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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Website Quality, E-satisfaction, and E-loyalty of Users Based on The Virtual Distribution Channel

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2021, v.19 no.7, pp.113-121
Mahrinasari, MS.


Purpose: Technology induces the virtual distribution channel to exist, especially for booking a room online. This situation, indeed, provides an alternative for the customers to book based on their budget through digital platforms. One platform offering competitive prices is virtual hotel operators, such as Airbnb, OYO, RedDoorz, and Airy Rooms. Preferably, after using their platform, the user should be satisfied and loyal. Hence, this investigation aims to prove some associations. The first is between e-satisfaction and e-loyalty. The second is between website quality and e-satisfaction. The final is between website quality and e-loyalty. Research design, data, and methodology: This study is quantitatively designed with the sample of 350 users of the virtual hotel operator applications in Bandar Lampung: Airbnb, OYO, RedDoorz, and Airy, as the samples. Therefore, by denoting this sample size, the structural equation model based on covariance is utilized to examine the three hypotheses proposed. Also, to get the responses, this study uses a survey through a questionnaire. Result: This investigation demonstrates the positive relationship between e-satisfaction and e-loyalty. Additionally, website quality positively associates with e-satisfaction and e-loyalty. Conclusion: The virtual hotel operators must have the superiority on their website-based application to update the information based on the room availability and price, ensure online transaction safety, and facilitate its utilization to maintain long-term satisfaction and loyalty virtually.

E-loyalty, E-satisfaction, Virtual Distribution Channel, Website Superiority



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The Journal of Distribution Science