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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Perceived Distribution Quality Awareness, Organizational Culture, TQM on Quality Output

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2021, v.19 no.12, pp.1-14
ISNAINI, Dewi Budhiartini Juli
MANSUR, Daduk Merdika
ILYAS, Gunawan Bata
TAUFAN, Muhammad Ybnu


Purpose: For the last few decades, TQM has become a hot topic in the inner-disciplinary field in the production management line. Still, unfortunately, the study of TQM and Quality Output management is partially only attached to the tangible side in the production management line. Whereas theoretically, the implications of TQM require incremental improvement in all management lines (e.g., HRM, Marketing, Operations, and Distribution Management). Therefore, starting from the main problem, this study aims to analyze the effect of total quality management, Organizational Culture, Perceived Distribution of Quality Awareness, and quality output through a more in-depth analysis. Research design, data and methodology: We conducted a survey of 170 respondents from managers, staff, and employees from 48 companies in Indonesia. We used a quantitative approach with the SEM method to answer this study's problem formulation and hypotheses. Results: The results of our research stated that based on the demonstration of statistical test results, all hypotheses were positive and significant, both direct and indirect relationship demonstrations. Conclusions: Universally, the findings in this study illustrate that the supporting factor for creating value-added in TQM and Quality output lies in the optimal and positive organizational culture and Perceived Distribution Quality Awareness factors in the organization.

Perceived Distribution Quality Awareness, Organizational Culture, Total Quality Management, Quality Output



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The Journal of Distribution Science