people awareness to avoid corona by buying corona prevention product.

Government Regulation, COVID-19, Social Media, Emotions Threat, Perceived Risk, Perceived Value, Indirect Distribution Channel



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The Journal of Distribution Science(JDS)